God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 718 The Magic of Perfume

Chapter 718 The Magic of Perfume

After Li Yuan left, Guan Lishi stepped forward and said, "His Royal Highness... the Supreme Emperor seems unhappy!"

"It's okay, let him be unhappy! What does it matter to me? Do I have to take care of his mood?"

Li Chengqian was even more unhappy. Is this guy begging for help or ordering him?


Guan Lishi didn't understand why Li Chengqian was like this, but he was the founding emperor Li Yuan in front of them!

Just ignore him like that?Is this really good?

"He came here not only for the affairs of Cui and Lu's family, but also for a deeper relationship. This king will definitely not agree to them."

"His Royal Highness, from what you said, it seems that there is a violent storm?"

After Guan Lishi followed Li Chengqian for a long time, his IQ also improved a lot.

Moreover, he has seen too much intrigue between the court, and he is accustomed to this kind of situation.

"There is a storm coming, His Majesty may be in danger!"


When Li Chengqian said this, Guan Lishi was shocked immediately.

"Your Majesty is in danger...how come?"

"This is beyond your control. This king wants you to talk to Zou Fengchi now, and pay special attention to the movements of Cui and Lu's family!"

Li Yuan's behavior reminded Li Chengqian of what he did. He didn't want to pay special attention to it, but now, Li Yuan took the initiative to let him pay attention to these two companies.


Guan Lishi was about to go out, but was called back.

"Wait, don't let outsiders know about this, especially the officials in the court! No one can know!"

Li Chengqian understands better than anyone else that the next Li Yuan is not easy to deal with. After all, he is also a former emperor. What he must think is naturally not something that can be touched by idlers, but Li Chengqian can. He just forgot For a moment, it's not a disaster, it's all up to you to react.

As for why it was Zou Fengchi, because the power of the people may be better than the power of the government.

At this time, the official may be infiltrated by someone, and his every move is probably under the control of someone.

Guan Lishi then went down to arrange one or two, and Li Chengqian also traveled with Wu Zetian as if going home, which seemed normal.

This kind of behavior soon spread to Li Shimin's ears.

On the top floor of the Taiji Palace, Li Shimin watched the entire Chang'an City from the floor-to-ceiling glass.

He murmured: "This child is so innocent, I can't bear it!"

At this time, Empress Changsun brought a piece of clothing for him to put on.

"Mo Dao doesn't know sorrow in his green shirt. His love affair has just started to be young. Your Majesty, let him go and play. Anyway, his business has not been left behind. After a few years, if he wants to play, he will have nothing to do."

Knowing the son is more like the mother, the eldest grandson empress still understands Li Chengqian very well, but in fact she doesn't understand either.

Although Li Chengqian liked Wu Zetian, he used it as a cover to confuse the enemy.

He understands better than anyone else that the next battle is going to be a war. If he fails, he may die and suffer slander. If he manages well, he can go straight to the sky!
Li Shimin nodded when he heard it.

"Forget it, who doesn't have a boy? Let him go."

"Your Majesty understands children's hearts more and more."

"Haha, that's necessary, Gao Ming is more and more like me, and we were also..."

Empress Changsun blushed.

"They're old couples, and they still talk about this."

"Haha! By the way, Guanyin servant girl, you seem to be a little different today. You have a strong fragrance, is this the fragrance of roses?"

"Hehe, it's rose perfume."

Li Shimin was puzzled, and asked, "What is perfume?"

"According to Gao Ming, it is the essence water extracted from the essence of plants. Just one drop can last for a day."

In order to meet the visual enjoyment and needs, people have created a variety of colorful colors;
In order to meet the enjoyment and needs of hearing, people have created the octaves of silk and bamboo and the octaves of five tones;
In order to satisfy the enjoyment and needs of the sense of taste, people have created a variety of diverse diets;
In order to satisfy the enjoyment and needs of the sense of touch, people have created pleasant livable environments and suitable tools.

But on the sense of smell, people do far worse than the other four senses.

So someone created a perfume.

Fragrance, perfume is the fragrance given to personal body parts or clothing, which brings people a pleasant feeling.To cover the smell, the perfume is to cover up the "body odor". From the head fragrance, body fragrance to base fragrance, it must completely overwhelm the "residual" odor, so that people can smell comfortable and refreshing.

"Is there really such a thing in the world?"

Empress Changsun showed Li Shimin a small glass bottle.

"This is it!"

Seeing this small bottle of red liquid, opened the lid, and a faint fragrance emanated from it, which made Li Shimin feel miraculous.

Li Shimin shouted wildly:
"Oh? Such a small thing! It has such power! Guanyin maidservant, you are particularly moving today."

Afterwards, Li Shimin pulled Empress Changsun into his arms.

Because of the perfume, it makes people feel a little confused.

And added points to the charm of the eldest grandson empress.

She said shyly:

"Yeah, when I saw it at the time, I didn't take it seriously, but when I got it, I was deeply attracted by it. He said not to use it for the time being, but I couldn't hold back and used it directly. Unexpectedly But it works."

This perfume was originally something that Li Chengqian wanted to please Empress Yu Changsun. In the entire Tang Dynasty, she was probably the only one who owned it, and no one else had the qualification to get it.

His unintentional move made Li Shimin pay special attention to it.

"This child is really considerate. In this way, this perfume will definitely create greater benefits for me, Datang!"

Not to mention anything else, just say this small bottle, even if it is exchanged for one horse and ten horses, it is enough.

Foreigners are not like people from the Central Plains, they have a stronger body odor, if there is something to cover it up, that would be great.

Therefore, Li Shimin saw a huge business opportunity.

If it is promoted, the economy of the entire Tang Dynasty will be further improved.

This year, people are full.

Only when you are full can you have time to think about other things and contribute to the economy.

Just imagine, if a person doesn't even have food, giving him a hundred bottles of perfume will not be as fragrant as a steamed bun.

Empress Changsun said:

"The concubine has also heard from Gao Ming, and he also said to talk to His Majesty for a while, it seems that there is no need."

Because of her use, Li Shimin knew about it in advance.

"Do you want him to come to the hall? Ask for details?"

Li Shimin looked at the sky, it was almost dusk.

"No need, it's getting late, let's talk about everything tomorrow, let's go to bed and rest!"

Li Shimin gently hugged Empress Changsun into his arms.

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

This perfume has a fatal attraction to people, the two of them never went to bed so early before.

The emergence of perfume may bring Datang to another new height.

And all of this is under Li Chengqian's control.

(End of this chapter)

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