God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 886 Migrant Population Management

Chapter 886 Migrant Population Management
Say what it is!
It is very tiring to wait.

But Li Shimin still sighed.

Li Chengqian couldn't help it either.

"His Majesty……"

"Regarding the large number of Turkic people appearing in Chang'an City recently, there have been some incidents of Turkic people hurting the people recently. At the same time, half of the people in Chang'an's prisons are Turkic people. This is a bad omen. Although I let the Turkic people People have surrendered, but because of their arrival, I am a little upset, after all, I can't find an effective way to manage them."

Fang Xuanling came out and said: "I feel that these Turkic people lack a sense of belonging. They have never farmed on weekdays, and they don't know our way of life. It is normal to have conflicts with us."

Du Ruhui said: "I think that if they are included in the household registration of the Tang Dynasty and educated, those who refuse to obey will be punished directly, and there is no need to go to prison, and they will be beaten directly!"

Du Ruhui advocated a beating, and the matter would be over.

But at this time, if there is a real fight, it will inevitably cause some Turkic people to be unhappy.

"I thought that..."

Others began to talk in a hurry. Some of them advocated fighting, some were gentle, some expressed that they were forbidden to enter Chang'an City, and some even thought that they could be brought by Tuli. go back.

Everything imaginable was thought of.

At this time, Li Chengqian was still thinking about what to do.

Waited until he thought of one thing.

Maybe it can be done.

He can refer to the future practice, and he will be able to achieve miraculous results.

So, he was going to bring it up directly.

Let Li Shimin agree.

Before he could say anything, Li Shimin asked, "Gao Ming, what do you think?"

Li Shimin asked him to come for nothing more than this matter.

Naturally, it was impossible for Li Chengqian to disappoint Li Shimin.

So he said: "Your Majesty, my son has a way!"

Now everyone turned their attention to Li Chengqian.

"Oh? How can I do it?"

Li Shimin asked.

"The Tang Dynasty now accepts the Turks for its own use. It gives the Turks a fatal attraction. They were originally foreigners, but now they are my subjects of the Tang Dynasty. We have no reason to expel them. They are the builders of this city. , has brought demographic dividends to the city's development, but it has also brought enormous pressure to Chang'an's public security.

Recently, I have often heard this point, and the news I got from Wang Xuance just now is more accurate.Yes, we have to take care of it, and we can't let them be so unmanageable anymore! "

The words Li Chengqian said aroused people's unanimous agreement. Since you have subdued the Turks, there is no reason not to let the Turks enter Chang'an.

They are also Datang people now.

But how to deal with their relationship with the Datang people?

Li Shimin also asked, "Then what should we do?"

"Because they entered Chang'an, they did not enter the field of vision of the court's management, and were out of the court's sight. Of course, they also did not enjoy basic cultural services, free skill training, and lacked relatively fair educational opportunities. They would also provoke The constant troubles have made the people of Chang'an feel insecure. If this continues, the situation will definitely get worse."

Before Li Chengqian said what to do, everyone was anxious.

But these have to be said.

"So, my son thinks that the form of applying for a temporary residence permit can be used!"

Temporary residence permit?
What is that, everyone was stunned.

Because everyone has never heard of such a thing.

"Everyone listen to me!"

Everyone was quiet again.

"The people's will must be determined, and a temporary residence permit must be required! The role of the temporary residence permit is to enable the imperial court to have the ability to accurately control every foreign population living in Chang'an. Through this "accurate" and dynamic tracking of the management of the floating population, including illegal crimes A series of measures, such as recording records in the temporary residence permit, can "accurately" crack down on criminals. The security problem will definitely be greatly improved.

The temporary residence permit is only temporary. Once a Turkic person obtains a three-year temporary residence permit, he or she has not committed any crimes and can directly enter Chang'an household registration and marry a Chang'an woman, or a Chang'an man can marry a Turkic woman.In this way, after the formation of intermarriage, their descendants also received the education of Datang.Being sinicized gave them a sense of glory for Datang. ..."

Li Chengqian said a lot, and his words shocked everyone.

Because no one can think of such a thing.

Unexpectedly, Li Chengqian thought so far away.Think of the time farther in the future.

It makes everyone feel ashamed.

Because it looks like a very simple temporary residence permit, but it solves the security problem of the entire Chang'an.Everyone is happy, once a person makes a mistake, it will definitely be recorded, and he can even be expelled directly?
"Okay, okay! Sure enough, Gao Ming can surprise me every time, and it's the same this time. It's very good, so let's do it."

Li Shimin was very satisfied with Li Chengqian's method, so he thought so.

The same is true for other ministers.

Anyway, they couldn't think of a better way, so they could only use Li Chengqian's method.

"So, Sun Qian!"

Sun Qian, Shangshu of the Ministry of household affairs, came out.


"This matter is handled by your household department. You have to do it well!"

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

"Okay, that's all for today, everyone leave!"

Li Shimin finally said.

"Gao Ming, wait a minute! I have something to say!"


As for everyone, they all dispersed at the moment.

With everyone leaving, this matter has come to an end.

As for Li Chengqian, he was just called by Li Shimin to play a game of chess.

Li Shimin said: "People say that life is like chess, and the country is also like chess. One move counts three times, and one has no regrets. Sometimes one careless move will cause the whole game to be lost, and sometimes one mistake will cause eternal hatred."

Li Chengqian responded: "If you advance, you will retreat, if you retreat, you will advance, if you gain, you will lose, and if you lose, you will gain. One step back is for the next step, one step is for the next step, and one step is for the gain."

"Hahaha! Gao Ming, your comprehension is still so strong."

"It was His Majesty who made a good start."

Li Chengqian tried his best to agree with him.

Li Shimin said again: "Gao Ming thinks, when Lizhi gets married, how many enemies will Tang have?"

Li Chengqian signaled.

"It is close to at least three countries. These three countries are eyeing my Tang Dynasty, and there is no good person."

"Three? There's nothing to be afraid of if you're wise!"

"For the sake of the people, this is what I should do."

"Okay, okay, it really is my son. In a few days, Lizhi will get married. As a big brother, you have to behave well."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, with my sons and ministers here, these outsiders will naturally know how powerful we are!"

"That's great."

(End of this chapter)

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