Chapter 922

"Gao Ming, do you think I see or not?"

Li Shimin asked this on purpose.

You may want to see it in your heart, but how to say it in your mouth.

"It depends on His Majesty's intention."

Li Chengqian said so.

If Li Shimin wanted to see him, that would be the best.

If you don't want to, just let Li Chengqian go by himself.

All this depends on Li Shimin's will, but Li Chengqian knows that this guy wants to see the messenger.

Because, that day, he could feel that Li Shimin's heart was a little fluttering.He was afraid of what happened in Tubo again, so he asked Li Chengqian what he meant.

Li Shimin laughed.

"Hahaha, I'll just sit here and take a look. When the time comes, you can discuss with him again. I think the Silla envoy looks pretty good."

Li Shimin seemed to have changed his mind.

For such a young and beautiful emissary, it is very capable.

"Haha, if Your Majesty wants to accept her as a concubine, it's not impossible, but it will be possible when we win Silla."

Li Chengqian said, after all, this woman is really talented, she is worse than Empress Changsun, but not by much!
"Hahaha, the one who knows me is Gao Ming!"

That day, Li Shimin observed the Silla envoy in the dark, maybe a little hazy, but the first impression was very good.

And why, to accept the concubine, the reason is very simple.

Li Shimin is not only interested in her appearance, but also her talent.

Those who can be envoys and are not afraid of the power of the Tang Dynasty are sure to be extraordinary.

The concubines Li Shimin married were also very human, just like the Tubo envoy last time.

It's just that the emissary had bad intentions and tried to sabotage it, which was what he came for in the first place.

"Come on, let the Silla envoys come up!"

Li Chengqian ordered.

You will know everything when you see it.

Li Shimin, on the other hand, sat upright to show his imperial air.

He even tidied up his dragon cannon, apparently to make a good impression.

He is an existence at the pinnacle of power, so he should be very popular!But he also attaches great importance to some of his image!
After a while, the Silla envoy followed a soldier to the top floor.

She looked around and was amazed by this majestic building.

At the same time, it came out of her mouth.

"There are such tall buildings in this world, Tang Dynasty is indeed a prosperous capital! It is enviable and shocking!"

This Qinwang Pavilion is also the tallest building in the Tang Dynasty. As early as a few months ago, Li Shimin ordered the Ministry of Industry to heighten it.

It is now twice as high as before.Taller There is no taller building in the entire Tang Dynasty.

And he also decorated it, and many people lived in it.

Some conveniences are provided for the accommodation of the palace.

I didn't dare to do this before, but now I can, because Datang is rich!
Li Shimin didn't dare to think about being so rich a few years ago.

Now it has been realized one by one.

Just imagine, when people stand on a high place and look down, how arrogant it is.

The Silla envoy had obviously never seen such a tall building. At the same time, standing in front of her were the peak of the Tang Dynasty's power, the two strongest people in the Tang Dynasty.

"The Silla envoy pays homage to His Majesty the King of Tang and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!"

The Silla envoy made a big gift as soon as he arrived.

In this way, there is no loss of courtesy.

Li Shimin nodded and stared at her up and down.

It can be felt that the more he watched, the more satisfied he became.

The Silla envoy was a little embarrassed.

"Your Majesty, is there something about me that doesn't suit you? If so, I'll change it directly!"

"No, no, I didn't expect that Silla would have such a beautiful woman, and her literary talent is very superb, I am very surprised!"

It can be heard that Li Shimin looked at the Silla envoy, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it.

Li Chengqian coughed on the side.

Li Shimin didn't say anything more.

After all, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry.

Then Li Chengqian said: "Silla envoy, why did you come to look for His Majesty this time?"

Li Chengqian is still in charge of all this, so he should be the one to ask.

The Silla envoy quickly said: "His Royal Highness, I just got a reply from our princess, so I came directly to ask His Majesty for an explanation."

"Oh? So, your princess agreed?"

Li Chengqian asked.

A hint of embarrassment appeared on the face of the Silla envoy.

"This is not the case!"

It's all this time, and it's not the case.

What the hell is this Silla thinking?
Li Shimin also said on the side:

"Does this need to be considered for so long? Gao Ming had agreed with you before that he would surrender to my Great Tang. My Great Tang will treat you as its subjects, and you will be under the protection of the Great Tang! Do you still have to consider this? You Think about it, what kind of existence you will face up, down, left, and right, without the protection of Datang, your country will not be a country!"

Li Shimin has also seen a map about Silla.

Around him, there are some countries that are coveting their territory, wishing to carve them up directly.

The Silla envoy was slightly embarrassed.

She said: "Actually, it's not up to me to decide. It's up to our king to decide. But our king has not been able to make up his mind, so all of this has not yet been decided!"

The Silla envoy said so.

"Then what are you doing?"

Li Chengqian asked rhetorically.

You don't even agree, so what are you doing here?
The Silla envoy said, "Actually, I'm here to discuss and see if it's possible...!"

"No! Impossible!"

Li Chengqian replied directly that before the Silla envoy could say anything, he directly refused.

"His Royal Highness, have you rejected me before I say anything?"

"If it weren't for what this king said before, it would definitely be impossible!"

Although Li Chengqian said so, Li Shimin made an exception.

"How about this, let's listen to what he has to say?"

Li Chengqian was speechless for a while, this Li Shimin is really...

Forget it, never mind, who made him the emperor.

"Then follow His Majesty's will!"

Li Chengqian had no choice but to say this. He knew that Li Shimin would not be allowed to stay here, so he went to meet the Silla envoy alone.

It's really going to make trouble, it's too late to say anything now.

Just give Li Shimin a little face.

The Silla envoy was overjoyed.

She might feel something strange about Li Shimin, but she didn't say anything clearly, so she couldn't be sure.

I had to say: "So, thank you His Majesty Tang Wang!"

Li Shimin waved his hand.

"No need! Tell me, why are you here? How do you want to deal with the relationship between our two countries? I'm listening carefully, and speak quickly if you have something to say."

Li Shimin's question is also very direct.

The Silla envoy paused for a while, seeming to organize his words.

Then she said, "It's actually like this."

The attention of father and son was put on the messenger of Silla.

What he said next let Li Chengqian know that Princess Silla really dared to think about it.

(End of this chapter)

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