Chapter 860
Tuli introduced Li Chengqian into the city.

As soon as Li Chengqian came, he attracted everyone's welcome, but they thought, why Li Chengqian only had four people, shouldn't there be thousands of troops?

How did four people fight thousands of enemies?Normal people can see that this is impossible.One person and one foot can directly trample them into scum.

But after all, they still didn't say it out, and expressed their welcome.

As for this point, Li Chengqian naturally understood. He knew that he would let them know how powerful he was in a while. He not only had four people, but also other existences.But not now, at least not until later.

But at this time, Tuli walked ahead and opened the way until he reached the mansion.

Tuli ordered people to prepare meals and prepare the best things to entertain Li Chengqian and others.This is a distinguished guest that cannot be neglected.Faced with such enthusiasm, Li Chengqian didn't want to.They are not here to enjoy life, but to have business.

But Li Chengqian said: "No need, let's keep it simple, Tuli, I have something to do with you, come with me!"

Tuli was puzzled, what did Li Chengqian ask him for?But still nodded yes.

But Li Chengqian took him wandering around until he arrived at a remote place.

He said: "When the king came, he found Jieli's army, and they were heading for the northern capital."

"What? My spies haven't discovered their existence yet."

He exclaimed, this is impossible!

"According to my king's knowledge, they may arrive at Beiduhu's place as early as tomorrow. How many people can you guard here?"

"More than [-] people!"

"That's not enough! They have 10 people marching first, and there are also troops in the rear!"

Li Chengqian said that this is a fact.

"This is also the largest force in my northern capital."

Tuli said.

"The opponent's vanguard has 10 people, and the army behind it is countless."

"If I dispatch troops, it will take at least three days to reach 50 people. They must have planned to come here this time, and they have deceived us."

Tuli said with some annoyance.

"Yes! But it doesn't matter, with my king here, everything will be fine!"

Li Chengqian said with a promise.

"But your army..."

"My army will arrive the day after tomorrow at the latest. As long as we persist until the morning of the day after tomorrow, we will definitely be able to retreat from the enemy!"

Li Chengqian said so.

Comparing 10 people with 30 musketeers, it took more than [-] rounds at most. No matter how many people they had, they would not be able to stop the muskets of the Tang cavalry.

"But I'm afraid that when their army comes, I'm afraid I won't be able to hold on!"

Tuli said again.

Li Chengqian said again: "You don't have to worry about this, you are here waiting for me, I will come whenever I go."

Before they knew it, they arrived at a place outside the city.

Li Chengqian went directly to a remote place.

He directly opened the space backpack, and directly called out two hundred Zhenguan magic cannons.

Brushing all the time, two hundred Zhenguan cannons lay neatly here.

And it was covered with some cloth.

He came out to find such a place, and it happened to be right here, so he released all the magic cannons.

Then, Li Chengqian shouted: "Tuli, come here!"

Natuli walked over directly.

When he saw all this, he was stunned. What's going on?

How come there are so many cannons?
"This is? Zhenguan Divine Cannon!"

He had seen this kind of cannon, and someone who had been to Tang Dynasty painted it at that time.So he can see it at a glance.

"That's right, there are two hundred Zhenguan magic cannons here! There are also a large number of shells available for use. If you have these things, can Xieli still retreat safely?"

Li Chengqian said so.

Now there is a question in Tuli's mind.

"Where do these things come from?"

He was very puzzled as to why these things were here.

Li Chengqian pointed to the sky and said, "From above!"


I'm afraid that's the only way to explain it. It can't be said that it came out of space. If they were killed, they wouldn't believe it. So, it's better to say it came from the sky.

In fact, this is possible, why, because they also come from the world.

If it came from heaven, they would understand better.

"Yes, this king can come from the sky, so these things can be done!" It seems that there is nothing wrong with this explanation.

Tuli directly praised:
"His Royal Highness is indeed a god-man, but we don't even know, how did you do it?"

"This is a secret. Anyway, as long as you can win, isn't it the same in any way?"

When Li Chengqian said this, Tuli nodded and said yes, there is nothing wrong, as long as he can win, then what is it?
And who doesn't have a little secret?
And Li Chengqian continued: "I want you to select 200 people, one cannon for every six people, and some translators, and they will be responsible for translating Chinese. Your people will be performed by Su Lie, and they will surely achieve miraculous results tomorrow." !"

"So that's what His Royal Highness said."

It was only then that Tu Li remembered that Li Chengqian was referring to this when he said that four people can withstand thousands of people.

If they have their teachings, then they are simply a shotgun for a cannon.Adding cannons would be a huge improvement.

It can be said that the enemy was blasted into scum before they entered within ten miles.

Completely invincible!I am afraid that no one in the whole world can resist his army of magic cannons!
"That's right, you have to study hard. This battle is very important!"

"Yes! Your Royal Highness, my subordinates will not let you down!"

Tuli said with a promise.

This is a good opportunity to improve your strength!

"That's the best way to do it. Alright, let someone transport these things to an open space! I'll let Su Lie teach them in a while!"


After finishing, Tuli took the people to transport these Zhenguan cannons to the open space.

And Su Lie also asked why.

Li Chengqian just smiled and said: "This king has already prepared it."

How did he prepare it? He didn't say it was related to Tuli?Or is it related to something else?Nobody knows!
He has said that, so what else can Su Lie say?
Had to nod in agreement.

Then Li Chengqian said to Su Lie: "In the future, you have to teach these people well. Whether we can win Jieli depends on tomorrow's battle."

"Yes! I will not let you down!"

Li Chengqian still trusts them, otherwise he wouldn't let them come together!
So Su Lie conducted some special training for these people. Of course, Cheng Chumo and the others were also indispensable. The entire Beiduhu people were full of confidence.

As for Li Chengqian, he also taught Tuli and the others to do some things to welcome Xieli's arrival.

This time, they will definitely come back and forth!
(End of this chapter)

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