God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 870 I come, I see, I conquer!

Chapter 870 I come, I see, I conquer!
Without waiting for Li Chengqian to say something.

Tuli opened his mouth.

"Xie Li, you also have today!"

Jie Li snorted coldly.

"Hmph, Tuli, you are a disgrace to my Turkic people! You actually colluded with people from the Tang Dynasty and killed your own kind!"

"Hmph, there is an old saying in Central Plains that those who know the current affairs are the best! Moreover, for the sake of my people, we should be friends with Datang!"

"Shame is shame, you don't have to tell me too much."

Tuli said:

"Xieli, you need to know what the environment you are in now. You are a prisoner now! In our hands, you need to understand your identity. You are no longer the Khan you used to be. Now I have the final say here. !"

Li Chengqian didn't correct him, after all, he was abused by Xieli for a long time, and this kind of suffering made him hate Xieli deeply.

In this case, let Tuli handle this matter.

So, he didn't intervene.

"running dog!"

Xieli's tone was very serious.

Speaking of this man, relying on the shadow of his father and brother, he had a strong army and a large number of horses. He was very arrogant, despised the Tang Dynasty, and invaded the Tang Dynasty every year.

Jieli Khan's wife is his father's concubine, Princess Yicheng, a princess of the Sui Dynasty. I don't need to say more about how deep the knot is, right?This little mother, who is also the current wife, encourages Khan to fight against the Tang Dynasty and the Sui Dynasty every day.When the pillow wind blows, Jieli Khan really likes this trick, so he comes to harass the Tang Dynasty every year, so that the Tiance General Li Shimin at that time often went to the battlefield to beat the Turkic people.

Now Li Chengqian directly captured him, no matter how strong he was, he would be nothing but a prisoner.

But this person is arrogant and arrogant, and he can be regarded as a hero in the area.

"Whatever you say, today I want to let you know who is the overlord on the grassland!"

Tuli said so.

"No matter what, you are relying on the help of others to do this. And with the help of the [-] troops of the Tang people, otherwise your Tuli is nothing!"

Jieli said so.

Li Chengqian laughed.

"Hahaha, Xieli, you are really stupid. Do you believe me when I say [-] yuan?"

Facing Li Chengqian's ability to speak Turkic, Jieli was a little surprised at first, but now he is used to it.

"Not one hundred thousand?"

"3000 people!"

When Li Chengqian said that, Xieli wanted to die.

"Boy, you are playing tricks on me!"

"Soldiers never tire of cheating! This is a saying from the Central Plains, I think you have heard it!"

In fact, Li Chengqian's [-] soldiers and horses played a role to a certain extent, but this effect was very limited.

There are really many reasons for these soldiers to flee.

10 is just one of them.

"You...you are different from your father! Very different!"

Jieli pointed to Li Chengqian and said.

"Our ambitions are different!"

Li Chengqian smiled. Li Shimin only wanted to be an emperor, but Li Chengqian was different. Compared to being an emperor, he preferred to conquer the world. This was his future. The end of the world was the end of his conquest.


"This king wants to conquer Turks, Tubo, and Tianzhu, and conquer some existences that can be conquered, so that all countries in the world will belong to Tang! There is only one country in the whole world."

The world is one country, that is the great unification, all countries will cease to exist and will be part of the Great Tang.

It would take a lot of revenge to say such a thing.

This is also what Li Chengqian said when he traveled here.

I come, I see, I conquer!
As long as it can be seen, it is the object of his conquest.

"Impossible, the world is so big, where can you fight? It's impossible!"

Jie Li said.

"Hmph, I don't need to prove anything to you, Tuli, what are you going to do with him?"

Li Chengqian asked instead.

At this moment Tuli said bitterly.

"Naturally, kill him!"

Tuli hated Xieli very much, and he never wanted to think about that period of history.

"Xie Li, what else do you have to say!"

"Kill if you want to kill!"

"very good!"

Unexpectedly, Xieli is really hard.

"Come here, cut off Xieli's head!"

Li Chengqian gave the order directly.

At this moment, Jie Li suddenly stopped.

"Wait! I made a covenant with King Tang! You can't kill me!"

At this time, it is too late to say whether the covenant is too late, and Li Chengqian does not accept this.

Because the Weishui alliance was not an equal contract in the first place, when the alliance was signed that year, Datang paid a lot of property.

At this time, Xieli brought up the old matter again.

It is obvious that he is afraid of death, and just now he admired his backbone, so it turned out that all of this was fake.

"Why, are you also afraid of death?"

Li Chengqian smiled.

"No, Prince Tang, maybe you can go back and ask your father."

Jie Li said again.

Is it too late to say this now.

"His Royal Highness, this person must be killed!"

Tu Li was afraid that Li Chengqian would not let him die, so he said again.

Li Chengqian signaled Tuli not to worry, but said.

"Xieli, this king is going to kill you right now. If you have any last words, you can tell them in advance. As long as I can do it, I will definitely help you!"

When Li Chengqian said this, Detuli was overjoyed, but Jieli was sad.

"You... If you let your father know, then..."

"Let's say you die on the battlefield, and you will be given the title of a hero! And your head will be brought to Chang'an by me!"

Li Chengqian laughed.

Xieli fell into deep thought, her lips trembling constantly.

Most people will die like this.

No one can save him now.

Tu Li shouted: "Come on, I'll see you off!"

"you dare!"

But Jieli shouted.

"Why don't you dare! Come here, unload his weapon!"

Many soldiers rushed forward and tied up Xieli.

And Tuli walked forward slowly, taking the knife in his hand.

He grinned grimly.


The knife was up and down, and Jieli just hung up.

He paid with his life for his stupidity.

And his death means that the whole Turks are about to end.

"Hahaha! Jieli, you still have today, you died well! Good!"

After so many years, Tuli finally got his revenge.

After finishing, Tuli took off Xieli's head and knelt down on the ground.

He made a big gift to Li Chengqian.

"His Royal Highness, if it weren't for you, I, Tuli, might not be able to kill Jieli in this life. It is you who gave me this opportunity, so please accept my respect!"

"Get up quickly!"

Li Chengqian helped him up.

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness!"

After finishing, Li Chengqian said again: "Come here, liquidate the battlefield!"


After this time of liquidation, a total of 20 enemies were killed this time, countless people were injured, and nearly 10 people were captured.

More people just ran away, they ran to other places.

As for the grain brought by Xieli, Li Chengqian took it directly and left it for Tuli to use.

The war against Jieli, win!

And then there are more important things to deal with.

Therefore, that night, Li Chengqian called everyone together to prepare for the next move.

(End of this chapter)

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