Chapter 653

Li Chengqian's efficiency in doing things is unmatched by others.

His efficiency also affects many people.

Since Ma Zhou became the president of the bank, he has been very busy. He has never been free for a moment, but he has also achieved a lot of achievements.

Finally came the day when Datang Bank opened for business.

Its opening welcomed a large number of people, most of whom had the same purpose.

That is to borrow money from Datang Bank. Some people really want to do business, but others want to take advantage of it and get some bad money.

They thought about getting something for nothing and harvesting money from Datang Bank.

How could they not be understood by Li Chengqian?If this point is not recognized in advance, Datang Bank will be waiting to go bankrupt, and it will not be able to open one family, but it will open a hundred?

Even if the family is big and the business is big, they dare not do this!
Since Ma Zhou opened the bank, he has been extremely busy.

He had to deal with a huge number of people, and the line was already one mile away just for the borrowers, and the number was still rising.

The people who registered in the bank were too busy.

And that team has no possibility of reducing at all.

At this time, Li Chengqian also arrived at the scene, and he flashed into the bank.

Ma Zhou was called.

"His Royal Highness, you are here, why don't people report it so that the next official can go and receive you!"

But Li Chengqian said:
"You're so busy, how can you have time to receive them again? This king took a look. The people are very enthusiastic, but the line is too far away. Some people who really need money are not allowed to enter."

Ma Zhou wiped the sweat from his forehead and said:
"Yeah, these people are too enthusiastic. Some people who really need it may not get the money until later."

This won't work, so Li Chengqian is ready to intervene.So he said:
"Let me go out and lobby for a while!"

"But His Royal Highness, I'm afraid this is not good?"

What Ma Zhou said was that it was not good for Li Chengqian to show his face again, which would put him in danger.

"It's okay, I have Xue Rengui and Su Lie here, so it's okay."

"We're still here!"

At this moment, Cheng Chumo appeared first.

Behind him are Fang Yiai and others.

Fang Yiai said: "Yes, yes, with our Four Young Masters in the capital, are you still afraid of him getting a ball?"

"No, there are us!"

Yuchi Baolin and Du Gou spoke at the end.

The four people were here to help early in the morning, and when they saw Li Chengqian's appearance, they came over.

"You seem to have grown taller."

Li Chengqian looked at the four of them, except for Du Gou, the height of the other three seemed to be much higher.

In this period of time, he has rarely communicated with the four of them, and today can be regarded as the first time he has seen them in recent times.

As soon as I came, I found that they had changed a little.

"We haven't grown as fast as His Royal Highness the Crown Prince! We were half a head shorter than me last year, but now we are going to surpass me."

Cheng Chumo said bluntly.

Not only is it taller, but the body has also become a lot stronger.

Ma Zhou was on the side, a little puzzled, it turned out that the prince was very familiar with these four people.He thought that these four people were only arranged by Li Chengqian in order to reassure the public security of the four major countries.

It doesn't seem to be the case, no wonder there is a request to take good care of the four of them and teach them well.

"Hahaha, okay, then I will trouble the four of you to protect the safety of this king."

Fang Yiai stretched out her hand and said, "Of course! Your Highness, please!"

Ma Zhou said, "But, what if..."

"There is no chance, the reputation of the four of them is outside, and I am afraid that no one in the entire Chang'an city knows it. Who would dare to assassinate this king?"

Of course, there are two more powerful beings, Xue Rengui and Su Lie.

The two of them can stand up to more than a hundred people. With their protection, Li Chengqian is still afraid of a ball?

Before Ma Zhou could speak again, Li Chengqian had already left the bank.

But when he left the bank, everyone was shocked.

Someone shouted wildly.

"Isn't that His Royal Highness?"

"It's so tall."

"His Royal Highness is really handsome!"

"My God! There is such a beautiful man in the world, and he is still His Royal Highness, with such noble taste!"

"God is so kind, gave His Royal Highness such a handsome face, and gave him talent!"


The appearance of Li Chengqian immediately detonated the scene.

There are about [-] people here, and they have completely surrounded the surrounding area.

If it wasn't big enough here, I'm afraid it wouldn't be able to accommodate so many people.

His appearance also made Cheng Chumo and other four people come out together. They lined up on both sides, protected Li Chengqian, and focused on the surrounding situation.

Of course, Xue Rengui and Su Lie were the main force. Their existence allowed Li Chengqian to ignore them and wander around at will.

In addition, when he came out, he used fortune-telling and knowing his fate to calculate for himself, and today is a lucky day.

Therefore, he has nothing to fear, bodyguards or something, just talking about pomp.Or arrangement order, nothing else.

Ma Zhou walked in the front, cleared his throat and said, "Everyone be quiet, His Royal Highness wants to say a few words!"

Everyone fell silent immediately.

Li Chengqian stood on the table.

He said with his loudest voice: "Today, I, Datang Bank, opened my business to bring benefits to people and let them live a better life.

Scholars, agriculture, industry and commerce will all be greatly developed.The significance of the existence of the bank is to provide you with everything that is more convenient.

Therefore, my Datang Bank has opened the loan deposit function, in which farmers can obtain money through loans, and the money can be obtained only with some interest, so as to improve their lives.As for businessmen, they can use loans to complete expanded business activities.

As for deposits, how much money you have can be deposited in the bank, and there is interest.This is big money begets small money.It can also provide great convenience, no matter where you are in Datang, as long as you have a deposit slip, you can withdraw money, no matter how much it is. "

If in modern times, when Li Chengqian said this, people would have already burst into warm applause.

But in ancient times, people responded with enthusiastic shouts.

"good good good good!"

"His Royal Highness really thinks a lot about us!"

"If the prince becomes the emperor, he must be a wise king, and he will definitely lead us to prosperity!"

"You can't talk nonsense about this, you will be beheaded!"

Li Shimin hasn't abdicated yet, if he said that, he would really be beheaded.

"Yes Yes Yes"


From the beginning to the end, Cheng Chumo and others did not dare to neglect, but Li Chengqian seemed very relaxed.


Li Chengqian changed the subject and talked about "however".

People fell silent again in an instant.

But what?
What exactly is Li Chengqian going to say?
(End of this chapter)

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