God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 899 Wine and Beauty

Chapter 899 Wine and Beauty

Pang Xiangshou frowned and said, "What did you say? Cheng...General Cheng brought people here! Is this serious?"

Pang Xiangshou was a little shocked that Cheng Yaojin actually came.

This matter was far beyond his imagination.

Junshi Yang said: "According to Chang'an's internal sources, that's the case."

They were able to know Cheng Yaojin's arrival in advance, that is to say, there were people in the court, and fortunately Li Chengqian came out ahead of time, so no outsiders knew about it.Let Cheng Yaojin take the initiative to attract their attention, so that the results can be found better.

"Good guy, when General Cheng comes, you all have to prepare food and money. We have to entertain him well and let him return with satisfaction! By the way, we need 100 beauties. Find them quickly, I want Let him be so happy!"

"Yes, yes, I'm going to do it!"

Pang Xiangshou asked what happened again.

"Wait, did you say when it's coming?"

"I didn't say it, but according to our estimation, we will arrive at noon tomorrow at the latest."

"Before noon tomorrow? By the way, who else is there?"

"Only one person, with hundreds of guards. The guards are Tang cavalry!"

Pang Xiangshou trembled when he heard the Tang cavalry.

"Tang cavalry, use 3000 people to put down the existence of the Turks! We must be careful this time."

Pang Xiangshou said again: "Wait, didn't you say there were two people?"

"The news will always be wrong! Maybe only General Cheng is here."

"If that's the case, that's fine."

"And what happened to the two in prison?"

Sweat suddenly appeared on Junshi Yang's forehead. After all, he had persuaded him just now, but Li Chengqian and Li Chengqian refused to follow suit and deliberately raised the stakes. Therefore, this time he did not complete.

He had to say: "Those two people won't take long, I will definitely let them obey! It's just right for General Cheng to take them back to Chang'an, and then you can also be together. In this way, it will be prudent!"

"You said these two people are very important, don't let them get hurt!"

"I don't know what to do with this one. At most, I will starve them for a few days, let them experience the feeling of a prison, so that they will have a deep memory. When the time comes, I will persuade them again, and it will definitely have a miraculous effect!"

"I believe in you! You have never let me down! If I am promoted to Chang'an to become an official, I will naturally benefit from you!"

If you are a governor here, you are at best an official dispatched from abroad. There was such a rule in ancient times. Those who are officials in the capital look down on those who are outside. Chang'an is the center of power. You can do things under Li Shimin's eyes. Only when you have made more contributions can he see that you are an official outside, even if you paid the price of your life to defend Datang, but if no one mentions it, how can others know about your deeds?
This is impossible. At this time, Pang Xiangshou also has certain financial resources, but now he is short of finding a good official in Chang'an, and spends his old age peacefully.

"In that case, I would like to thank the governor!"

"No need to thank you, what should you do, do it quickly, remember, General Cheng tomorrow is very important! A woman must be beautiful! The wine must be fragrant! The ostentation must also be great. f"

"Yes yes yes! The little one obeys!"

Junshi Yang left here at this moment and headed outside.

"Cheng Zhijie, I didn't expect His Majesty to ask you to come. It's really surprising. Who did I think it would be! You love wine, let you get drunk first, and then I will give you a hundred beauties. Enjoy it, you Go back and stop talking nonsense!"

After thinking about it, Pang Xiangshou smiled.


It was night, and everyone in the prison had gone to sleep.

Wang Xuance suddenly asked worriedly: "His Royal Highness, what if General Cheng doesn't come here tomorrow? We can't get out here!"

His consideration was not wrong, now that the two of them are locked up, they can't get out no matter what.

Li Chengqian was not worried, he said: "I will inform Uncle Cheng, he knows where to find me!"

"His Royal Highness is indeed wise!"

It was only then that Wang Xuance suddenly realized that Li Chengqian had already made up his mind.

Even if Cheng Yaojin hadn't come, Li Chengqian had a better move, which was to take out the Zhenguan cannon and be blasted to pieces by the cell.

But this is also no way.

He didn't want to do it either, because in this case, he couldn't explain it clearly.

"Sleep with peace of mind, at noon tomorrow at the latest, we will definitely go out, and that guy surnamed Pang, get ready to accompany us back to Chang'an to plead guilty!"

Regarding Li Chengqian's judgment, Wang Xuance did not doubt anything.

"Yes, yes, the subordinates know!"

Then everything will wait until noon tomorrow, and there will be results.

The conversation between the two was very quiet, and no one listened.


So, until noon the next day.

Above the south gate of Puzhou City, there are a large number of soldiers in uniform. Their morale is full, which makes people awe-inspiring.

And in the distance, a group of people is rushing here.

Above the tower are Pang Xiangshou and Yang Junshi.

Behind them are hundreds of beauties, all of them beautifully dressed, very gorgeous.

"It's coming, it's finally here! Have you got everything ready?"

"Everything is ready! The beauties are behind you. All of them are very beautiful."

Pang Xiangshou turned around and saw that there were hundreds of beauties here, all of them were peerless, and he couldn't stop nodding.

"Also, tell the surrounding people not to come out, just in case!"

This is all greedy, and he is afraid that the people will come out to make trouble, and it is a lie to say that Pang Xiangshou is not afraid.

"Please don't worry about this, the governor. I have already taken care of it. There are people pretending to be people along the road. If General Cheng really asks, he won't be able to ask anything."

"Mr. Yang, what you do makes me more and more at ease!"

"It's still up to you to be promoted by the governor! You know it with your discerning eyes, so that the little ones have room to display their talents."

Pang Xiangshou was very satisfied with Junshi Yang's reply.

"Work hard, the benefits will naturally be indispensable to you!"

"Yes yes yes! The little ones must work hard."

"Okay, General Cheng is coming soon! Let's wait."

Suddenly someone shouted: "Someone is approaching the city gate!"

Pang Xiangshou got up and looked through the binoculars. In front of his eyes, Cheng Yaojin's army had reached five miles away. They were all cavalry, and they would arrive soon.

"Come here, welcome General Cheng!"

Pang Xiangshou shouted.

At this time, everyone agreed and followed him directly down the tower.

Pang Xiangshou was at the end, full of aura, and after a while, Cheng Yaojin came with the army.

As soon as Pang Xiangshou saw Cheng Yaojin coming, he trotted forward, followed by Junshi Yang, and the two of them, one fat and the other thin, ran up and down.

When Cheng Yaojin saw the two of them, he frowned.

A little thought.

"General Cheng, you have had a hard journey!"

Pang Xiangshou stepped forward and saluted.

(End of this chapter)

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