God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 897 1 Must Be a God

Chapter 897 Must Be a God
"Young man, if they are willing to win you over, you should agree, otherwise this prison will be exhausted!"

At this time, a heavy voice sounded, and the light in the cell was dim, and Li Chengqian could see a wrinkled man with ragged clothes and bowed waist.

"Old man, what do you mean?"

The man paused for a while, then said, "Old man? I'm only thirty! I was arrested the year before last and tortured into an old man?! Hey! This Pang Xiangshou is really indiscriminate."

Long-term malnutrition made the man very tired.

It turns out that torture can turn a man in his 30s into a 60-year-old man.

This Pang Xiangshou really deserves to die, and Li Chengqian couldn't think of it. It turns out that Tang Dynasty also has a dark side, and that's when the court can't control it.

"How dare this Pang Xiangshou do this! Brother, I will rescue you tomorrow!"

Li Chengqian said so.

But the man said: "Young Master, I have heard this many times. Look at the people behind me. They have sympathized with me more than once, but in the end, they are still the same as me!"

Following the direction the man pointed, Li Chengqian saw more people who looked like the man.

They came out of the darkness.

"Are they also wronged like you?"


As soon as the man finished speaking, someone entered the cell.

Then someone came to the door.

"The food is here, hurry up!"

At this time, there was a group of people carrying some buckets filled with rice that could not be thinner. Their actions were very rude, and they didn't take these people seriously, but these people didn't care so much and just joined together past.

"Young master, I will not accompany you anymore!"

The man dragged his body to the side.

Li Chengqian took a closer look, and these people could eat whatever it was in order to survive.

This Pang Xiangshou really made people angry.

"Son, this..."

Wang Xuance was speechless.

What is this.

Li Chengqian said: "This Pang Xiangshou must be severely punished!"

"General Cheng, he should be here tomorrow, when the time comes, this Pang Xiangshou will definitely subdue the law!"

"This king can't wait to suppress him now and let him suffer this crime!"

Li Chengqian said.

It seems that he is really angry.

Soon, the food will be divided, and there will be no Li Chengqian and Wang Xuance.

The man asked, "Why, they didn't?"

The soldier sneered.

"They don't have it, but you do. If you want to sympathize with them, you can give them yours!"

The soldier said, and the others laughed.

The man can't eat enough for himself, is there enough for Li Chengqian and the others?

Then, the soldier said: "These two people should be punished if they don't listen to the governor's words, and they won't die if they starve for a meal or two. You should take care of yourselves!"

It seemed that they deliberately opposed Li Chengqian in order to get Li Chengqian to agree.

To tell the truth, in people's hearts, they must think that they must be fools, and if they don't take the good 500 million yuan, they will suffer here.

How did they know that Li Chengqian had more money and had a noble status, and he did this only to let Pang Xiangshou know how powerful he was.

And here, he can leave whenever he wants, and if he really wants to shut them down, he can't shut them down.

"Brother, don't pay attention to us! You can eat!"

But Li Chengqian said.

Then the soldiers sneered. "Okay, don't make noise, eat with peace of mind!"

He came again and said to Li Chengqian: "You don't enjoy the glory and wealth, but you want to come here to eat porridge. Your thoughts are really surprising. My buddies advise you, it's better to be obedient."

"You don't care about it, what should you do, why go."

But Wang Xuance shouted.

"Hmph, then enjoy yourself, hahaha!"

Then the soldiers left.

"My lord, are you hungry?"

Wang Xuance asked.

"are you hungry?"

Li Chengqian asked back.

"This subordinate won't, I'm just afraid that you won't be able to bear this pain."

You must know that Li Chengqian eats very good food every day, he has never been hungry for a meal, and today is special, that's why he asked this question.

"If you're hungry, I've got something to eat!"

"Ah! Young Master... when did you have it?"

Li Chengqian is a person with space, so he hid a lot of food before leaving.

It seemed that Wang Xuance was hungry.

Li Chengqian turned around, and there was a roasted whole sheep, and again, there was roasted chicken, roasted duck and a lot of wine and food.

This act of juggling made Wang Xuance dumbfounded.


"Don't worry about it so much, just eat what you have!"

Li Chengqian didn't want to explain, and couldn't explain clearly.

After finishing, he said to the man next to him: "Brother, I have some food and drink here, let's eat together!"

The man was stunned when he saw so much food.

He didn't come over, but knelt down directly on the ground.

"Miracle! Are you a god?"

As he knelt down, the others followed suit.

Because Li Chengqian, who was empty just now, was actually full of food in front of them, which was completely beyond people's imagination.

This is impossible.

Li Chengqian just smiled.

"Eat or not, come and share with everyone!"

The man was in the same cell as them, and the others were in the surrounding cells. They were all leaning against the cell door, looking at everything in front of them, drooling.

The man didn't care too much, just picked up a leg of lamb and ate it.

Probably because he hadn't eaten meat for a long time, he devoured it voraciously, and it looked ugly.

A sip of wine, a sip of meat.

As for the others, Li Chengqian didn't let them watch.

"Wang Xuance!"


Wang Xuance then threw the meat in front of him to the surrounding people one by one.

The first reaction of these people was not to grab, but to kneel down and kowtow repeatedly.

Thank you Li Chengqian for everything you have given them.

In their opinion, Li Chengqian is a god, conjuring food with bare hands is not something everyone can do.

After that, people took the food in an orderly manner.

"We must be dreaming! It's meat!"

"There is still wine, thank the gods! Thank the gods!"

Li Chengqian said, is it that exaggerated?
Then put it.

"Okay, let's all eat, tomorrow I will make everyone free again!"

At this time, no one doubted what Li Chengqian said. Isn't it very easy to save people who have become foodless?

After finishing, Li Chengqian turned around again.

"Brother, eat slowly, there are many more!"

The man said with some embarrassment: "Don't blame the gods, I have not seen meat for two years, so I am rude."

It can be seen that this man must be an educated person, his tone of voice and behavior are different from ordinary people.

"It's okay, come, come, drink!"

Li Chengqian raised his cup and said.

(End of this chapter)

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