Chapter 675 Guns
"Your Majesty, is this as powerful as His Royal Highness said?"

A minister asked.

Someone else said: "Is something that looks ordinary, really that powerful?"

"Is it an exaggeration?"

How could a small dynamite pack blow up such a large stone?That is simply a fantasy!
If they knew that in later generations, existences smaller than this could destroy a piece of land, they wouldn't think so.

Li Shimin said with a sullen face: "You will know after a while, and it is useless to say anything now."

In fact, he must be hoping in his heart that Li Chengqian can succeed.

The ministers stopped talking.

After a while, Li Chengqian was only seen waving his hands there.

Empress Changsun first covered her ears with her hands, and Li Shimin followed suit. No matter what, Li Chengqian's words always made sense.

Other ministers followed suit.

But there are still some people who don't believe in evil, and directly ignore Li Chengqian's reminder.

Among them is the group headed by Liu Hongji.


Several loud voices sounded.

Where there were stones downstream of Zishui, smoke rose like the end of the world.

"What was that sound just now?"

someone asked.

"It's a good thing to cover your ears with your hands, otherwise you will be deaf!"

"What happened just now? God! What's going on!"

People were in a daze, and the explosion just now brought a series of chain reactions, which made everyone stunned.

At the same time, Li Shimin looked eagerly into the distance.

The place where the smoke rises.

At this time, several people are close to dementia.

until someone yelled.

"It's not good, someone is bleeding!"

People took a closer look, and it turned out that Liu Hongji, Yuwen Shi and several people had blood oozing from their noses.

Others just fainted.

"what happened?"

All the ministers were in a mess.

They hurriedly lifted them to the side.

Only Li Shimin and Empress Changsun looked into the distance.

The water flowed, and the water level dropped.Very good!

The ministers cheered.

Next, Li Chengqian appeared.

Everyone looked at Li Chengqian with hot eyes.

Just now, he did something that the ancients could not have imagined.

People involuntarily made way for Li Chengqian.

At the same time, a reminder sounded in Li Chengqian's mind.

"Congratulations to the host, you got [-] points!"

"Congratulations to the host, you got [-] points!"

"Congratulations to the host, you got [-] points!"


Directly reaching the highest level shows that people are still very shocked by this explosive.

Some people's emotional changes from the disbelief just now to the shock now can be said to be from the bottom to the top, and the points they bring are naturally the highest.

"Congratulations to the host for triggering the highest points, three times the reward points, a total of [-] points!"

A dynamite got [-] points, which is valuable this time.

Not only that, there are more prompts for task completion.

Congratulations on completing the mission and inventing gunpowder!Reward [-] points
Task Two: Invent Guns!Award [-] points.

It seems that this is a series, one after another, there is no difficulty at all. After a while, according to the shock brought about by this time, talk directly to Li Shimin, it will definitely have an effect.

When Li Chengqian was thinking, Li Shimin's voice suddenly came from his ear.

"Gao Ming, you made another great contribution!"

Li Shimin said very pleased.

"Your Majesty, this is what my ministers should do. Thinking what the people think and doing what the people do is what I should handle as a prince."

Li Chengqian's words are very noble, as for the truth, only he knows.

Li Shimin believed it was true.

"I am proud of you!"

"I'm also very pleased that Gao Ming has such an idea."

Empress Changsun also said the same.

For a while, the family of three enjoyed themselves happily.

At this time Li Shimin said suddenly: "The explosives are powerful, if they can be used by our army, then... Datang will be the only one in the world!"

I have to say that Li Shimin still thinks very far.

What he associated with explosives was exactly the same as Li Chengqian.

Li Chengqian is different from him in that he can invent anything, even if he can't invent it, he can still buy it, as long as he is willing, everything can be bought.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I have an idea to make our army stronger, the city defense stronger, and the attack sharper."

What Li Chengqian said made Li Shimin happy.

"What do you think?"

"Your Majesty, I'm waiting for you to wait for a while, and you'll find out after my son creates it!"

"Oh? How long will it take this time?"

"Seven days at least, half a month at most, we can definitely come up with a plan."

Making a gun is no easy task.

Even if you have blueprints, you must have a corresponding level of industrial production.

But this level seems to be not difficult

Because Li Chengqian once introduced steel into the Tang Dynasty, the abilities of the craftsmen have naturally increased a lot.

"Okay, I'm really looking forward to it! In the future, Tang Dynasty will be invincible! It doesn't matter whether Tubo or Turkic! Hahaha!"

What Li Chengqian said made Li Shimin's blood boil.

Of course, the ministers are also listening.

"Your Majesty, since the water barrier has exploded, please return to the palace and wait! It's windy and rainy outside, be careful of the dragon's body!"

Empress Changsun also persuaded:
"Yes, Your Majesty, let's go back first!"

Li Shimin looked at Zishui from a distance, and it wouldn't make too many mistakes at this time.

So he said: "Alright, there is basically nothing to do now. You wait to go back with me."


At this time, a minister said: "His Royal Highness, what happened to them, they became like this after hearing that voice."

The minister was also accustomed to Li Chengqian's knowledge of medicine, so he asked him immediately.

Li Chengqian glanced at some people with bleeding noses.

Obviously they didn't listen to their own words, and they were hurt by some sound waves, just a trivial matter.

Said: "It's okay, I suffered a little injury, just rest for a while and it will be fine."

After what Li Chengqian said, people felt at ease.

But Li Chengqian was thinking in his heart that they had brought it upon themselves, and it would be best not to get better, especially the two of Liu Hongji.

After a group of people left, the people returned here. They saw the cloud of smoke and fell into deep thought.

A sentence was repeated in his mouth.

"God bless the Tang Dynasty!"

In their opinion, this is simply a miracle. Originally, the water was about to overflow, but there was a loud noise, the threat was gone, and Chang'an was safe.

If they knew that all of this was done by Li Chengqian, what would their expressions be like?

It's a pity that because of Li Shimin's existence, they were all cleared from here, otherwise the score would be a million peak!
(End of this chapter)

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