Chapter 651 Yuwen Shiji!

"who is it?"

Li Shimin asked.

"Yuwen Shiji!"

Liu Hongji said so.

Li Chengqian quickly searched for everything about Yuwen Shiji.

This man has the talent of a prime minister.

He is the son of Yu Wenshu, a general of Zuowei in the Sui Dynasty.In his early years, because of his father's meritorious service, he was named the Duke of Xincheng County.Appreciated by Emperor Wen of the Sui Dynasty, she married Princess Nanyang, the daughter of Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty, as his wife.

At the sunset of the Sui Dynasty, he accompanied Qin Wang Li Shimin to pacify Song Jingang, restored the title of Xincheng County Duke, married the Shouguang County Lord as his wife, and moved to Qin Wangfu Hushi General.

In the following year, Wang Shichong was pacified with the army, Dou Jiande was captured and killed, and because of his meritorious service, he became the Duke of Ying and paid homage to the Minister of Zhongshu.

At this time, he was serving as the governor of Liangzhou.That is, at a place where the Turks and the Tang Dynasty meet, this place is important and belongs to the pass area.

Liu Hongji must have his reasons for recommending him at this time.The two seem to agree, or they have a great relationship!
In addition, Yuwen Shiji is also very loyal to Li Shimin.

What Liu Hongji wanted to do was to make Li Shimin more loyal ministers and less Li Chengqian's people.

This person's mind is careful, but he can't escape Li Chengqian's eyes.

"It's him!"

Li Shimin remembered his existence only when he recalled the past.

At this time, Yuwen Shiji was in Liangzhou, and the Turkic people went north.

"Yes, Your Majesty, the Turks have invaded several times recently. The Yuwen scholars and their prestige and benefits, Sheng Chen Bingwei, and the virtuous corporals have won the hearts of the people. They also cooperated with General Qin Qiong to repel the Turks. This credit is indispensable. Therefore, I think that, It would be great for him to return to the position of president of the bank."

"It's not impossible for Yuwen Shi to take this position. By the way, Gao Ming, what do you think?"

Li Shimin couldn't help asking another question.

When he said this, Liu Hongji could already foresee that nothing would happen to him for a while.

But he is not reconciled.

"Your Majesty, my son thought that Yuwen Shi and his colleagues in the north could keep us safe in the Tang Dynasty, so he would guard there and wait until the Turks were subdued, and then transfer them back, and he would show his appreciation with high officials and generous salaries! But Not now, the Turkic border now especially needs the existence of Yuwen Shiji. Therefore, I think that this employment should use new people, and give new people opportunities so that they can reduce the burden of civil and military officials."

"His Royal Highness, how can a newcomer stand the test!?"

"Isn't the old man also a newcomer?"

"What if it doesn't work? Isn't it time-consuming?"

"There are times when old people can't do it! Why don't we give newcomers a chance!"

...the two had a heated debate.

Supporters are also divided into two factions.

Li Shimin finally supported Li Chengqian:
"Gao Ming is right, and I think so too. Now the border cannot be moved!"

Liu Hongji wanted to die. At first he advocated that Xiao Yu be transferred back, but he was raped by Li Chengqian.

Now that Yuwen Shiji came back, Li Chengqian screwed him up again.

This made him unhappy.

But what can he do?Li Shimin's decision cannot be changed.

"Your Majesty is wise. In fact, there is a candidate here. Your Majesty will definitely like it."

Who would Li Shimin like?

"Oh? Then I want to see, who is that person?"

"Ma Zhou!"

When Li Chengqian said that Ma Zhou was coming out, Li Shimin remembered.

"Oh? The one who said that he would help you implement monetary policy?"

"That's right, his talent is not inferior to my son's. The currency last time was also because of his help, so it was so successful."

Of course, he said this just to show off Ma Zhou. The real situation is that Li Chengqian is stronger.

"If he is allowed to be the president of this bank and has experience in currency, then he will definitely make a splash."

It may be said that no one is more suitable than him.

"Okay! I want to give him this chance, Xuan Ma Zhou!"

Xiao Huangmen shouted: "Xuan Ma Zhou sees you!"

Liu Hongji had a look of displeasure on his face.

Ma Zhou is Li Chengqian's man again, so letting him take care of it makes him unhappy.

But things are almost a foregone conclusion, so what can I do?

When that horse entered the Taiji Palace on Monday, he bowed to Li Shimin.

"Meet Your Majesty!"

"Wai Li, Ma Zhou, I ask you a question, and you must answer it honestly!"

Ma Zhou said, "Yes!"

"Gao Ming asked you to be the president of Datang Bank, are you willing?"



Li Chengqian roughly explained.

Ma Zhou thought for a while and said, "As long as His Royal Highness says it, the villain will do it!"

He doesn't care what the bank is, as long as Li Chengqian says it, he will do it.

This kind of performance makes people feel shocked.

Those who didn't know thought that Li Chengqian gave him some kind of medicine.

In fact, he didn't. He had a feeling of admiration for Li Chengqian.

Take this currency reform as an example, he made a lot of efforts, but these efforts were also determined under the guidance of Li Chengqian.

He was very shocked by some of Li Chengqian's ways of doing things, and at the same time learned a lot.

So to sum up, no matter what Li Chengqian asks him to do, he will do it, because he will grow up.

"Okay! If that's the case, then you will be the president of the bank. That is equivalent to six ministers, and your direct report is Gao Ming, which is the order of the minister, you know?"

"I thank you, Your Majesty!"

Ma Zhou saluted.

And Li Chengqian took this opportunity and said: "Your Majesty, regarding the existence of the younger generation, I think that they can be allowed to join the experience."

"Oh? Who is Gao Ming talking about?"

"Cheng Chumo, Du Gou, Fang Yizhi, and Yuchi Baolin."

When Li Chengqian mentioned these four people, their parents' eyes lit up, that was a good opportunity.

Being able to contribute to Datang, the treatment in the future will definitely not be bad.

"But the four children who wrote the poem that day?"

"That is, we can let them assist Ma Zhou and learn some banking knowledge, so that they can be used by Datang."

The meaning of Li Chengqian's words is obvious.

He also received the grateful gazes of Fang Xuanling, Cheng Yaojin, Du Ruhui and Yuchi Jingde.

Their four children have been quiet for a while.

At first they went to study in the East Palace, but because Li Chengqian was too busy, they also went back home.

They thought that Li Chengqian had forgotten them a long time ago, but at this critical moment, Li Chengqian still remembered them and let them take charge of such a big project as a bank.

"Alright, people of this later generation should also actively participate in the construction of the Tang Dynasty. Gao Ming, your idea is good, and I agree with it very much! Let this matter be handled by Ma Zhou."

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

Ma Zhou should be.

"Okay, step back, I'll see how you're doing in a few days."


After that, a group of people left the hall.

Before Li Chengqian left the Tai Chi Palace, five people followed behind.

(End of this chapter)

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