God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 642 Sudden Changes

Chapter 642 Sudden Changes
"Your Majesty has something to do!"

Li Chengqian said as soon as he entered the palace.

"Gao Ming, why are you back?"

When Li Shimin saw Li Chengqian coming back, he had some doubts on his face, and he came back after not leaving for a long time.

Liu Hongji also came back with Li Chengqian.

"Could it be that what I said just now was not clear enough? You turned back again, why?"

Seeing the two together, Li Shimin's face was displeased
Li Chengqian ignored him and said directly: "Your Majesty, my son just received a letter from the frontier, a letter from Su Lie!"

As soon as Li Chengqian's words came out, Li Shimin immediately became alert.

Put down the pen, a little excited.

"What did the letter say?"

"The letter said that Changsun Wuji ran away!"

Li Chengqian said these nine words, but it made Li Shimin's face uncertain.

Why did you run away?
"Changsun Wuji, this..."

It has to be said that Changsun Wuji is very powerful.ran again!What the hell is going on with him.

"Tell me what's going on."

Li Shimin asked.

"It's like this. Songtsan Gampo of Tubo kept his promise and ordered Changsun Wuji to be sent outside our barracks. Unfortunately, there was a strong wind. When the wind passed, Changsun Wuji was lost. .”

Just the strong wind might not let him run away, he must have planned it beforehand!Either bribe the soldiers, or leave in some way.But how he ran is not important anymore, what is important is what to do next.


In this way, it is considered that the eldest grandson Wuji is blessed with a great life. In this way, he will not die.

Because he was not sent to Chang'an, it is possible to save his life.

"Then what are the Tibetans going to do?"

"Naturally, we will go after him. However, there is no news yet. Su Lie also said in the letter that he will contact Chang'an at any time."

At this time, relying on flying pigeons, generally speaking, well-trained pigeons can fly more than 100 kilometers in one hour.

Letters from Tubo can arrive in a day, and this is probably the fastest way to convey information.

"Spread the news quickly, go after Changsun Wuji with all your strength! I want to live! He can't die! I want to ask him why! Why did he betray me!"

There was some helplessness in Li Shimin's words, Ren he never imagined that Changsun Wuji would betray him.

"Yes! My son will deal with it now!"

"How about the ten thousand horses?"

Liu Hongji couldn't help asking one more question.

"What? Does Duke Kui want to escort those horses?"

"I'm just curious, I just want to know."

"Yes, Gao Ming, what about the ten thousand horses?"

It provoked Li Shimin to ask curiously.

"They made it to the border safe and sound, ready to be shipped back."

"Then let's talk about all this after Changsun Wuji catches him!"


After that, Li Chengqian left the Taiji Palace to convey the order.

For several days in a row, news continued to come back.

There is no news about Changsun Wuji.This item is really hidden and hard to find.

Even Tang Jun's joining failed to find out his whereabouts.

I have to say that Changsun Wuji's life is really hard.

But those [-] horses couldn't be left alone for too long, so Li Shimin asked Su Lie to bring the horses back to Chang'an.

The news that Changsun Wuji was not dead also reached Queen Changsun.

She didn't know whether it was joy or sorrow, and she was very conflicted inside.

As time passed, her due date was approaching, and her mood became unstable.

On this day, she summoned Li Chengqian into the palace.

As soon as he saw Li Chengqian, he patted his head kindly.

And Li Chengqian looked at Empress Changsun, and her stomach became very big at this time.

"Gao Ming, I haven't seen you for a long time. You seem to have grown a lot taller."

"Yes, the queen mother and child minister are a little taller than last month."

Looking at this growing son, Empress Changsun felt indescribably proud.

Then he said: "I heard that your uncle escaped?"

"Yes, His Majesty is now trying his best to track him down. If he catches up, he won't be able to die for the time being."

At this time, it is impossible for Changsun Wuji to stand up again.

If caught, I am afraid that he will face trial until he dies.

Either way, he will die in the end.

"He has done a lot of evil, and God probably can't stand it. If he is caught, my mother wants to see him."

People's hearts are fleshy, especially the Empress Changsun. Even if she supports the punishment of Changsun Wuji, he is his elder brother after all.So when he heard that he was not dead, there was still a slight smile on his face.

"Mother, don't worry, if he is caught, he will be sent to you. But if...he is unfortunately given by the Tibetans... then it can only be said that his life is not good."

After all, he can't help himself outside, and what Tang can control is limited.If you die, you die.

"Yes, that means he asked for it."

Empress Changsun was talking, but she thought of other things.

He said: "By the way, I heard that you have been talking about monetary policy recently, and how is it going?"

Li Chengqian did not expect that although Empress Changsun was in the harem, she could listen to the affairs of the world. It was no wonder that Li Shimin valued her so much.

"My mother, it has already been implemented. In a few days, the entire Chang'an City will be completed. After that, it will be implemented in all parts of the Tang Dynasty."

"I also heard from His Majesty that he is very optimistic about your reform. This kind of reform can be said to be very advanced. In the future, the Tang Dynasty will only be strong but not weak."

Empress Changsun said so.

Why is she so confident?Because the future can be expected.

Of course, Li Chengqian has not been idle during this period of time. He keeps promoting currency and giving people popular science.

That Ma Zhou also lived up to him and became his right-hand man in a short period of time.

So, everything becomes very easy.

Just a little short, he will be able to complete the task, and when the time comes, he will push forward directly.

He was a little impatient.

"This is the result of His Majesty's full support!"

"Your Majesty is an emperor through the ages, plus you, complement each other! It is the great fortune of Tang Dynasty!"

"The merit of His Majesty is indeed the case."

Later generations have their own evaluation of Li Shimin's merits and demerits, but in the eyes of Empress Changsun, his achievements shocked the world.

Because she loves him, Li Chengqian also followed her wishes.Anyway, just talking, nothing to lose.

The mother and son chatted a lot, and he sat for a while, and then someone came over and said, "His Royal Highness, Your Majesty invites you."

It must be something important to invite Li Chengqian at this time.

Maybe it was because Changsun Wuji had news?Just go and see.

"Mother, my son has something to do, so I will leave first."

Empress Changsun waved her hands and said, "Go, although there are many things to do, you must also take care of your body."

"Understood! The minister will leave."

After finishing, Li Chengqian hurried to Tai Chi Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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