Chapter 617

Li Shimin also wondered, at this time there is another report, what is it?

But Li Chengqian knew it was not easy, so he asked a question directly.

"What's the matter?"

Xiao Huangmen said: "The envoy sent by Tubo Zanpu is waiting outside the palace!"

Zanpu, this character is often used in the names of Tubo kings to show their admiration. "New Book of Tang Tubo Biography" says: "The common saying is that Xiongqiang is called Zanpu, and her husband is called Pu, so the name Junchang is called Zanpu." It is quite meaningful. The word "Zanpu" is mainly taken from its religious meaning.Emphasizing that his power comes from heaven, that is, the so-called "divine authority of the king", emphasizing that Zanpu's blood belongs to the gods, and the king's power comes from the gods.

Zanpu's status is similar to that of Khan, Shanyu, and emperor, which is a very high status.

Li Chengqian just talked about Tubo earlier, and later Tubo really came to envoy, which made people feel a little in awe of Li Chengqian. They thought that Li Chengqian would definitely calculate and be able to calculate all this.

Sure enough, the Tubo crop was directly counted out.

How did they know that Li Chengqian was really a blind cat meeting a dead mouse, and everything was completely nonsense, in order to convince Brutt that he did this.

But I didn't hear it, and it really happened.

Really unexpected.

Now that the envoys from Tubo are here, it will be more interesting.

Everyone felt respect for Li Chengqian's clever calculation.

When Li Chengqian heard the news, he said to Brutt: "The Tubo people are really impatient. The envoy who just came a while ago is here again today."

This was said on purpose, the speaker had no intention of doing so, but Brut heard it intentionally.

This clearly shows that Tubo is really competing with Turks and wants to sell wool to Datang.

"Go and tell the envoy of Tubo to wait a moment, saying that we have distinguished guests! Let's talk about it later!"

Then Li Chengqian said again, and then focused his gaze on Brutt.

At the same time, the ministers kept nodding their heads, expressing their agreement with Li Chengqian's handling.

With competition, the Turkic people will probably be very nervous. The so-called dog jumping over the wall, Brute is already very anxious now.

The happiest person is probably Li Shimin, he almost laughed out loud, as it is now, he can seek more benefits for Datang.

Now that he has Tubo as a bargaining chip, Brutt will definitely tell Xie Li when he goes back.

Then the result is already very obvious.

Now it's really interesting.

Xiao Huangmen understood and immediately went out to teleport.

Li Chengqian just smiled, looking like an old god, but now he is more like an expert existence.

The expressions of the ministers were also elevated. Regarding the Turkic people, everyone was full of anger, and now they can finally blackmail them severely, so how can they not be elated?
But Brutt said directly: "We Turks are willing to lower our war horses by [-]% and share them with you, Datang! We want to have the same interests!"

"It's late, now Tubo is also here, so I want [-]%!"

But Li Chengqian said so, which made Brut a little embarrassed.

"His Royal Highness, didn't you say [-]% just now?"

"It's late, why? Because the Tubo people seem to have brought more tempting news to Datang, so we are going to raise the price. If you make a deal now, the king can refuse the Tubo people's request!"

Li Chengqian handled this matter as a businessman.Whoever gives more benefits, then do business with whoever.

There were no competitors before, but now there are.

"How could this be?!"

"Why not? If you have any doubts and you can't be the master, you can go back and talk to Xieli, but I want to tell you that you have come and gone. We may have reached an agreement with the Tibetans. At that time, you may have to I regret it!"

Li Chengqian's words made Brutt's heart bleed. If he had agreed just now, there might not be so many things. Now he has made himself very passive, but what can he do?He found this by himself. When Datang let go, he didn't cherish it. Now it's too late.

The ministers also felt that all this was too fierce, and would it frighten the Turkic people?They don't do business with Datang, but Li Shimin has already given Li Chengqian the right to negotiate. Even if they feel fierce, they dare not come out and say anything, after all, Li Chengqian makes the final decision.

Besides, Datang doesn't bother to do business with Turkic people. It's best if there is one, but if not, it's fine. Anyway, there are still a lot of cotton to be planted, so it won't be a problem to wear warm clothes in the future.

"Come on! See off!"

Seeing that Brutt didn't reply, Li Chengqian said so directly.

Xiao Huangmen stepped forward and made a gesture of invitation.

"Please, Brut!"

"and many more!"

"What? Brut, do you have anything else to say?"

Li Chengqian smiled coldly.

"I...promise you!"

"Okay, let's decide with [-]%!"

"Your Highness, you can't do this!"

"Oh? Why can't it work? Do you want to give up [-]% of the profit?"

Brut knew that there was nothing he could do now, and Li Chengqian would keep adding more.

"[-]% is [-]%! We promise you!"

Brut gritted his teeth and cried.

Li Chengqian was going to shout again, but if he shouted again, he might scare Brut away, so he stopped at [-]%. Judging from their trade volume, the number of horses in the coming year might increase.

"Hahaha, those who know the current affairs are brilliant. After you go back, Brutt, your Khan will definitely appreciate you!"

Li Chengqian's approach not only benefited the Tang Dynasty, but even provoked conflicts between Tubo and the Turks, which meant that the Tubo people would join the ranks of competing with the Turks.

If this continues, the profits of the Turks will be compressed.

No one knows what Li Chengqian will say when he sees the Tubo envoy, and maybe he will make trouble for it.

"Someone wants to ask, how big is His Royal Highness going to expand?"

Li Chengqian stretched out two fingers.

"Twenty percent?"

"No! Twice!"

The interests belong to both parties, especially to the Tang Dynasty. The Tang Dynasty has a large population, and the court will not lose money if it sells as much wool as it receives.

Brut was overjoyed that the trip was not in vain.So he said:
"If there is nothing else, someone should leave first!"

Brut couldn't sit still anymore. If he didn't go back to report, the news might not be conveyed to Jieli Khan, and he couldn't help himself in making the decision.

"Remember, keep Wang Junkuo's head!"

"That's natural! Your Majesty, someone is leaving!"


Li Shimin waved his hand.

Brutt then left the Tai Chi Palace and headed outside.

But all the ministers looked at Li Chengqian and gasped. If it were them, they would probably not dare to treat the Turkic envoys like this, let alone trick them, but Li Chengqian did it.

(End of this chapter)

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