God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 829 God Level Conquest System

Chapter 829 God Level Conquest System
In mid-March, Li Chengqian and Zheng Liwan's marriage went on as scheduled.

Li Chengqian had two women. This time, Li Shimin still did not change his habit of showing off in his big marriage, so he used Li Chengqian's big marriage to make a big fuss.

During the period, it was time to welcome people from all over the world to worship, and they must be thinking in their hearts, how long did it take for the previous concubine to marry, why did another one come here?
Although they were depressed in their hearts, they had to go physically. If they didn't go, they might be remembered. In that case, it would be a very tragic thing for them.It is very likely to provoke the prosperous Tang Dynasty.No one dares to do this.

These countries that have come to worship will be recorded because of their extraordinary significance.

At the same time, it gave Li Chengqian enough face.

It is to give Zheng Liwan enough face, she enjoys the same treatment as Wu Zetian, and generally speaking, Na Liangdi will not be so powerful.

But Li Shimin seemed to feel ashamed of Li Chengqian, so he made such a big scene again.

In just half a year, the prince married two wives, another amnesty for the whole world, many people had their sentences commuted because of this, and all the people rejoiced.

And Li Chengqian also fulfilled his wish to live together as the two, sleeping in the same bed, living in the same room, and leading a husband and wife life without shame and dryness.

Although with the assistance of the two daughters, Li Chengqian's work is more and busier.

At the same time, during this period of time, the production of the Zhenguan Magic Cannon has not been let go.

Until one day, in the barracks, Li Chengqian was training soldiers.

Then Li Kai came to look for it in a hurry.

"His Royal Highness has something good to do!"

Li Kai yelled as soon as he came.

During this period of time, a lot of good things are approaching, and once a person is lucky, nothing can stop him.

Li Chengqian asked with a smile: "What's the matter, so happy?"

Li Kai said at this time: "The [-] magic cannons have been manufactured, and one hundred more were built according to your intention! They have not yet been numbered."

"Very good, you go and transport the one hundred cannons here! Don't let outsiders know!"

Li Chengqian was going to do a big thing next, and of course he asked Li Kai to do the hundred cannons.

Li Kai agreed and left the barracks.

At this time, Li Chengqian hit the system.

The familiar prompt sound comes immediately.

A lot of beeps made him unable to respond.

Congratulations on completing task five, reward 40 points!
Congratulations for completing the military series of missions, rewarding 100 million points!

Congratulations that points will no longer be deducted from now on!convert to perpetual points

A large number of points were credited into the account.

All of a sudden 140 million entered the account.

Now that he has around nine million, this kind of points has begun to become fixed, and no more deductions will be made.

Congratulations for completing the final mission, the national power has increased by 100%, and a new chapter in the prosperous Tang Dynasty has opened!

In this way, he can completely start the mode of conquest.

Before he could react, the system gave another reminder.

Congratulations, the system has undergone a qualitative change and has transformed into a god-level conquest system. Every soldier conquered gets ten points, every point of popular support is gained ten points, and points are deducted for the loss of popular support.

Now the system has actually changed, disguised as a force to conquer and win the hearts of the people, which forces him to go out and keep the results. The hearts of the people must not be lost, otherwise there will be nothing.

Still, he likes something challenging.It's interesting to have gains and losses, isn't it.

Then the system prompts:

Congratulations on unlocking a different dimension!
This different-dimensional space is the existence of his mind.

It was also a key to his expedition, so he dared to tell Li Shimin that he would take down the Turks in three months.

Even if Li Shimin gave him half a year, he still felt that three months was enough.

He opened the space option.

It clearly stated that [-] points can be exchanged for one cubic meter.

Without even thinking about it, he directly exchanged it for six hundred cubic meters.

After swiping, there are only about three million points left. These points are still useful and cannot be used up.

Then, the next step is Lao Tzu's battle and developmental transformation.

He didn't stop thinking until Li Kai came to search.

"His Royal Highness, the two hundred cannons are right outside the door!"

Li Chengqian nodded and walked out.

Only two hundred cannons were covered with red cloth.

It is said that it is outside the door, but it is actually indoors. These cannons have just been brought in, and the whole space has been dented a bit.

"How much gunpowder and shells?"

"These two hundred cannons can fire one hundred rounds in a row!"

What is the concept of two hundred cannons and one hundred rounds? That is the amount that can blast a city into pieces.

No matter what kind of city it is, two hundred gates multiplied by one hundred shells equals twenty thousand shells. If they are fired together, there will be no living things wherever they go.

If they are used to attack Chang'an City, Chang'an City may not be safe.

This is where the power of the cannon lies.

"Well, that's enough, well, it's none of your business here, let's go!"

Li Kai didn't dare to ask more questions, and left here directly.

Li Chengqian, on the other hand, opened up a different-dimensional space, and then with a wave, the two hundred cannons and gunpowder disappeared instantly.

These things just fill up the space.

In this way, wherever I can go, I can achieve miraculous effects.

After all, it is still a bit troublesome to transport a cannon, because it is too heavy to be used for rapid marches.

Especially when the railways were not created, although they were very effective, it would take at least a month to transport them to Turkic.

The different-dimensional space just solved this problem.

It can be said that he has a mobile armory, which can be taken out to kill the enemy at any time.

Suddenly, Li Kai broke in again.

"By the way, Your Highness the Crown Prince!"

When he saw everything in front of him, he was stunned.

What about the cannon?
Li Chengqian was dumbfounded, he forgot to look around just now, so that Li Kai saw something he shouldn't have seen, so he directly used the time travel back.

Then he put the cannon back in and went out.

When I went outside, I happened to run into Li Kai.

"By the way, His Royal Highness, His Majesty was looking for your whereabouts just now."

What did Li Shimin ask him for?
Li Chengqian was very puzzled.

"Okay, I see, you go, you can't come here without my order."

Li Kai got the order and left the camp.

And Li Chengqian returned it to his account.

Suddenly, Xue Rengui rushed over.

"His Royal Highness, Your Majesty is here!"

Just now it was said that Li Shimin was looking for him, but now he came directly.

What is this guy doing again?
He was very puzzled, but it has been more than a month since he agreed to go to Turkic, but he still hasn't moved, so Li Shimin probably came here for this matter, right?

"Follow me to meet His Majesty, by the way, bring those people with me!"

Xue Rengui understood, and settled the account with Li Chengqian.

This time, he wanted to shock Li Shimin, and it was fun to think about it.

PS. Starting from this chapter, a new chapter will be opened!Turn internal governance into external war, conquer foreign enemies, and those who offend our Tang Dynasty will be punished even if they are far away!

(End of this chapter)

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