Chapter 637

Chang He showed great enthusiasm on the surface, but in fact he must be uneasy in his heart.

After all, His Royal Highness knew about Ma Zhou, so he felt that the matter was not simple.

Ma Zhou has been in his house for several months, and he knows that the only people who are in his house are his followers.

At the same time, Ma Zhou's unruliness made him always at odds with everyone.

Therefore, this time Li Chengqian was able to know the existence of Ma Zhou, which surprised him very much.

How did the news spread?He couldn't even think of it.

If Ma Zhou made some troubles for him, then he might not be able to eat and walk away.

"How long will it be?"

After walking for about ten minutes, Li Chengqian asked.

Obviously a little anxious.

"Hurry up, His Royal Highness, it's not far ahead!"

Chang He said so.

The place where this guy lives is still very far away, there is no way, whoever made him want to take Ma Zhou for his own use, it doesn't matter if he is far away.

So a group of people walked for a while.

This just arrived at a place surrounded by walls, but heard voices inside.

It seems that someone is discussing something.

Li Chengqian stopped in his tracks and stopped moving forward.

But someone said loudly: "Do you know what is the nature of the country's long-term peace and stability without turmoil? How can this result be achieved?"

The man's voice was very loud, which directly attracted Li Chengqian's attention.

But it took a long time to ask his question, and still no one answered.

Li Chengqian asked:

"Chang He, what is inside the wall in this courtyard is your home?"

Chang He nodded in affirmation.

The voice inside rang again.

"Ma Zhou, don't you have research on history? Tell me, what is the essence? How can this be done."

Obviously, inside is Chang He's disciples discussing state affairs.

And also clicked on Ma Zhou and asked him to reply.

Judging from the tone of these people, it seems that they don't like Ma Zhou very much.

"I'm afraid Ma Zhou won't be able to reply. He is rebellious every day. He only knows how to bury his head in reading every day. How can he know what is going on in the country?"

"Ask him, it's tantamount to asking in vain! It's better not to ask!"

"How can such a major national event rely on the opinion of a country scholar?"

Obviously looking down on people, this discussion is also divided into backgrounds.

To put it bluntly, it seemed to these people that Ma Zhou was very tired of him and looked down on him, and there was a bit of bitterness in their tone.


Chang He was about to say something, but was stopped by Li Chengqian.

"Don't say it, I want to hear how he responds!"

His voice was very soft, for fear of affecting the discussion of the people inside.

But at this time, a heavy voice sounded.

There was a hint of arrogance in his tone.

“A certain person read a lot of history books and found that from Xia, Shang, Zhou to Han Dynasty, dynasties were constantly handed over and replaced. The longest dynasties can last for more than 800 years, and the short ones can last for 500 years. These dynasties have accumulated good deeds and won the hearts of the people.

Among them, there are also faint kings, who only survived by relying on the teachings of former philosophers.However, from the Wei and Jin Dynasties to the Zhou and Sui dynasties, the dynasties lasted no more than five or sixty years, and the shortest dynasties disappeared after only two or thirty years.This is all because the entrepreneurial monarch did not extend his kindness, but only protected himself, and had no favors for the common people.Therefore, as long as there is a slight deviation in the politics and religion of the heir to the throne, and someone takes the opportunity to rebel, the world will immediately fall apart.

Now, although the world is at peace, and His Majesty has also made miraculous achievements to pacify the world, there is still very little kindness to the people.If we learn and praise the ways of Dayu, Shang Tang, Wen Wang, and Wu Wang, and spread moral education widely, we can leave room for the future and create a solid foundation for future emperors.

Since ancient times, although the emperors have formulated specific policies that may be lenient or strict according to the situation at that time, thrift and grace have been the foundation of politics in all dynasties.Only in this way will the people love the king as they love their own parents, admire the king as they admire the sun and the moon, respect the king as they respect gods, and fear the king as they fear thunder.

Only in this way can we achieve long-term peace and stability in the country without turmoil. "

Ma Zhou spoke at length, making everyone feel dazed.This view is refreshing.

But there was someone who made trouble, and shouted directly: "Well, Ma Zhou, isn't your majesty doing enough? How dare you say that your majesty has little kindness to the people! When General Chang returns, you will know that it is miserable!"

It turned out that these people wanted to dig a hole for Ma Zhou to jump into, and the upright Ma Zhou really jumped into it.

"No, you dare to say that His Majesty has not done enough, that is a crime of deceiving the emperor, and the consequences will be disastrous."

"Damn it, you did it on purpose!"

Ma Zhou shouted.

Even so, what else could he do?
The atmosphere inside became tense.

"On purpose? Yes, yes! Hahaha"


There was a slap, a slap in the face.

"You dare to hit me! Let's show him how powerful he is!"

Something happened in there, crackling, they must have started fighting.

These scholar disciples really have nothing to do.Li Chengqian was speechless.

Chang He, who was outside, touched his neck. This matter can't be handled well, but his head will be lost.

What can I do?
"His Royal Highness, they are just talking for fun, they don't mean to criticize at all, don't take it to heart!"

Chang Hesheng was afraid that he would be implicated, so he finally became a fourth-rank military general. If he accidentally fell, it would be really depressing.

"Take me to meet them!"

Li Chengqian just said that Chang He was frightened.

"His Royal Highness, they really didn't mean it!"

Chang He was taken aback.

"Is the king saying that he wants to punish them? Huh?"

Li Chengqian asked back.

It made Chang He not know what to do.No punishment?What to do then?
"Hurry up and lead the way! I want to see what Ma Zhou looks like."

Seeing that he lost his mind, Li Chengqian shouted.

"Yes yes yes! This way please!"

Chang He had no choice but to walk ahead and lead Li Chengqian to the gate.

"The general is back!"

someone called.

"Come on! Open the door!"

The door opened.

As soon as they entered the gate, they went straight to the backyard.

When they arrived at the backyard, they saw eight people who looked like scholars wrestling together.

One of them was crushed and beaten by seven people, looking very embarrassed.Those who have seen generals fight, but have never seen scholars fight. They are weak, but they probably use their fingernails the most. Does it hurt?Catch you!
"What are you doing!"

Often when he comes, he is not angry.

These disciples are really difficult to discipline.Chang He looked embarrassed, he had no face to face Li Chengqian.

When they heard Chang He's voice, they all stopped.

Looking at Li Chengqian and Xue Rengui who came, they looked very strange.

But the clothes they wear are different from others.

Everyone must be guessing, who is the stranger in front of him?

(End of this chapter)

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