God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 631 This Chip Is A Little Big

Chapter 631 This Chip Is A Little Big


Songtsan Gampo was puzzled.

Fang Xuanling explained: "My crown prince is the head of the six departments, and Shang Shuling is also! In charge of everything in the Tang Dynasty!"

After he said this, he felt that Li Chengqian was so awesome.In charge of everything in the Tang Dynasty!It's not something a prince can do. Even Songtsan Gampo can't be in charge of everything. At most, he can represent Puzan as an envoy to Datang. Other things are really not as good as Li Chengqian.

"I see!"

"So Tang Wang, I just need to discuss with the prince?"

Compared with Li Shimin's aloofness, Li Chengqian seemed more approachable, but they didn't know that Li Chengqian was the most difficult existence, as long as he stepped forward, it would not be so easy to get away with it.

So when Songtsan Gampo was secretly pleased, everyone looked at them almost sympathetically.

"That's it. You just need to discuss with this king, and this king's meaning represents everything His Majesty wants to express."

Li Chengqian's words are full of compulsion. In this world, except for him, there is probably no one who can represent Li Shimin.

Li Chengqian can say some things that Li Shimin can't say, and if it doesn't work, just correct it, but Li Shimin doesn't seem to have corrected Li Chengqian.

"It's so good!"

Songtsen Gampo said.

"Let's start then? Tell me about your demands."

Li Chengqian said so.

"Okay, let's start with this king!"

Songtsan Gampo cleared his throat and began to speak.

"First of all, this prince accepted Puzan's wishes and came to discuss with Datang about trade. I hope that you, Datang, can expand the trade so as to achieve mutual prosperity!"

"Please tell me, why do we want to expand trade? Where is your confidence?"

Li Chengqian said directly.

"We know that the Tang Dynasty has a vast land and abundant resources, and there are many people. There must be a very urgent need for wool. Therefore, expanding trade will help the people of the Tang Dynasty to be able to dress warmly, and the people's hearts will be stable!"

At this time Lu Dongzan also came out and said.

"But we just reached a trade agreement with the Turkic people, and the king also promised them to double the trade, and they also proposed a bargaining chip that made our heart beat! What do you have?"

As soon as Li Chengqian's words came out, Songtsan Gampo and others were surprised. It turned out that the Turkic people had really been here before.

Songtsen Gampo asked: "What bargaining chips have they given you? We can do the same!"

"There is no comment on this point!"

Li Chengqian will not speak, and it is impossible to speak.Because in this way, you can also attack your heart.

"So how do we go about this?"

Songtsen Gampo said that this cannot be discussed further.It seemed that Li Chengqian didn't cooperate, and there was nothing they could do!

Li Chengqian didn't think so, he said:

"The king said simply, what bargaining chips do you have? Not what bargaining chips we want, understand?"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone nodded in agreement.

Li Shimin was also nodding.

right!It just depends on what bargaining chips you have prepared and whether we can be tempted, and then we will talk about the next move.Otherwise, it would be useless, Li Chengqian meant it clearly.

What can you give me, instead of saying what others give, you only give what, in this way there is no meaning.

Li Chengqian had reason to believe that after hanging out with the Tubo people for so long this time, it would only be easier to talk about in the future.

Moreover, he also wants to take the opportunity to cheat them well.

Songtsan Gampo and Lu Dongzan exchanged glances.

Delu Dongzan nodded towards Songtsen Gampo.

Seems to say they have chips.

"If there is no bargaining chip, there is no need for us to continue talking! If you still want to play in Datang, I am very welcome in Datang. Please!"

Regarding this situation, Li Chengqian was surprisingly tough, and did not give Songtsan Gambo any chance.

As soon as these words came out, they were very anxious.

This is asking them to leave.

Suddenly, Songtsan Gampo called out a name.

"Grandson Wuji!"

when you hear the name

public uproar
Some people's eyes completely froze.

No one dared to mention this name for a long time.

He, Songtsan Gampo, mentioned it at this time.

By the way, it was the Tubo people that Changsun Wuji colluded with some time ago.

So what did Songtsan Gampo want to do when he said his name?

"What happened to Changsun Wuji?"

Especially Li Shimin, after hearing this, he was even more shocked.

What did Songtsan Gampo want to do next?
Only they themselves know.

Li Chengqian thought: Songtsan Gampo must use Changsun Wuji as a bargaining chip. If that is the case, Li Shimin might make an exception and agree to them, no!Don't let them feel the importance of Changsun Wuji.

"Changsun Wuji has no effect on the Tubo Dynasty at this time! Therefore, I, Tubo, are willing to use it as a stepping stone for both of you and us. I wonder if he can be used as a bargaining chip?"

At this time, Songtsan Gampo was more like a seasoned general, every step he took was very seasoned.

As soon as his words fell, the ministers began to discuss.

"The Tubo people actually used Changsun Wuji as a bargaining chip. All this seems to be possible."

"Then there is a possibility of negotiation."

"Your Majesty will definitely agree to their request. After all, Changsun Wuji's rebellion has caused great harm to His Majesty!"

"So, are we turning our backs on the Turks and turning to Tubo?"

Li Chengqian laughed outright when he heard this.

Only a fool makes a choice, whether it is Tubo or Turkic, he will eat it.

In terms of such a big market as Datang, their joining will only add bricks and tiles to Datang and make Datang stronger.

Songtsan Gampo was very satisfied with everyone's reactions, which showed that this bargaining chip was absolutely sufficient.

Li Chengqian observed everyone, when he saw Li Shimin was about to speak.

He immediately said: "Your Majesty, leave this to my son!"

Only then did Li Shimin stop talking.

There is nothing wrong with leaving it to Li Chengqian to handle it.

Then, Li Shimin said: "Gao Ming, let you talk about everything!"

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

From Li Chengqian's point of view, Changsun Wuji's bargaining chip can only be considered medium, not large.

After all, the Tubo people came here with sincerity this time, and of course there must be some changes, otherwise they will definitely not be able to explain when they go back.

"How is it? Prince, what do you think of my chips?"

Songtsen Gampo said quite proudly,
"This chip is considered medium!"

What!Medium, according to Songtsen Gampo, is at least the largest, so why is it medium?
This is impossible, this cannot!
"why why?"

Songtsen Gampo, Lu Dongzan and others wondered.

Li Shimin and all the ministers were overjoyed, and the two sides formed a strong contrast.

(End of this chapter)

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