Chapter 872
Li Chengqian and two thousand soldiers returned to Chang'an by train.

At this time, beside Chang'an Railway Station, a large number of people were standing, waving flags in their hands, in order to welcome the return of the heroes.

Not only them, even Li Shimin came out together with civil and military officials to welcome Li Chengqian's return.

Among them, there are Empress Changsun, Wu Zetian, Zheng Liwan and Li Shimin's concubines, and Zheng Liwan has some small changes.

Such a battle has probably never happened before.

In the distance, a train whistle sounded.

And slowly leaned on the stand.

People's eyes focused on the head of the train, and Li Chengqian was about to come out from there in a while.

Finally the train stopped.

When the train door opened, Li Chengqian saw everyone as soon as he got off.

He walked forward and was cheered by many people, who were cheering for the hero's return.

"His Royal Highness has returned in victory!"

"His Royal Highness is wise and mighty!"

"His Royal Highness has worked hard!"


People shouted and thanked, and the one who talked the most was His Royal Highness!
At the same time, Li Shimin also greeted him.

Everyone followed him to Li Chengqian!
"My son pays homage to His Majesty and Queen Mother!"

At the same time, Li Chengqian's two wives also bowed to Li Chengqian.

Behind Li Chengqian were Xue Rengui, Su Lie and others, and they also saluted with Li Shimin and others.

After a while of etiquette.

On Li Shimin's side, there was a pair of very hot eyes.

She stared at Xue Rengui closely, and Li Chengqian also saw her performance, but this matter will be discussed later, he has more important things to say.

Before that, just wait for him to announce.

"Let's all be free!"

Li Shimin walked over and held Li Chengqian's hand.

very excitedly said:
"Thank you, kid!"

But Li Chengqian said:

"It's what I should do to clean up the aliens for the Great Tang. I still have something to say, please allow me to continue!"

His words are affirmative, and at the same time Li Shimin agreed.

Li Chengqian got on the top of the train and picked up the loudspeaker.

Everyone's eyes still couldn't leave him.

He is the absolute protagonist today.

"All the people of the Tang Dynasty, this king returned victoriously and put down the Turkic people. All the credit belongs to my Tang cavalry. They paid the price of their lives in exchange for the stability of my frontier. This king brought 3000 people Go out and come back with less than 2000 people!"

When he said this, people were shocked. After all, 3000 people only died of more than 1000 people. Such an existence is not something everyone can do.

And Li Chengqian did it, how powerful it is.

Winning more with less and crushing the situation, only Li Chengqian can do it!

Of course, all of this is due to the powerful technology and military strength!

And Li Chengqian didn't mean to say this.

He motioned for everyone to be quiet.

Then he said: "The 1000 people who sacrificed are the heroes of the Tang Dynasty! This king will build a monument for them and engrave their names on it, so that future generations will always remember their names! They will be immortal!"

As soon as these words came out, all the people of Datang were moved.

And Li Chengqian also got a lot of points, which were not obtained in the previous round.Now it is obtained.

Li Chengqian motioned for everyone to be quiet again.

"I hope you can remember them, and their relatives and family members will be respected forever in Datang, and will receive a lot of subsidies. This is what we can do. I hope they can continue to be strong!"

Li Chengqian's words fell silent, and everyone said that he was right and he did the right thing.

And Li Shimin couldn't stop nodding.

Empress Changsun also said: "Gao Ming has the style of His Majesty back then!"

"I think back then, when I conquered the world, I was also supported by tens of millions of people. Gao Ming did a very good job, even better than me!"

"It's all because of His Majesty's teachings well. In the future, there will be great talents in the Tang Dynasty, so why not worry about it forever?"


At this time, Li Chengqian finished speaking and got off the train.

"Your Majesty, my son is finished."

"Okay! You have all worked hard, let me clean up the dust for you!"

"I have one more thing, I need to talk about it face to face."

At this time Li Chengqian said again.

Li Shimin wondered, what else is there?
Of course, this matter is very important, so important that it must be said first.

"What's the matter?"

"Your Majesty, please take Xiao Yu to Chang'an!"

When Li Shimin heard this, he was very puzzled.

"Xiao Yu has made great contributions to Datang, why should he be arrested?"

He didn't understand why he did this.

"At that time, Erchen led the army into the Turks, because Xiao Yu had an affair with Jieli and asked him to lead people to intercept Erchen's army. If it weren't for the strong cavalry of the Tang Dynasty, Erchen would definitely not be standing here at this time. Talking to His Majesty, His Majesty can't even see his subjects, at this time the Turks are still rampant!"

Empress Changsun said at this time: "Gao Ming, you can't say this nonsense. If there is no evidence, you can't wrong a good person."

Li Chengqian took out the letter.

"There is this book as evidence, and the Turks have also admitted it."

He said so.

Li Shimin took a look.

It's Turkic, although he doesn't understand it, but someone understands it, so he said: "Take it and compare it, whether it is written by Xiao Yu!"

Then someone took it down and compared it, and after about 5 minutes, someone came over with Xiao Yu's booklet.

"Your Majesty, this book matches Xiao Yu's handwriting!"

Some handwriting cannot be learned by others, and every stroke and horizontal stroke has a personal touch.

Xiao Yu never imagined that Li Chengqian caught him by Li Chengqian because he had an affair with Turkic people.

When Li Shimin heard this, he was very angry.

"This old man dares to do this, who gave him the courage!"

Xiao Yu was loyal to Li Shimin, but to Li Chengqian, he wished Li Chengqian would die.

He was also selfish, knowing that Li Chengqian was fighting for Datang, but wanted to kill him.

There is no need for such a person to exist.

Li Shimin was very angry, and Li Chengqian continued: "So, my son, please take him to Chang'an for questioning!"

Once Xiao Yu arrived in Chang'an, there was no way out.

After all, adultery with outsiders is a capital offense.

And if he wanted to harm the prince, that would be even more unbearable.

This is simply the same crime as rebellion, and it will punish the nine clans.

"Li Jing!"

"Chen is here!"

"I order you to bring someone to bring Xiao Yu back to Chang'an! I will definitely find out why!"


Li Jing then went down and headed south.

But Li Shimin calmed down for a while and said: "Gao Ming, I will definitely give you an explanation on this matter, but now is not the time to talk about this, let me hold a banquet for you to welcome the wind!"

Li Chengqian said straightly: "So, thank you Your Majesty!"

"Silly boy, I haven't thanked you for cleaning up such a huge disaster for Datang!"

After finishing, Li Shimin went to Tai Chi Palace.

Because the next time will be handed over to Li Chengqian, Wu Zetian and others, naturally Li Lizhi and Xue Rengui are also indispensable.

(End of this chapter)

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