God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 888 It's Awesome

Chapter 888 It's Awesome
The youngest prince, Li Zhi, was picked up by Empress Changsun.

Li Zhi at this time was the youngest among all the princes.

But it is the most lively one.

The other princes, the older ones like Li Ke, Li Yun, etc., all asked for help, and they didn't study here anymore. After they received Li Chengqian's knowledge, they all did their best for Datang.

As for these princes, the oldest is only seven years old, and the youngest is Li Zhi.

They all come from children born to different concubines, and naturally princesses and the like are indispensable.

What these people received was Li Chengqian's strict education.

Naturally, they also instilled a kind of thinking in them, that is, to respect Li Chengqian, and to put Li Chengqian first in everything. They must obey what Li Chengqian said, and they must do what Li Chengqian asked them to do. .

Of course, Li Chengqian would not do anything illegal for them.

The final result of this kind of education is that all the princes wholeheartedly assist the prince, the future emperor.Because they also don't have the ability to compete with Li Chengqian, unless Li Chengqian withdraws by himself, they have no chance at all!

At this time, Li Shimin also saw Li Zhi.

The youngest son of him and the eldest grandson empress is also the most favored one.

"Zhi'er, let me ask you, how are you doing here?"

This child was sent here to study as soon as he learned to speak. Li Shimin also took great pains.

At this time, the children of ordinary families are still playing in the mud for adults to hug and nurse.

"My elder brother taught us very well. Sometimes my sisters-in-law taught me, like today. Now I know pinyin, ancient poetry, numbers, addition and subtraction, etc.!"

Li Chengqian promoted mathematics, pinyin, etc., and directly let the princes in the palace learn it first, and simultaneously promoted it to the world.

Facts have proved that for Datang people, these current methods can make people learn faster than before.

His reply was shocking, how old is he?He is simply a child prodigy, even more prodigy than Li Chengqian!
Empress Changsun asked:
"Then how long have you been studying?"

Li Zhi took out his finger and made the final calculation.

"Well...about a month!"

Will it be so much in a month?If it is other people, they may only be able to recognize a few Chinese characters in a month, and they can't even write their own names, right?
This is a bit shocking, and at the same time, I admire Li Chengqian's teaching speed.

In fact, as long as Li Chengqian develops the teaching ability, even astronomy knowledge can be acquired by them, but it is not necessary, these children do not know enough about the world, some things, it is better for them to accept slowly.In fact, they learn very quickly.

"Zhi'er, what poems do you know, tell me and let me hear."

Li Shimin's temper became very good at this time.

Li Shimin doesn't understand mathematics very well, and the words of poetry are different.

Li Zhi wanted to break free from Empress Changsun's control.

"The queen mother let me down! I want to recite poems!"

"Why? Can't you hold it?"

"Holding has no taste!"


Does this poem still have flavor?
"Mother, please!"

"Good good!"

Empress Changsun had no choice but to let him down.

"Listen to my recitation!"

"This song is for the goose, cough cough! The goose goose goose, the song goes to the sky. The white hair floats in the green water, and the red palm touches the clear waves."

Once this poem comes out, it is very easy to understand, and it makes people feel very visual.

"Is this poem written by His Royal Highness?"

Du Ruhui asked.

"I don't know if it's true, but the eldest brother took out a book called Chinese, let us learn along with it!"

He said it honestly.


Everyone was at a loss.

In fact, they are books for nine-year compulsory education, and these books can just enlighten these princes.

What is Chinese?Articles teaching Chinese?

It's all one can think of.

"Quickly, take it out and have a look!"

Li Shimin came to be interested.

Wu Zetian handed over the notebook to him.

Li Shimin opened it and was immediately attracted by the illustrations inside, and there were some poems, that's it.

"Good things, good things! Unexpectedly, Gao Ming still has such good things."

"Your Majesty, I seem to have seen these things."

Fang Xuanling said at this time.

"Where did you see it?"

Li Shimin was curious, how could he see it?
Fang Xuanling said:
"I saw it in the education department, just a while ago. At first I didn't know what it was, but now it seems that it is a picture book taught by His Royal Highness, which is really admirable!"

"Are there any other textbooks?"

Li Shimin was simply addicted, so he asked again.

"Yes, there are, like mathematics, there are also picture books!"

Wu Zetian took another mathematics book.

Then Li Shimin looked at it directly.

For this new thing, he couldn't put it down.

At this time, he looked like a child.

As if reading a comic book, he was deeply immersed in it and couldn't extricate himself.

It made everyone very depressed, what happened to Li Shimin?
They came here today not to study Chinese and mathematics, but to look for Li Chengqian. Fortunately, Li Shimin was very happy watching it, but everyone was very anxious.

After a while, Li Shimin closed the two books.

"These two books are really good things. If children can learn from them, it will be a great thing for Datang!"

That's right, the nine-year compulsory education is no joke, these things are naturally the best.

"Let me wait and see!"

Fang Xuanling and the others took over Li Shimin's book and began to read it. They were the same as Li Shimin. Some people just chose to shut up because of something, because they also looked like Li Shimin, and they just read it there.

I couldn't help but sighed: Good!That's great, I didn't expect to compile such a book, His Royal Highness is really a genius!
These two books solved my doubts that I hadn't solved for many years, and it turns out that I can still write like this!

The content in mathematics, step by step, makes people feel a little immersed in it.

With it, we may not be wrong in our calculations in the future.

This time, Li Shimin laughed even more.

He also knew that these people must have been laughing at him in their hearts just now, but now they are the same.

Several ministers circulated these two books, their mouths kept admiring, their hands kept moving, and their eyes kept staring at the books.

Because it is so beautiful.

Just when everyone is enjoying it!
"His Royal Highness is here!"

Suddenly, a little yellow door yelled.

It was Li Chengqian who came back, and the ministers were a little reluctant to put away the book and stop reading it.

They must really want to read them, because they are really great. If they can, they want to go home and read them slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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