God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 840 There is an enemy attack!

Chapter 840 There is an enemy attack!
Seeing His Royal Highness Tang cavalry lined up neatly row by row.

Such discipline is developed through a lot of time training.

Li Chengqian looked at everyone's performance and was very satisfied.

And he opened his mouth and said: "Soldiers of the Tang Dynasty! We will reach Liangzhou within two days, and go all the way north, and reach Tuli within three days. Therefore, the process of marching will be very compact. I hope Everyone can persevere. If there is no problem, please give me the strongest response."

As soon as he finished speaking, 3000 people shouted in unison: "No!"

"Very good! This king just likes your spirit! Datang is proud of you, and your family will be proud of you! Now we have only taken the first step, and there are more roads waiting for us in the future Go on, there will definitely be many difficulties along the way, but I believe that you will overcome these difficulties! Have you ever understood what this king said!"


"You can defeat the enemy with confidence!"

"Have confidence!"

Everyone was said to be excited!

After finishing the work, Li Chengqian began to order: "Xue Rengui, Su Lie, Cheng Chumo...you will take the lead and lead everyone to Liangzhou!"

Everyone agreed, and began to yell: "You are all ready, we are going to set off!"

Everyone started to prepare, and everyone was ready for everything.

Everyone will be leaving soon.

The Tang iron cavalry headed by Li Chengqian is about to embark on the road of conquest.

However, Su Lie found Li Chengqian and asked, "Then there are still six Zhenguan cannons in the train, aren't you going to take them away?"

The six magic cannons were put on the train by Li Shimin ahead of time. Li Chengqian didn't know the starting point, but only learned about it later, so he let it go.

Why do you say that, because if they brought the six magic cannons, they might not be able to reach Liangzhou in a short time. Although Li Chengqian didn't say whether to bring them or not, people could guess it, but they didn't ask.

"No! What do you mean by just showing off? Let's go to Liangzhou quickly! As for the Zhenguan magic cannon, this king has his own way!"

He would not tell Xue Rengui that he still has a space with two hundred Zhenguan cannons in it.

These cannons are his magic weapon.

Let me ask, if the cavalry of the Tang Dynasty didn't carry any cannons, what kind of shock would it be if they suddenly took out two hundred magic cannons?In this way, it can also confuse the enemy's line of sight and achieve the effect of paralyzing the enemy.

"Maybe we can come over later? If His Royal Highness has any needs, I am willing to do this."

Su Lie said again, if there is no cannon, how can we destroy the city?

Now it has become common sense and everyone understands it.

Regarding Su Lie's doubts, everyone should be the same.

Otherwise, just relying on your three thousand iron cavalry, even if you want to take down a million soldiers!That is simply wishful thinking!
People don't know what Li Chengqian will do next.

Because they are not him, they cannot guess what he is going to do.

"Don't bother asking, don't bother, this king says there is a way, so there is a way! Don't worry!"

Li Chengqian said this again, and now everyone didn't dare to say anything.

"Okay, get ready, we are going to march in a hurry! Try to reach a relatively safe place before dark!"

Xue Rengui came out at this time and asked: "So these people, are they with us?"

He pointed to the dozen or so medical staff and asked.

"No! They're not with us!"

At this time, a medical staff came out and asked, "Your Highness, if we are not together, what are we doing here? This is especially easy to get injured outside. With us, the army is more secure!"

In their opinion, Li Chengqian should take them out of here instead of leaving them here.

Li Chengqian smiled and said: "I think you have misunderstood what I mean. I don't mean to keep you here."

"What was that like?"

Li Chengqian said again:
"The speed of your trip to Liangzhou will be slower, and I have already prepared someone to take you there safely. As for the time of your arrival, I have not given you any restrictions!"

At this time, someone said: "His Royal Highness, if we can't arrive quickly, then what's the point of our coming? You know, there will be a war next, and if there is a war, there will be wounded people. So, please Prince Your Highness must let us arrive quickly!"

"I understand your feelings very well, but I have my own way. Now I have the final say here, so let's do it!"

Li Chengqian has many methods, how could he be swayed by these medical staff?

As soon as the words came out, these people seemed to want to say something, but they were called back by Cheng Chumo.

"Isn't His Royal Highness' words clear enough? If you don't want to, I can let you go back to Chang'an!"

he threatened.

Now everyone is quiet.

Because going back at this time is like deserting soldiers,
They all decided to pay for Datang, and if they returned it, it would be looked down upon.

"How? Who wants to go back, just tell me, I can arrange someone to take you back!"

Looking at the silence of the crowd, it was Cheng Chumo's words that had an effect.

Li Chengqian jokingly said:

"I don't see Chu Mo, you really have a way of speaking! Why didn't this king feel it before."

Cheng Chumo said:
"That's right! That's not what I learned from His Royal Highness! All this was taught well by His Royal Highness."

As a small sample, it seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

Li Chengqian was very pleased to hear that.

"Okay, let's do it, Xue Rengui!"


"Let's go!"


So, a group of people started to set off to the location of Liangzhou.

This time going to Liangzhou, Li Chengqian tried his best to let everyone move at a uniform speed. This time, he didn't want to be radical.

Because if it is too fast, it is not good for the army. When the time comes, it will be detrimental to the combat effectiveness.

If it is slow, it will not be able to arrive in two days, and the loss will be huge. If you spend too much time on the road, then your time will be tight.

If you want to take Turkic in a month, you have to spend a lot of time on the road, and you can't waste a day.

They headed north all the way, and as they continued to deepen, they saw grasslands everywhere!
There is basically anything that can be covered on the grassland.

About fifty miles away.

Suddenly, there was the sound of a horn, and it seemed that someone was rushing towards where they were.

At this time, everyone was taken aback, who could this be?
"There are enemies! Prepare to meet the enemies!"

Xue Rengui suddenly cried out, and everyone immediately got ready to fight.

(End of this chapter)

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