Chapter 827 Rescue
The next day, there was an uproar in the Taiji Palace.

The entire Taiji Palace is going to be turned upside down.

Soon the news spread to the East Palace.

Guan Lishi said: "His Royal Highness, His Majesty in Taiji Palace is furious!"

When Li Chengqian heard this, he smiled coldly.

"Why are you so angry?"

"This little one doesn't understand."

Li Chengqian seemed to have guessed something.It must be because of her, retribution came.

He said coldly: "Hmph! Qili Shi, Qili Shi, it seems that you have not lost favor this time! I don't believe it!"

Suddenly, someone ran over again.

"His Royal Highness is bad!"

"What's the panic?"

"His Royal Highness, she..."

Li Chengqian felt something was wrong.

"What happened to the queen mother?"

"Your Majesty is very angry... to harm Her Highness the Queen!"

When Li Chengqian heard this, he felt that something was wrong, and immediately began to calculate.

Yelling, no good.

After finishing, he went to Tai Chi Palace.

Once in the Taiji Palace, Empress Changsun called out: "Your Majesty, I did not do that! I was wronged!"

There was another voice, which turned out to be Qi Li's voice.

"Your Majesty, I'm so scared. I was almost killed just now. The assassin said it was sent by Her Highness the Queen! I can't imagine that someone would hate me so much!"

"Your Majesty, there is no concubine, how could I do such a thing!"

Empress Changsun pleaded bitterly, but Li Shimin didn't seem to listen.

"Why do you do this!?"


"This palace is so airtight, it's harder for outsiders to get in than going to heaven! Unless someone in the palace did it!"

Li Shimin already suspected Empress Changsun, and even thought it was her who did it.

Li Chengqian said coldly: "This woman is really a pervert! She actually wanted to frame the queen mother before she fell out of favor!"

And Li Shimin looked angry.

"Guanyin maidservant, how can you do this, I treat you well! Why did you do this! Why, because she is young and beautiful?"

"Your Majesty, I don't have a concubine! I really don't!"

Li Shimin obviously didn't believe it, and kept talking about Empress Changsun.

At this time, Li Chengqian couldn't bear it anymore, how could there be such a person.

"Your Majesty, this has nothing to do with the Queen Mother!"

At this time Li Chengqian broke in suddenly, his eyes fixed on Qilishi, Qilishi's face was not fully exposed, it was covered with a light veil, and half of his face was not exposed.

He sneered, this guy still used that bar of soap, but he didn't expect you to be really smart and know how to cover up like this.

Although it can be covered for a while, it cannot be covered for a lifetime

"Gao Ming, why are you here?"

Li Shimin wondered.

"Your Majesty, that woman planned this matter by herself! She arranged it all by herself. Please bring him to justice, and don't want to harm others."

Li Chengqian pointed to the Qili family and said.

Qi Lishi looked sick.

"Your Majesty the King of Tang, my daughter is not there. You can see that my hands are hurting. They are all red."

The Qili family pretended to be weak, and Li Shimin had already fallen.

Li Chengqian is really speechless, this guy is really lustful!But the specifics still need to be carried out. Now is the critical time, we must let this woman show her fox tail.

"No? Try it and you'll know!"

Li Chengqian said.

"Gao Ming, what are you doing!"

Li Chengqian walked up to Empress Changsun and said: "The queen mother has sons and ministers, no one can hurt you!"

Empress Changsun burst into tears, all this was because of that woman, which made Li Shimin fascinated, otherwise he would not be like this usually.

She nodded. With Li Chengqian's arrival, she felt much at ease.

In the end, he didn't say good things about Li Chengqian in front of Li Shimin in vain.

Now she has encountered unwarranted accusations and injustice.

"Your Majesty, you must have never seen the true face of this woman, have you?"

Li Shimin was even more depressed, what was he talking about.

What's the real face?

"what are you saying?"

Li Chengqian ignored it, but looked at Qi Lishi coldly, this woman is really too cruel.

"Wang Xuance!"

But at this time Li Chengqian's eyes flashed, and Wang Xuance immediately went out to fight.

The big knife in his hand chopped out.

It's so fierce that it makes people fear three points.

Qi Li was so frightened that she retreated immediately, and she still did not forget to say: "Help!"

Li Shimin didn't go to rescue her immediately, but stayed there.

Because of Qili's performance.

It seems that she is not an ordinary weak woman.

Experts can tell at a glance that this woman is not simple.

"You know martial arts? Then the Guanyin maid...isn't the murderer! You're just pretending!"

That is to say, this woman was all pretending just now, she is really good at pretending!He even fooled the wise Li Shimin!

"How dare you lie to me!"

At this time, four words popped out of Li Shimin's mouth.

He seemed to understand something. People say that women are the most poisonous, and Li Shimin has seen it before today.

From now on, he seems to have woken up a bit.

Qi Lishi immediately knew that he had made a mistake.

Repeatedly said: "Your Majesty, my daughter has only learned some martial arts for self-defense."

Li Shimin is not a fool, his force is also extremely high, why can't he see whether Qi Lishi has martial arts?
Moreover, Wang Xuance's force ranks high among military generals.

Qi Lishi was able to dodge, and he was fine, which shows that his force is not low.

Moreover, there was more than one move, and her response was very easy, no doubt a master!
"You lied to me that you are weak, everything is a lie!"

Li Shimin was angry. As an emperor, he hated being cheated the most.

This woman dared to lie to him.


Qi Lishi wanted to explain something more, but Wang Xuance didn't give her a chance, and beat her back steadily.

All of a sudden, the five fellow Qili clan joined the battle directly.

At the same time, Li Chengqian pulled Empress Changsun aside for protection, in case she was accidentally injured.

Let's say that Wang Xuance fought against six people with the strength of one person, but he didn't lose a single bit.

Wang Xuance's force is not as strong as Xue Rengui, otherwise how could these six people be able to fight?

But Li Chengqian's purpose is not to let this woman die now, but has other ideas.

The two sides fought for a long time, and Li Shimin was at a loss, feeling a little guilty for Empress Changsun.

But this matter is not over yet, Li Chengqian's plan is in the middle of progress.

How could that be the case?
This woman's veil can't be removed, Li Shimin is afraid that she won't give up.

So, he moved.

"Hmph, look at the arrows!
Suddenly, Li Chengqian took a bow from nowhere.

This bow is facing the woman.

"Gao Ming, no!"

Empress Changsun shouted.

Even if this woman made a mistake, she still has to be judged and cannot be killed directly.

Li Shimin also shouted at the same time: "How dare you! No!"

Although this woman lied to Li Shimin, he still cared about her.And sin does not lead to death!Can't kill her!

When Li Chengqian shot an arrow, he also tried to stop it.

But it was too late.

That's too late.

(End of this chapter)

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