God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 880 No Third Choice

Chapter 880 No Third Choice
Li Shimin pulled Li Chengqian aside and asked: "Gao Ming, at this time your sister is getting married, what do you think is appropriate?"

Li Chengqian wanted to say, are you the emperor or I am the emperor, are you the father or am I the father.

Don't tell me about the eldest brother being a father, I just heard about it.If you want to set me up again now, you can!You are comfortable and don't have to think about anything.

But the mouth is still saying: "Naturally, it must be on the same scale as the minister at that time. Amnesty, fireworks, Daqing, etc. are all indispensable. This is a beautiful wedding, and on this point, we can also look at the positions of neighboring countries. ! At the same time, it involves Datang's face. Don't be too low-key."

After all, Li Lizhi was the most beloved daughter of Li Shimin and Empress Changsun, so they naturally couldn't treat her badly.

Moreover, since Li Chengqian's fireworks, Li Shimin has made some noise every once in a while, euphemistically saying: Celebrate with all people, let all people feel his wisdom.

Li Chengqian also mentioned various countries.

So when Li Chengqian said these words, he also agreed.

"Well, I thought it was the same. Your mother and I wanted to do this, but we were afraid it would be too frequent. After all, when you came back last time, we only gave amnesty to the world. This is a good thing one by one, and I'm afraid it will disturb you. civil."

Li Shimin originally had such considerations, but Li Chengqian said:

"Your Majesty, you are thinking too much. The people work all year round, and occasionally they have to feel some literary and artistic atmosphere, feel some festive activities, and everyone can participate in the activities."

"That's right, do everything as you say."

"Then let the Ministry of Rites handle it!"

"You are Shang Shu Ling, all these are up to you to issue."

Li Shimin said again.

After all, he has not forgotten that Li Chengqian is still the minister.

"Yes, Your Majesty, I will deal with it now."

Li Chengqian was about to turn around and leave, but was stopped.

"Wait, don't worry at this time, there is one more important thing."

"Oh? What's the matter?"

Li Shimin has some problems that cannot be solved, and he wants Li Chengqian to think for him, right?

He is very happy to be the emperor.

"It's like this, when you were married last time, all nations worshiped you, what about now?"

Li Shimin didn't understand the position he just said, so he could only continue:

"Your Majesty, it is naturally the same. This is the most important thing!"

"Tell me? Why?"

"The countries around the Tang Dynasty, no matter whether they surrendered to us or not, we will send envoys to invite them. In the countries farther away from the Tang Dynasty, we will convey as much as we can. And tell them the fact of the demise of the Turks , In this way, they will know what we want to do. Our purpose of doing this is to make them submit to us actively, and we will also rate these people according to their arrival and their attitude. Don't give me Datang face, just destroy it. In order to ensure the stability of Datang's surroundings."

If you don't come to worship, it means that you have made up your mind to fight against Datang, so I'm sorry, Datang will attack you.

"Very good, I also agree."

"Also, there are a few countries in particular that need to pay special attention."

"Oh? Which ones?"

"Your Majesty, please move to the sand table."

Li Shimin followed Li Chengqian and walked over. At this time, Empress Changsun was still trying on high heels, and now she couldn't put it down.Ignoring the two walking around, she still asked the little maid from time to time, is it good-looking?The court ladies had never seen this thing before, and they all said it was so beautiful, which made the eldest grandson empress very happy.

It seems that this is the nature of women.In order to make myself more beautiful, I like to be affirmed by others.

The two father and son ignored her.

Li Shimin first asked:

"Gao Ming, what do you want to say?"

The two arrived at the edge of the sand table, which was drawn by Li Chengqian based on the world map. Every country was marked very accurately, and it was also very large.

Especially after the Turks were defeated, the entire Tang Dynasty can be said to be the largest country in the world, not one of them
"Your Majesty, please look here!"

Li Chengqian took out a long bamboo and pointed it somewhere.

"This is Tubo, and next to him is Tuyuhun. Now Tuyuhun is the territory of my Tang Dynasty. This time we will also extend an invitation to the Tubo people and let Songtsan Gambo come to Chang'an in person. If he dare not, next year It is the time when Tubo perishes. If you come, let them be vassals, so as not to die."

Why next year, because of the weather.

"That's right, give them another chance."

Li Chengqian had reason to believe that Songtsen Gampo would never surrender. If he would, he would have surrendered a long time ago, and he would not wait until now.

What he wants is a reason to fight, the reason is that I, Datang, give you face, but you don't, then I will beat you.

After all, it has been a long time since what happened to that woman last time, and some people have already forgotten it.

"It is a first-tier country, and it is also the largest and relatively strong one. As for Goguryeo, Silla, Baekje, Waguo and other countries, it is also very important. We will do the same! Let their kings come directly. If they don't come, just write down Come down!"

Li Shimin put his hands behind his back and said: "The country of Goguryeo has invaded our land several times. As for the other three countries that have aided them, they are really helping the king!"

"Yes! So, this time, we have cleaned up together. When the minister returns from Tubo, it will be the time for us to settle with Goguryeo!"

"Okay! Okay! I agree with everything you do."

"Your Majesty is wise!"

"All of this depends on you, Gao Ming. When I conquer the country, my son will expand directly, so that my Tang Dynasty will be like the sun in the world, and it will never fall!"

This is what Li Shimin used Li Chengqian's words.

Because what Li Chengqian said the most is that the sun in Datang never sets.

"Where is it? It's not because of the great country laid down by His Majesty! My minister just did what my minister should do."

"Hahaha! Good, good, come!"


"Sort out the countries around my Tang Dynasty, and invite their countries to Chang'an in my name! Let them come to Chang'an to worship!"

Those who dare to send the king are basically considered to be surrendered to the Tang Dynasty. Those who dare not send it are basically useless. These people will be the objects of the Tang Dynasty's conquest.

When Li Chengqian did this, there were only two choices for the people in the surrounding countries, surrender to the Tang Dynasty, or else the country would be destroyed and the country would still belong to the Tang Dynasty.

Other than that, there is no third option.

"If there is nothing wrong, the minister there will take the first step."

Li Chengqian said so, but unexpectedly, someone came outside.

"My son pays homage to His Majesty and Queen Mother! Lizhi has met her elder brother!"

It was Li Lizhi who came over.

(End of this chapter)

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