Chapter 849 Loss of Thousands of People
In the binoculars, there is only an army guarding the front, and a closer look reveals that it is the Turkic army.

It seems that they have come prepared, and they should be waiting for them!

They just stood there motionless.

What are they up to?Why stay there?

Makes people a little puzzled.

Generally speaking, when the enemy meets each other, they will either fight or retreat. They will neither advance nor retreat. What does that mean?
"What do these people want?"

Li Chengqian murmured.

"Someone is here!"

Suddenly, they saw a person walking towards them cautiously. This person seemed to be afraid of something.Walk very carefully.It's like there's something underfoot.

After a while, the man shouted: "Da Tang's army, you must not move forward, or you will die! My great Turk will let you die!"

He spoke broken Chinese, so everyone could understand him.

Du Gou shouted: "If you say you can't move forward, you can't move forward. It's so embarrassing!"

But in the face of such an arrogant enemy, some people couldn't bear it.

Just like Yuchi Baolin, he directly shot that guy to pieces.

Before the man could even react, he fell to the ground motionless.Let's see what you are still arrogant about.who do you think You Are?How dare you be so bold, you are really courting death!

As for the Turkic people in the distance, they were also puzzled, why did they die just now after they were fine just now?
At this time, Cheng Chumo said as soon as he came: "His Royal Highness, let me kill them!"

After finishing, he was gearing up, eager to rush up.

Li Chengqian didn't respond to him, but took a closer look with a telescope, because he felt that something was wrong.

They are all dead, and there is no response yet! ?This doesn't make sense, there must be something wrong, or they have some plan.

"Okay... guys! What the hell are these people trying to do?"

As soon as Li Chengqian's words fell, Cheng Chumo, who was about to rush out, mistakenly thought that he was saying yes.

So he took the lead and rushed out. His appearance made some people follow him.

About 1000 people followed him out.

Fang Yizhi, Du Gou, and Yuchi Baolin all rushed out together.

They also worked hard for military merit and to prove themselves.

But before they could reach a distance of [-] meters, their feet suddenly lightened, and they fell directly into the trap. At the same time, a painful sound came from the trap.

"What's going on? How could this happen!"

"It's a trap, there are hidden weapons underneath!"

Someone died directly.

Then people continued to die.

"Chu Mo, you can't die!"

Cheng Chumo, die!
"Yizhi, you can't die!"

Fang Yizhi, die!
"This... we have fallen into a trap!"

"Du Gou, grab it!"

Yuchi Baolin was at the end. He tried to grab Du Gou's hand, but he couldn't. Finally, Du Gou also died, and his blood stained the whole trap.

Du Gou, die!

It turned out that these people had set up traps in advance, no wonder that person walked cautiously.

Now, he directly lost a thousand people, which he could not afford to lose. It was just enough to destroy the enemy, but now he lost 1000 people directly, and he would not be reconciled to it.

Now Li Chengqian regretted that he didn't stop Cheng Chumo from going. At this time, the four young masters in the capital lost three directly.

Xue Rengui and the others were also taken aback, this is the end of the game, so many people died, it was because those who had not successfully graduated from the school died first, and so many died!
People are desperate, how will the next battle be fought?There is absolutely no chance of winning!
At the same time, people have extravagant demands in their hearts, and there must be a plan.

Unfortunately, Li Chengqian didn't directly.

There is no medicine for regret in the world, but Li Chengqian has it.

He sometimes goes back in time, as long as he consumes part of the points, he can go back to the position he wants.

So he was unmoved, everyone noticed his state, what happened to him?Don't feel bad?So many people died!
So, he turned back the time and pulled the time back to when they first arrived.

A dazzling effort.

Time went back to when they first came.

Everyone looked at the Turkic people in front of them, and they were in a daze.

At this time Li Chengqian said suddenly: "Chu Mo, drive five thousand horses to the enemy's place!"

"What! Isn't that too wasteful?"

Everyone is puzzled, why do you want to do this?Is there any benefit in doing this?
Once these [-] horses head towards the enemy, there may be no turning back.

"His Royal Highness, why don't you just kill them all!"

Cheng Chumo suggested.

"Speed! Don't stop!"

Li Chengqian shouted.

How did Cheng Chumo know why he did this, so he had to do as he wished.

So they drove their horses to where the Turks were.

These Turkic people were terrified by the scene in front of them. They didn't expect this kind of operation. In just a moment, all the traps completely failed.

All that was left was the battered ground and the bloodstains of a large number of horses.

If they knew that Li Chengqian had the ability to turn back time, they must have felt panic.

At the same time, Cheng Chumo was completely dumbfounded.

If he had gone out just now, he might have died here.

He didn't know why Li Chengqian knew there was a trap here.

His back felt cold.

Just now, he died once, and it was Li Chengqian who used time travel back to let him live again, only Li Chengqian was willing, he could come a few more times, but now Li Chengqian doesn't want to come a few more times.

Cheng Chu stood there silently, and didn't speak for a long time. It turned out that Li Chengqian saved him.

If it wasn't for Li Chengqian, he might have rushed out.

"His Royal Highness, this..."

It was worth the loss of 3000 horses in exchange for [-] lives.Besides, none of these horses died, and more than half of the horses did not die.

"Kill! Kill all these Turks!"

Li Chengqian gave an order.

Everyone rode out on horseback.

As for those Turkic people, seeing that the trap was useless, they picked up their swords and came towards the Tang cavalry.

bang bang bang...

After a burst of gunfire, someone fell in front.

Then there was another burst of gunfire, and a large number of people died.

This is not over yet, as the armies of both sides approached, more and more Turkic people died.

In a blink of an eye, more than half of the personnel were lost.

The general who got the Turks had to order everyone to turn back and not fight with the Tang army.

It just took a little time, and the Tang cavalry was completely better than the Turks.

From now on, Li Chengqian has experienced three wars, each of which ended with a complete victory.

In just two days, three wars were won.

In just a moment, all the Turkic people scattered in a blast. Facing the Tang cavalry with powerful weapons, how dare they confront them head-on?
This made the cavalry of the Tang Dynasty laugh out loud, laughing at the fear of the Turkic people.

(End of this chapter)

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