God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 649 Let me teach you

Chapter 649 Let me teach you
"Your Majesty, this is a proposal made by my son, please read it!"

Li Chengqian took out a stack of papers from his pocket, which seemed to be as thick as two fingers.

The paper is full of words, making people really wonder if it was made in one night.

"Bring it up for me to see!"

Xiao Huangmen took the paper respectfully and handed it to Li Shimin.

When Li Shimin saw the two large characters written on the cover of the proposal, it was especially obvious.


Everyone was shocked, the bank?
Someone asked: "What is a bank? Is it closely related to a commercial bank?"

There are still people who are depressed, so why not a gold bank, a money bank, or a currency bank?If only the bank.

What is the role of the bank?
For this kind of professional term, Li Chengqian still needs to teach them a good lesson, so that everyone can fully understand the original meaning of the bank.

Then, Li Chengqian would not be polite, and directly opened: Teaching ability (intermediate level), anyway, if this is not used anymore, it will be cleared again.

It was also because during this period of time, he rarely had a reason to go out, otherwise he would have no remaining ability to teach.

"Gao Ming, why is this called a bank?"

Li Shimin asked.

Li Chengqian began to explain with other rich knowledge:

""Shan Hai Jing Bei Shan Jing": 250 miles to the west of Yangshan Mountain, there are many jades on it, and red silver on it. Red silver is the essence of silver. The importance of silver is extended to wealth, so it is called silver. Scholars, farmers, businessmen, and hundreds of households in various industries are doing business, pronouns for one party’s business, and managing financial business, so they are regarded as banks.”

Li Chengqian didn't care if he was right or not, now he has the final say.

Coupled with his teaching ability, no matter what he says, people will nod in approval.

Now the word bank has penetrated into the hearts of all civil and military officials.

"So that's the case, why didn't you notice it before?!"

Du Ruhui patted his thigh and said.

Others said, "Miao Miao Miao."

"Your Majesty can continue to read!"

Li Chengqian said again.

Li Shimin said:
"No, no, don't read it, come and talk to me."

What a joke, every time Li Chengqian made so many proposals, it would take a lot of time just to read them, how could he have the time to look at these things.

It's better to let Li Chengqian summarize it.

Li Chengqian said bluntly: "Yes! Your Majesty. Let me listen to my son and minister."

All the ministers listened with pricked ears. In the entire court, only Li Chengqian was performing, and no one dared to interrupt him.

Because people's curiosity has been fully mobilized.

I saw Li Chengqian picked up a set of tea sets.

Obviously prepared beforehand.

Everyone didn't understand what was going on.

How do you make tea?When someone attempts to denounce this cause of behavior.

I only heard him say: "This bank is like this pot, which contains tea, water is money, and all walks of life are these teacups."

Everyone is confused, use a teapot to compare a bank?It's the first time I've heard it.

"Then what is their relationship?"

Li Jing asked.

"Good question. When I fill this jug with water, it will be full. This water is wealth."

Most Chinese people know that water is wealth.This is what our ancestors said in Neo Confucianism: "When you encounter water, you will grow, and use water as wealth."

Why water is wealth, and when you see water, you will have wealth?
Because mountains govern people, water governs wealth!This coincides with a saying that ordinary people hang on their lips, "Water is wealth".

Li Chengqian used this water to compare financial resources, it couldn't be better.

"What's next?"

Li Jing continued to ask.

"These cups are for all walks of life. If there is no water in the cup at this time, they will have no wealth. If they want to develop, they have to use the water in this pot to mix it. This is the meaning of the bank."

Li Chengqian's comparison was very easy to understand, and everyone kept nodding their heads.

Next, he said: "When it comes to specific operations, this bank has two main functions. The first is to accumulate wealth. What is accumulation of wealth? It means that people from all walks of life can deposit money in it, and we give them A certain proportion of gold is used as compensation. It’s called interest! Big money begets small money. The money they deposit in it can be withdrawn with a receipt, and they have to withdraw it in person. With this receipt, they can withdraw it at any bank in Datang For their own use. If they are robbed by others, how can they still be useful in front of these people? Will they still rob when the robbed slips are useless? This not only ensures the function of paper money, but also replaces them Save your life, this is the purpose of gathering money."

"Then what if someone steals a forged receipt?"

Liu Hongji asked.

"That's even more impossible. If the king can create unforgeable banknotes, he can definitely create unforgeable receipts! Moreover, when encountering excessively high money, you can also use stubs for comparison. If it doesn't match, then No exchange."

It's normal to meet people who make a fool of themselves!
What Li Chengqian could think of was directly applied to everything in modern times, which surprised everyone.

"What about the second?"

Liu Hongji still didn't give up, and continued to ask.

"The second is distributing wealth. At first, the king said that the function of banks to gather wealth, but now we are talking about distributing wealth. It means that we distribute money to all walks of life, give them opportunities for development, and let them grow bigger." .But this money is not given in vain, interest needs to be charged, calculated on an annual basis, and settled every year. In this way, it is like pouring water into each cup."

Everyone was in an uproar, how could no one have thought of such a powerful approach before?
When gathering and dispersing, the bank only acts as an intermediary, even without the intervention of Datang, it can be self-sufficient.

He couldn't help but think highly of Li Chengqian again.

That's just genius.

But if they knew that these were copied by Li Chengqian, they didn't know what kind of expression they would have.But they couldn't know that much, because no one would know, and no one would believe it.

They don't have a chance to know, because they won't go back to the future.

Li Chengqian's idea is to make people feel very excited. If he does this, the Tang Dynasty's economy will be even stronger.

In the future, Datang will become a super existence in this world.

Excited with everyone, and Li Shimin.

"Good good good good!"

He said five good things in a row, which proved that he was very satisfied with Li Chengqian's proposal.

"and also……"

Li Chengqian then spat out two words, which made people start to whisper to each other.

What!There is even...

How many things does Li Chengqian have?How come there are still?

"Don't talk, listen to what His Royal Highness has to say!"

"What will be the third point? I'm looking forward to it!"

Everyone shifted their attention, and everyone was looking forward to it!

But Li Chengqian is an old god, looking like he deserves a beating!

(End of this chapter)

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