Chapter 601 The Best Way
Civil and military officials all focused their attention on Li Chengqian, they all wanted to know what Li Chengqian would do next.

You know, everyone has been discussing for a long time, but no good plan has come up. Everyone wants to hear what Li Chengqian is going to do.

At the same time, some people expressed disdain for Li Chengqian's behavior. They believed that the locust plague was invincible.This is a natural disaster, a punishment from God!
Therefore, they thought in their hearts that all Li Chengqian's plans would be ridiculous.

Li Shimin said: "Gao Ming, this locust plague has caused many dynasties to lose ten times since ancient times. If there is a way to make the loss smaller, it is possible."

To put it bluntly, Li Shimin still didn't believe that Li Chengqian could solve it.The ancients couldn't help it, the losses were heavy, and it was also a problem that hadn't been solved for a thousand years. Why can Li Chengqian do it?
Li Chengqian himself can't solve it 100%, but when it comes to reducing losses, it is definitely possible.Even reducing the loss by one percent is all right.It's all a kind of progress!
Now that Li Shimin has said that, Liu Hongji will not say anything else. If Li Shimin doesn't speak, he may have to go up and question him. Li Chengqian also likes such an existence very much.

That kind of contrast can allow Li Chengqian to get more points.He looked at it for a while, but did not continue, so he said:
"Your Majesty, there is indeed a way to minimize this loss, but before that, His Majesty needs to do one thing."

In the whole world, I am afraid that only Li Chengqian dares to let Li Shimin do things.

It doesn't matter to Li Shimin, as long as he can solve the problem, so what if he does ten?
He is still a Mingjun, although sometimes he is very tricky, but in general, he is not bad.

"What's the matter? Let me listen."

"Open the warehouse and release the grain!"

Li Chengqian only said four words.

Because this involves the imperial court's grain storage, Li Shimin had to nod.

"Oh? Why?"

"Starting from Tongzhou, all the prefectures and counties affected by the locust plague must be given stability! Let them see the determination of our court, the so-called people's experience, and it will be better in the future."

For some time to come, the hearts of the people in the Tongzhou area must be very unstable. Only by doing this can people have confidence before implementing the next thing.

"Gao Ming, I have thought of this together, and I am planning to do this!"

It doesn't matter what Li Shimin said is true or not, as long as he agrees.

"So what's next?"

Li Shimin asked again.

"Next, we have to welcome the arrival of locusts, but before that, we need to make some preparations."

Ready again?

"What are you preparing for?"

"First, let the craftsmen rush to make a finger-sized net overnight. The bigger the better, and offer a reward for the best way to catch locusts. You must also inform people that they must go out of the city after three days and bring everything that can catch locusts. Tool."

Ancient fishing nets were made of coarse cloth and hemp as raw materials by binding and rolling.It's rough, but durable enough.

When Li Chengqian's words came out, someone laughed out loud.

Li Chengqian took a look, and it turned out to be Liu Hongji.

He said: "How can the locusts be caught? Tens of thousands, no! How can they be caught like river sand? Your Royal Highness, it's not that I don't want to believe it, but that this method is too ridiculous!"

In Liu Hongji's perception, this is impossible.

Li Chengqian asked back:
"Hearing what Duke Kui said, then you must have a better way? Come on, come on, I want to listen to what you do so that it is not ridiculous."

"This... I think..."

Liu Hongji was at a loss for words. If he had a way, he would have already asked for credit. Why should he wait?

Li Chengqian retorted:

"Don't you think it, but this king thinks it! This king thinks that you can use your own experience to determine that you can't catch them all, but don't forget, how many people are there in the entire Chang'an city? As long as everyone goes out of the city to catch locusts, how can I ask?" How many locusts are there enough to catch?"

"But in the face of a large number of locusts, the number of people is still not enough."

"It doesn't need to be too much. One person is a hundred catties. There are millions of people in Chang'an City. If everyone goes to catch locusts, how many people will there be?"

Such a simple arithmetic, the result obtained is terrible, just listening to this makes me feel amazing.

"That being said, are people willing?"

"Would you like it? Duke Kui, your question is too ridiculous. Dare to ask, if you don't catch it, how can people live on it? The crops that have just been planted will be eaten up by locusts before they grow. What to do? People are going hungry again! People have to go, just give them a little guidance, that's all!"

Li Chengqian's words are not wrong, if people don't work hard, the future will be very sad.

Even if it is a financial aid from the imperial court, it is impossible for the imperial court to be responsible for you for a lifetime if it is only a temporary aid!
"And, doing so can reduce the losses caused by the locust plague to a certain extent. Even if it is a little loss, we have to take good care of it. Do you think so?"

Li Chengqian's words made everyone fall into deep thought. Instead of sitting and waiting for the locust plague to appear, they might as well take the initiative to attack and keep the locusts behind.This is his way, the best way so far!

There were no pesticides in ancient times, otherwise you can use them. Although Li Chengqian has a way to get them, he is not a philanthropist. Pesticides alone require a huge amount. What if it is in the future?One more time, so what to do?
Then Fang Xuanling stood up first and said: "I will support His Royal Highness' method!"

"No, I also think it's feasible, Lao Cheng. I won't be stingy with those who need my army to go out!"

"The army, that must be used, because once the army comes out, people will definitely see the determination of my court. People are not fighting alone, there is us!"

Li Chengqian spoke impassionedly, which directly infected many people.Let them feel that the difficulties are only temporary and can be overcome.

Li Jing came out and said, "In this way, people will be mobilized to catch locusts together!"

Gao Shilian also said: "Yes! The so-called united will is a fortress, what else can we Tang Dynasty people not accomplish?"

Just the method of catching locusts made everyone excited. Of course, Li Chengqian not only possessed this method, but he still had some other tricks to come.

"Everyone, be quiet and listen to what I have to say!"

Everyone fell silent, Li Shimin also looked at Li Chengqian, thinking for a while, he was probably thinking about the feasibility of these methods.

However, if you don't go to arrest them, what else can you do?
Nothing to do!

Li Chengqian's method is probably the best method, bar none!

(End of this chapter)

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