God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 918 Princess Wedding

Chapter 918 Princess Wedding
The next day, the entire city of Chang'an was filled with joy, and a large number of people felt happy for Princess Changle's marriage.

When a princess gets married, there are many rules and procedures. For Li Lizhi, she was born in the palace since she was a child, so she is of course very familiar with these rules.

But for Xue Rengui, these procedures are really a headache.

Fortunately, the officials from the Ministry of Rites taught him that he would be able to handle it in a while.Xue Rengui also told Li Chengqian that getting married is not as fun as fighting a war, because there are too many etiquettes, and everyone is saluting this day, and there is no idle moment, but this is the biggest event in life, and it is the princess's wedding. How can you ignore it?

Li Chengqian valued Xue Rengui very much, and funded him to build a son-in-law's mansion that could support the facade.

The day before the princess got married, the officials of the Ministry of Internal Affairs carried the princess's dowry to the son-in-law's mansion.

Xue Rengui is very busy, but not everyone can marry a princess, Xue Rengui must be a blessing from his previous life.

On this day, the day of the princess's wedding finally arrived.

Under the leadership of the Ministry of Rites, Xue Rengui was a little dizzy.

Finally, it was outside the Tai Chi Palace, where Li Shimin would preside over the wedding of the two.

Outside the palace at this time, it was already full of people.

The first half is for the ministers, while the rear is for the envoys from various countries to congratulate.

As the person who officiated the marriage, Li Shimin couldn't help but say a few words.

He said: "Today is the day of great joy for my son Lizhi and Xue Rengui. I am very pleased that they can get married. I also thank you all for coming to congratulate me in Chang'an. I have made people remember your presence. It is your choice, and it is also the most correct choice for you. In the future, if I eat a bite of meat from Datang, I will have a bite of soup for you!"

After that, Li Chengqian came on the stage.

He followed Li Shimin's words and said: "Today, I will take advantage of Lizhi's big day to announce one more thing. I hope you can spread it out!"

Then, all the envoys turned their attention to where Li Chengqian was.

Li Chengqian went on to say: "The Kingdom of Shiwei will become a subsidiary of our Tang Dynasty. From now on, all the affairs of Shiwei will be the affairs of my Datang. This king wants to declare to the world. Anyone who dares to deceive Shiwei will be with him." I, the Tang Dynasty, are against me, no matter how far away they are, I will kill them!"

Li Chengqian didn't say anything about Princess Silla, after all, the horoscope hasn't been written off yet.

At the same time, he also saw the Silla envoy below, staring at him.

He is also waiting for the return of the Silla envoy, hoping that she can settle the matter earlier.

In this way, for them, that is all good things.

Li Chengqian's words sparked cheers from everyone below.

Whether these people are envoys or ministers, they all wish Datang well.

In this way, everyone is good.

"Okay, I still have some information to disclose. After the research of my Datang Research Institute, I have now developed a new type of gun that can fire five rounds of bullets at a time. In the future, we have to study deeper For example, thousands of bullets can be fired at one time, the so-called one gun in hand, I have it in the world! Once the enemy, it will be a paper tiger in front of me, Datang!"

As soon as Li Chengqian's words fell, people shouted frantically.

"The Great Tang is mighty, the Great Tang is mighty!"

What Li Chengqian showed off was his strength, and even more so, his deterrent power against external forces.

In this way, there is no one in the whole world who is not afraid of Datang, and this is what he wants.

This is what he wants to win without a fight!

"Alright, next, the wedding begins!"

After that, the members of the Ritual and Music Department began to perform music.

Accompanied by the sound of the music, a woman in Jiyi appeared on a red carpet connected with dragon chairs.

That was Li Lizhi, and she was wearing the high heels that Li Chengqian gave her.

Her appearance surprised everyone, and people began to discuss it.

From head to toe, today's Li Lizhi is definitely the most beautiful one.

At the same time, people also noticed the high heels under her feet. Not surprisingly, there will be a new fashion trend in Chang'an City tomorrow.

That is high heels!

Although the wise ancients could not make such beautiful and durable high-heeled shoes as Li Chengqian, the shoes they could make were not too far behind.

And below Li Shimin was Xue Rengui, who was wearing the groom's clothes, watching Li Lizhi's arrival intently.

At this time, he is still a success.

Although the ancestors had shade, but in his generation, nothing was left behind.The only ones, I am afraid, are the military exploits of the ancestors, but this military exploits are not the military exploits of the Tang Dynasty.

He can climb to this position thanks to Prince Yu, without Li Chengqian, he is nothing.

I don't know when I will become famous.

It is also impossible to marry a princess.

Be a winner in life.

Facing people's eyes, Li Lizhi is not stage frightened at all.

She walked gently in front of Li Shimin and Empress Changsun.

Li Shimin laughed so hard that he couldn't close his mouth.
Empress Changsun held Li Lizhi's hand.

"Lizhi, if you marry a woman in the future, you must respect the three obediences and the four virtues, and you must not lose the face of the royal family!"

"Yes, Empress Mother, I know!"

"My sister is so beautiful! In the future, Zhi'er will marry a wife like her sister!"

At this time, Li Zhi, who was beside Empress Changsun, spoke.

Li Lizhi smiled and touched his head.

"There will be!"

At the same time, she turned her attention to Li Chengqian. Without Li Chengqian, she would not be able to get Xue Rengui.

Until Li Shimin said: "Okay, the auspicious time has come. Xue Rengui, I will hand over the beauty to you now. If you dare to treat her badly in the future, I will never forgive you!"

"Yes, Your Majesty, I know!"

How dare Xue Rengui.

Moreover, Li Lizhi is still Li Chengqian's younger sister, so he wouldn't dare to give him ten guts.

Suddenly, Xiao Huangmen came forward and said: "Your Majesty, the auspicious time has come, can we start?"

"let's start!"

Li Shimin waved his hand.

Xiao Huangmen yelled: "The auspicious time has come!"

Then there is worshiping heaven and earth, Gaotang...

Furthermore, send it into the bridal chamber.

It's all the same as usual.

In the end, Li Shimin said happily to all the ministers: "Today is Lizhi's big day, everyone will not go home until they are drunk!"

With the fairy drunk and wine provided by Li Chengqian, and the supply is unlimited, no matter how many people there are, he is not afraid.

Because there is enough wine.

This is the advantage of Fontan Trading Company.

"Yes! Your Majesty!"

The crowd cheered.

It lasted until the evening, when fireworks and lantern shows were used for festive things.

And Xue Rengui and Li Lizhi are also very happy.

In this way, a major event on Li Chengqian's mind is over.

As long as spring comes, it will be the day when he goes to Tibet.

(End of this chapter)

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