God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 753 The Half-Height Book

Chapter 753 The Half-Height Book

next day
Nearly 5000 people, led by Ouyang Xun, Shangguanyi and Lai Ji, arrived outside the East Palace early and waited.

The three of Ouyang Xun were fine, but the nearly [-] students started talking about it. These people were all literate, and all of them were proud.

But in front of Li Chengqian, no matter how strong they are, they are nothing but scum.

They obviously feel a little novel about today's course.

Someone said: "I heard that this time His Royal Highness is teaching the class in person!"

"His Royal Highness? That's a prophet! A wise man! An existence that gathers thousands of rays of light in one body. It is an existence comparable to a god."

People's understanding of Li Chengqian shows that he has a very high status in people's hearts.

"Yes, Datang is stronger because of him!"

"By the way, did you watch Zhenguan Magic Cannon yesterday?"

"I saw it, it's like a fetish!"

"Yes, it is comparable to the ancient magic weapon! I heard that His Royal Highness discovered the Zhenguan Magic Cannon by accident. I also heard that His Highness called this discovery technology as technology! We are here to join the science and technology department , to study more existences similar to Zhenguan God Cannon for Datang!"

"So that's the case. If His Highness the Crown Prince is alone, the power is not enough, but if we join it, the power will be very terrifying."

"No wonder His Royal Highness asked us to come."

"So, today's class is very important!"

"One class? No, no, no! It's a whole day, and it depends on the progress!"

"I am willing to dedicate everything to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince! To Datang!"

The students were chatting, but at this moment some soldiers appeared, each holding books half the height of a person in their hands.These books are very beautifully bound, and the fonts are very small. They cannot be printed now, because they are too small, and their engraving skills cannot reach it.

Someone shouted: "You students, each of you has one share, time is running out, hurry up and take it away!"

This frightened everyone, books that are half the height of a person, one copy per person.How long would it take to read!

How did they know that these books cost Li Chengqian a lot of points, and hundreds of thousands of points just disappeared.

But for Datang, these points are just numbers.As long as he makes a move, 200 million points will come at will.

The students did not dare to disobey, and directly took away those books one by one.

These books, which are half the height of a person, are a bit high for these children.

There is a faint smell of ink in the books.

After someone took it, they were stunned when they saw it.

When they unfolded the books, they were all dumbfounded.

Because these books exist that they don't understand at all.

What kind of chemistry, electricity, physics, mechanical principles... What the hell is this? No matter how proud they are now, their confidence collapsed at this moment.

A lot of existences that people can't understand are piled up in front of people's eyes.

They were at a loss, and what made them even more at a loss.

The leading soldier said: "You have to read these books today! You will need them in the future, so keep them safe! Don't lose them! There are numbers on these books, which correspond to your names. If they are found to be lost, they will be severely punished." !"

As soon as the words came out, everyone was surprised immediately, and it would not be lost.

But after watching it today, it's a bit unbelievable.

How can this be!Even with so many books at a glance, it is impossible to read them quickly!

Moreover, these books are still not understood by everyone.

What is force?What is Newton?What is a watt?what is power...

What is... a lot of questions, my brain hurts.

Some people even shouted: "It turns out that the money is not easy to earn! This is simply unreadable!"

Another person said: "That's not it, what should I do? Do you want to go?"

"His Royal Highness is teaching, do you dare to leave? After you leave, someone will make up for it later, and if you really leave, are you afraid that the court will steal your home?"

Someone expressed concern.

"No, since they're all here, let's take a look, what if we go?"

"We believe in His Royal Highness! Believe in ourselves!"

These people can be said to be dazzling existences in the crowd, and their xinxing is naturally better than ordinary people, so they know how to adjust in this way.

How can they be picked if this is not possible at all?
Facing the hesitation of these students, Ouyang Xun came out and explained:

"You have to trust His Royal Highness, I have also listened to a class taught by His Royal Highness, which can be said to be unforgettable in my life. What he taught me is something I will never learn in my life. Although you can't understand it now, you can't understand it. It means I don’t understand it in the future. If you understand it, is there still a need to teach it? In the future, you will thank His Royal Highness for teaching you today! Study hard!”

With Ouyang Xun's endorsement, the hearts of these people eased down.

"We listen to Dean Ouyang!"

"Yes! Listen to Dean Ouyang, he will definitely not lie to us."

So everyone said, after that, they didn't complain any more.

"Okay, take your seats. Your books have numbers on them, so take your seats according to the numbers! Do you know?"

People responded, and began to sit on the seats in an orderly manner.

And the soldiers began to maintain order.

Soon, the entire circular trapezoidal space was slowly filled with people. They didn't dare to say a word at this moment, but just quietly looked at the heavenly book in their hands.

The only interesting thing is that the patterns on the book are so exquisite that everyone can't put it down.

At this time, someone said to Ouyang Xun and the three of them:

"Scholar Ouyang, follow us to the front!"

The three of them should be, and when they were about to leave, suddenly, someone handed Laiji a pile of books.

"Your name is Laiji, right? This is your book!"

Laiji was depressed.

"This? I can't have it, it's for students!"

But when he saw his name written on the book, he was even more puzzled.

"This is what His Royal Highness ordered us to give, please accept it! Otherwise we will be scolded!"

The soldier said again.

Laiji can only say thank you.

"Thank you!"

The three of them didn't know why Li Chengqian did this.

Why did Lai Ji have it, but the other two didn't? Could it be that Li Chengqian still wanted to give Lai Ji some work?

Or let him join the Ministry of Science and Technology?

No one can guess what Li Chengqian is thinking.

So the three simply stopped guessing.

They entered the seats one after another.

It took more than ten minutes for all the 5000 people to be seated.

When everyone sat down, someone exclaimed.

"Look, it's His Royal Highness the Crown Prince! He's here!"

Someone saw Li Chengqian appearing. He was a man of talent and imposing, which made people feel ashamed.

There are people behind Li Chengqian, and they all look young.

Someone asked: "And who are the two behind him? The age difference is a bit big."

(End of this chapter)

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