God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 865 Instantly kills 2 enemy troops

Chapter 865 Instantly kills 2 enemy troops

All the soldiers are full of morale.

They are waiting for Li Chengqian's order.

And Li Chengqian picked up the binoculars and was waiting for an opportunity. At this time, the Turkic army gathered in one place with a large population.

When they gather more, it is time for him to attack.

Because at that time, miraculous effects can be achieved.

After all, the range that a cannonball can hit is limited, so he has to attack more people within this limited range.

"His Royal Highness, when will you attack?"

Seeing that the people below were very nervous, Tu Li asked.

"Wait, wait a little longer."

Li Chengqian looked into the distance, it only takes a while.

When more and more people got close together, Li Chengqian also saw a man with a dignified appearance.

Then he asked Tuli next to him.

"Tuli, do you see that the one under the banner in the distance is Jieli?"

Tu Li took the binoculars, and when he saw it, his whole face was distorted.

Needless to say, that person must be Xieli.

"This person is Xieli!"

Tuli said.

"Okay, this king knows, don't worry, this king will definitely kill him!"

Tuli nodded, he hated Xieli very much.

So when Li Chengqian came out, he couldn't wait.

But there is no rush for this matter, and we can only wait, waiting for Xieli's failure.

"Okay, everyone, get ready, we are going to fight!"


Everyone shouted, and the morale was full for a while.

Just wait for Li Chengqian to give the order.


Su Lie took the order.

At this time, he will control the bombardment of the two hundred gates.

Li Chengqian looked into the distance with a telescope.

"Get ready! Target twenty miles! Zhengxi!"

All the cannons were immediately adjusted to the right angle, and the direction was also aimed at the west.


Boom boom boom...

Two hundred cannons blasted out at the same time.

The whole sky crashed, like the end of the world.

In Li Chengqian's eyes, it could be seen that Jieli seemed to be frightened as well, and he fled in all directions with his horse and his men.

Obviously, he has never encountered such a situation.

Then the shells hit his soldiers directly.

Many people were bombarded with blood.

On the ground, two hundred large holes appeared at the same time.

And some shells fell directly on the siege weapons.

They were blasted to pieces in an instant, and immediately lost their effect.

Xieli dodged around, like a headless fly with no direction.

At this time, the people in the Beidu moat directly cheered.

Seeing the enemies outside being beaten like this, everyone felt refreshed.

After a rough estimate, at least 1 people were killed this time. May I ask how many 1 people Xieli has enough to fight?

Hit it a few more times and they'll be gone.

"Load gunpowder, load shells!"

Su Lie went on to say that every time a shell is fired, there must be a short period of preparation. This period is about 30 seconds. If it can be fired directly like in the future, it will be invincible.

But this is also the most powerful weapon Li Chengqian can make, and it is enough to deal with these people.

Taking advantage of the preparation of the cannon, Xieli seemed to be ready.

He is commanding the army to start to protect the north, and the knights are in the front. After a rough calculation, there should be about 10 of these people, and behind them is the infantry.

Xieli has experienced many battles, and even fought to the Weishui River, forcing Li Shimin to sign the covenant, which can be said to have taken advantage of it.

But this time, what he has to face is not Li Shimin, but Li Chengqian!
"His Royal Highness, they are here!"

Tuli said.

"This king knows! Tuli, you will be in charge of the next siege weapons, and you must keep them one mile away!"

"Yes! His Royal Highness!"

As far as Li Chengqian knew, the number of siege weapons was not a lot, probably more than 3, not too many, as long as one could kill or injure ten people, that would be [-] in this round.

Of course, this is only an optimal algorithm, in fact it is not the case.

Tuli went down and prepared.

At this time, Su Lie started to shout again: "Get ready! Fire the cannon!"

Boom boom boom...

Another two hundred cannons were fired together.

This time it still hit a lot of Turkic people, but compared to last time, this time it was a little less.

These Turks began to dodge with four strikes. Because of this, the population density has become much smaller.

But in the end, nearly 8000 people were either killed or injured.

All of these people lost their combat power.

This is a great thing for Bei Duhu.

This time the attack went very smoothly.

Ren Jieli couldn't figure out why he was attacked from far away when he was twenty miles away, which made him very depressed.

But what else can you do besides fight back?
In fact, at this time, he should have remembered why this happened.

Presumably he also knew about Ladi Zhenguan Shenbao.

He never imagined that Li Chengqian was in this city.

Suddenly, a loud voice came from the sky.

It made all his subordinates dumbfounded.


This is Li Chengqian's voice.

All the Turks looked around.

Xieli is even more so.

At this time, the cannon also stopped, and the Turkic people also stopped and did not move forward.

"who is it?"

Jieli shouted.

But everything about him is under Li Chengqian's control, except that Li Chengqian can't hear what Xieli is saying, all his actions are seen.

"Don't look for it. I'm in the city!"

Li Chengqian used a loudspeaker, a magical existence.

It makes people feel very strange, but in the eyes of Su Lie and others, these things are very common existence.


"I am Li Chengqian, the prince of the Tang Dynasty, and I came here this time to kill you!"

When Li Chengqian's words came out, Jieli understood what was going on, Li Chengqian did all of this, he did everything.

He looked into the distance, but he couldn't see clearly because it was too far away.

Li Chengqian saw him clearly.

Next, Li Chengqian said again: "All Turkic people, you listen, this king gives you two choices, surrender or run for your life! Don't think about attacking the city, because your people will die in the process Exhausted, think of your wives, children, if you die, someone will raise your children for you, and play with your wives!"

Li Chengqian's words were undoubtedly the most fatal.

Because most of the people here are people with families, and they are forced to come out to serve as soldiers, and no one wants to come out.

But Xieli has an order, who dares to disobey?
Then Li Chengqian said again: "Jieli, this king will also give you a chance to surrender directly and return to Chang'an with this king. Your people will still be safe, otherwise, they will die."

After Li Chengqian finished speaking, Jieli almost went crazy.

Li Chengqian was like an invisible enemy, yelling and yelling in his ears, making people upset.

he growled.


And made a gesture of wiping his neck to directly provoke Li Chengqian.

Li Chengqian, who looked through the binoculars, had already seen his performance.

"Hmph! It seems that you have made a decision."

(End of this chapter)

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