Chapter 684 200 Points

"It's His Royal Highness! He's come out!"

Many people shouted wildly.

Li Chengqian was on the tower, looking at the people around him, at least there were more than 1 people, and these people gathered together.

Their heads were stretched out, and some of them had never seen Li Chengqian's existence.

Especially some girls, when they saw Li Chengqian, they were even more excited.

"It is said that His Royal Highness is only nine years old. This seems to be a rumor. I think it is about the same for fifteen or sixteen year olds!"

"Yes, young and promising, dedicated to serving the people, if you can marry him as your wife, that would be great!"

"Are you thinking too much, wife? That's a princess, not something that ordinary women can be!"

"No, we can only watch from a distance, and then we will be satisfied."

With Li Chengqian's good looks, in modern times, he can beat all niche students.He is not only handsome, but also talented, an existence that will be sought after in any era.

It's no wonder that these girls are fascinated by it.

Li Chengqian was accustomed to the behavior of these people.

What scene has he not seen?

"Everyone be quiet!"

Li Chengqian waved his hand and said.

Everyone fell silent.

"This year is a bumper harvest year for the Tang Dynasty. Your Majesty is well aware of everyone's hardships. He specially made the Mid-Autumn Festival in Chang'an City, and added it to today."

Someone in the crowd shouted: "That's because His Royal Highness made good reforms!"

"Yes, it is His Royal Highness' reform that benefits people!"

"It's all the work of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

People are not fools, they can see clearly that everything is done by Li Chengqian.

Li Chengqian smiled, but said: "With Your Majesty, there is a basis for my reform, and peace and prosperity cannot be separated from everyone's efforts."

The person below said: "His Royal Highness is really humble."

Everyone knows what Li Chengqian has done. The reforms in the past year are as good as a dynasty's ten and fifty years.

So, people are boiling again.

Li Chengqian didn't intend to interrupt them, until he saw Li Shimin in the distance seemed anxious, he said: "Today, the king has prepared a big gift for everyone! There will be a great miracle in a while, and you will celebrate with your majesty." festival."

Celebrate with Li Shimin?That was something that I didn't even dare to think about, but it actually came true today.

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness!"

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness!"


"Okay, you guys just wait here. There will be huge movements soon, and the night will be like day, so don't panic. Tonight will definitely be unforgettable for everyone!"

After speaking, Li Chengqian left the tower.

He went to where Li Shimin was.

Only the surprised people stood there, not knowing what to do.

Huge movement, night will be like day. In ancient times, apart from war and lightning, there seems to be no third thing that can turn night into day.

Li Chengqian didn't care about people's feelings, he walked to where Li Shimin was.

Next, it's time for him to perform.

"Gao Ming, what did you tell the people just now?"

Li Shimin didn't know what he said, so he asked curiously.

"Your Majesty, my sons and daughters will publicize His Majesty's merits and virtues, and also say some precautions to make the people prepare."

Li Chengqian didn't hide anything.

He has indeed said such a thing, and he is not afraid of being questioned.

Li Shimin suddenly realized.

"Oh? So that's how it is."

"Brother, will the fireworks start? We are looking forward to it."

Li Lizhi asked eagerly.

Her question is what everyone wants to know, including Li Shimin.

"Yes, Gao Ming, when will it start?"

"Wait a minute! Start now!"

After finishing, Li Chengqian gave an order: "Come here, let's set off fireworks at the same time!"


With this order, someone went to the tower with a torch in hand.


someone called.

Just for a while.

Then there was a sound from the tower.

"call out!"


The sound started to get denser.





It's like daylight!

sky!What is this, so huge!

Amidst the exciting loud and crisp sounds, the entire sky above Chang'an City was illuminated by fireworks and dyed red.

Huge fireworks bloom like huge umbrellas in the night sky;
It is like a lamp shining in the night sky.

It is the flower that blooms and wafts golden powder.

Fireworks bloom in the night sky, dying and rebirthing.

The light from the fireworks shone on Li Shimin's face, on the faces of Empress Changsun and Li Lizhi.

It shines on the faces of all the ministers, as well as the faces of the people in the entire Chang'an City.

The entire Suzaku Gate has now become the only center in Chang'an City.

Colorful lights shone in everyone's eyes.

Especially the nearly ten thousand people, they knew that all of this was done by Li Chengqian.

Their mood changes have reached the top.

And the civil and military officials were even more shocked.

At this time, there is no camera, otherwise people must take pictures of this gorgeous night and keep them forever.

"This is fireworks!"

Li Chengqian shouted.

People are shocked, aroused.

"Congratulations to the host! Get [-] points!"

"Congratulations to the host! Get [-] points!"

"Congratulations to the host! Get [-] points!"


Continuous points are credited to the account.

It made Li Chengqian's head burst.

It's just a firework.

It has brought such shocking results.

"Congratulations to the host for triggering the highest points, rewarding three times the points, a total of 200 million points! A single point has reached the upper limit."

"200 million points? I didn't expect to get so much at one time. It's double the upper limit of 100 million last time. It's really exciting."

There are not many times like this, but once it comes, it is definitely the most enjoyable.

The whole firework lasted for a quarter of an hour, and the faces of the people were flushed.

When the fireworks stopped, people still looked at the sky with unsatisfied expressions.

They must be thinking in their hearts, when will they see such fireworks again?
Both civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty were shocked by it, and their mood could not be calm for a long time.

At this time, Li Shimin said: "Well, well, well! I am very satisfied, and I will celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival like this in the future! Let off fireworks to praise the peaceful and prosperous world!"

In this way, every Mid-Autumn Festival, Datang will spend the festive season with lanterns and fireworks.

The ministers cheered, and at the same time the news spread outside the door.

After hearing this, the people cheered and celebrated wildly.

All of a sudden, the grand occasion just now spread from one to another, and people will see such fireworks in the Mid-Autumn Festival in the future.

Adults and children have more expectations.


In someone's house somewhere in Chang'an, Wu Jue looked up at the sky.

"It's beautiful! What a beautiful night! Did it come from the palace?"

She didn't know that next, she would face Li Chengqian, the current Crown Prince.

He will be the bondage of her life.

(End of this chapter)

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