Chapter 920 The Tigress
When Li Chengqian saw the visitor, it was Shi Wei's envoy.

I was shocked.

"Shiwei messenger, you haven't returned to Shiwei yet? What are you still doing in Chang'an City?"

he asked.

He didn't understand at all why the messenger was still here.

Before Shi Wei's envoy could speak, Li Jing spoke first.

"This person has settled down in Chang'an for the purpose of communication. He has also been in contact with me during this period of time."

It turned out that there was a connection with Li Jing, probably because Li Chengqian said that he wanted Li Jing to lead the troops there.

It's just that during this period of time, the place hasn't stabilized yet, and when King Shiwei is really confirmed, it's time for Li Jing to lead his troops there.

Shi Wei envoy did not speak.

Just can't stop nodding.

"Messenger Shiwei, why did you come to see this king?"

Li Chengqian asked.

The Shiwei envoy began to say: "Just now, my king said that you can send troops to station in Shiwei! My king is ready to welcome you!"

Shi Wei envoy said so.

Upon hearing this, Li Chengqian glanced at Li Jing.Because he said that he would lead the soldiers there.

Then he said: "Okay! Regarding the issue of garrisoning troops, I still need to discuss the specific plan with His Majesty. When you come to the East Palace, I will talk to you!"

When Shi Wei's envoy heard this, he said, "Yes! That villain will leave first!"

After finishing, the Shiwei envoy walked briskly towards the place where he lived.

In this way, everything is much easier.

Once Shiwei becomes his own, then the next few countries will follow.With it as a springboard, everything is much easier to handle.

And Li Chengqian looked at Li Jing and said: "Li Jing, then, next, this king will talk to His Majesty, and you will lead the troops to Shiwei! How about it?"

"So, thank you, His Royal Highness!"

Li Jing was very happy, after all, it was time to make meritorious service, as long as the meritorious service arrived.In the future, the children and grandchildren will be shaded, for generations to come.

As long as Datang does not fall, his descendants will always be good.It's like finding a good backer!The world's number one existence!
"Okay, you can go back with me to Tai Chi Palace to meet His Majesty!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

At this time, Duan Lun asked, "His Royal Highness, what about here?"

Only then did Li Chengqian realize that there was still something to be done here.

So he said:

"Here? Come on!"


"Let Cheng Chumo, Fang Yiai, Du Gou and Yuchi Baolin come over here! Hurry up! This king is waiting for them here."

Then someone went to announce the arrival of the four.

The four people he intends to train have not asked them to work for a long time, and now they can be asked to do things!
It's only a short time.

The four of them came here.

With the crown prince's announcement, they are naturally going to hurry up.

They made a big gift with Li Chengqian.

Then they spoke.

"What is His Royal Highness looking for us for?"

Du Gou asked first.

During this period of time, they were stuck at home with nothing to do.

It is also because Li Shimin did not give them some official positions.

Otherwise it won't be so.

And it was also because during this period of time, there was no war outside and nothing to do inside, and the world was peaceful.

Therefore, the four of them felt very bored.

They were naturally happy that Li Chengqian could think of them.

Fang Yiai said:
"His Royal Highness, if you don't look for us again, we will all be moldy!"

Yuchi Baolin said:

"Isn't it? We are at home every day, besides reading, we still read!"

The worst thing is to be silent for a few days.

He said:

"Not only that, but also facing the tigress at home! I used to think that getting married is a matter for adults, but now we, Ning Yuan, are children again!"

After they married Turkic women as wives, they realized that Turkic women are so tough.

Although they look different, although they are very beautiful, but these people are still a bit too much.

After all, there are still some cultural differences between people.

Their toughness is also reflected in their married life, which makes the four of them a little bit strenuous, and their personalities are also a part of it.It didn't happen that Li Chengqian called, so they could come out to get some air.

The four of them had a great time, they existed in front of Li Chengqian like this.

Li Chengqian didn't blame them either.

So, they are together, more like friends.

But some people are not happy with them, after all there is a difference in dignity!
Therefore, before they could talk too much, they were beaten back by Li Jing.

"You guys, don't be rude! Do you know how to be respectful!? Be polite in front of His Highness the Crown Prince! Your father knows how to respect His Highness the Crown Prince, but you are making fun of it. It's really disappointing!"

Li Jing kept the four of them silent, this is what they are used to.It's also because Li Chengqian is approachable.

"Li Jing, forget it, let them talk, they are probably also stuck at home, panicking. Tell me!"

But Li Chengqian said.

For these four people who will gallop in the officialdom in the future, Li Chengqian placed high hopes on them.

The four of them cast a grateful gaze.

But at this time, Li Jing still said: "His Royal Highness, we still have matters to deal with, why don't we go back to Tai Chi Palace first?"

Li Jing was obviously a little anxious.

Li Chengqian looked at the time, it was getting late.

He still has things to attend to.

He said: "Cheng Chumo, the four of you will accompany Duan Lun to look through all the remodeled buildings in Chang'an City, and then form characters and send them to the East Palace. Do you understand?"

Giving it to others is worse than giving it to these four people, they are the existence that you can rest assured.

"Yes! His Royal Highness!"

The four stopped laughing and said seriously.

"We will not let you down!"

"Yes! We will record it truthfully. I have read a lot of books recently, which just come in handy!"

Li Chengqian felt satisfied, since this is the case, it is the best.

"Alright, Li Jing, let's go!"


"Congratulations to His Royal Highness the Prince!"

The four said in unison.

After finishing, Li Chengqian and Li Jing went to Tai Chi Palace.

Duan Lun at the scene had to take four people to look at the surrounding buildings.

After these four people appeared, the people also dispersed.

The whole street became a little deserted.

People only want to see Li Chengqian, he is the shooting star of people, and people will not stay here after he returns to the palace.

This is also a normal thing.

At this time, Li Chengqian and Li Jing hurried to the Taiji Palace.

However, they were in vain.

Because Li Shimin was not in the Taiji Palace.

Where would that be?

Finally, when Li Chengqian asked, Xiaohuangmen pointed to the highest point, and Li Chengqian saw Li Shimin's trace at the Qinwang Pavilion.

So, the two moved to the location of King Qin's Pavilion.

Li Shimin is there at this time, is he in a bad mood?
They didn't think too much, there are more important things to report right now, whether you are in a good mood or not!
(End of this chapter)

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