God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 933 Qin Qiong Invites a Battle

Chapter 933 Qin Qiong Invites a Battle
As soon as Li Shimin's words came out, Cheng Yaojin and others were the happiest.

They originally planned to let the four of them go out to exercise again, but now they are valued by Li Shimin and want to reward them again.

Cheng Chumo stepped forward and said: "Your Majesty, these are what we should do, and it's okay without rewards."

This made Li Shimin unhappy. Does it mean that if I want to reward you, I need your consent?
"I want to reward you, but you want to refuse?"

Li Shimin said so suddenly.

But the four of them were frightened.

"It's not that kind of majesty, I don't mean that."

Fang Yizhi said: "Your Majesty, Chu Mo can't speak, and I hope you will be tolerant. What he means is to fight side by side with His Highness the Crown Prince. It is a kind of honor. You don't need to reward it, and you are naturally happy in your heart!"

When he said this, it really made people feel that this guy could speak.

"Hahaha, okay, okay, Yizhi, you can really talk, it's very refreshing to hear."

The last time Li Shimin met and talked with the four of them was when they were asked to compose poems, and the four of them grew up in a blink of an eye.

I have to say, time flies by.

"Let's go on, I named the four of you Zhongwu Generals! As a reward! I want to say one more thing, but anyone who has meritorious service will definitely be rewarded. If you don't get it, you can ask me for it in person!"

Without rewards, that's basically impossible.

Cheng Chumo and the others came back because they didn't see Li Shimin.Otherwise, Li Shimin will definitely reward it.

General Zhongwu's rank is on the fourth rank, and generally speaking, it is not low.

Officials above the fifth rank of the Tang Dynasty are not low.

So this time, the official given by Li Shimin is naturally not low.

The four of them were so happy that they forgot to salute to express their gratitude.

Du Ruhui coughed directly.

Four people wake up.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"


After the reward, Li Shimin was very interested.

Li Chengqian only watched him perform.

Now behind him, there are three people following.

Wu Zetian with Zheng Liwan and his children.

Their eyes were full of reluctance, but they couldn't stop Li Chengqian from going to war, because Li Chengqian was fighting for the Tang Dynasty and their future.

Li Chengqian nodded towards them, as if to say, it's all right.

"Your Majesty, please say a few words, for the sake of the soldiers!"

Li Chengqian said so.

Li Shimin will not let go of this opportunity.

So he stood on the stage and began to talk about his ideals and the future of Datang into the microphone.

And cheering for the soldiers below, this is the case every time, and the soldiers are very excited when they hear it.

But Li Chengqian got tired of hearing it, so he let him talk.

This time, he didn't perform, because without points, it was meaningless to him.

After talking for about ten minutes, Li Shimin stopped.

There was a little excitement on his face.

At this time, someone came up and said, "The auspicious time is coming!"

That means they are about to set off, which means getting them ready.

At the same time, a person appeared from the gate of Ximen.

Coming on a black horse.

This person is very powerful.

If you look closely, it's Qin Qiong.

Qin Qiong didn't bring any soldiers behind him.

Probably came in a hurry.

As soon as he came, he saluted Li Shimin.

When Li Shimin waved his hand to signal him to excuse him.

He said again: "Your Majesty, I request you to go west with His Royal Highness to conquer Tubo!"

This is Chang'an, Qin Qiong asked for it.

Li Chengqian looked at his dusty appearance, he should have rushed over after getting off the train without any rest.

"Oh? Why?"

"I want to fight with His Royal Highness, but I missed a good opportunity last time, which made me a little disappointed. This time, I must join His Royal Highness."

Qin Qiong said so.

It made everyone nod their heads.

Li Shimin also said happily: "This is my Tang Dynasty soldier."

What happened today, why did everyone want to go with Li Chengqian to conquer the Tubo people.

If it was someone else who went to war, they might not have as much appeal as Li Chengqian.

All this is because of the existence of Li Chengqian.

All the people also felt a rush of pride.

"Let Gao Ming decide on this point, I will take his opinion as the main point!"

Li Shimin said.

When he said that, he meant to throw the pot away.

But Li Chengqian said:
"Qin Qiong, you should stay in Chang'an City and have a good rest. The most important thing is that you can train Tang cavalry with Xue Rengui in your spare time. Because my Tang Dynasty is not only a threat to the west, but also a great threat to the east. So you are here Inside Chang'an City, just in case!"

First, Li Jing and Yuchi Jingde went to Shiwei to guard, and then Xue Rengui took nearly [-] Great Tang cavalry to train in Chang'an.


Qin Qiong objected.

"What? You don't agree with what I mean?"

"His Royal Highness..."

Qin Qiong wanted to say something.

Xue Rengui interrupted him.

"Now our army is pursuing a new type of combat method. General Qin, although you are also a generation of fierce generals, this type of method is still a bit unfamiliar to you. The meaning of His Royal Highness is very obvious. It is to let you learn how to fight well. Later."

What Xue Rengui said made Qin Qiong understand.

He couldn't help but said: "So that's the case. I have also seen His Royal Highness's combat methods, which are completely different from ours. I have to study hard on this point. In this way, I will follow His Royal Highness's wishes."

"Okay, the auspicious time has come, and this king is about to set off!"

Li Chengqian then said.

"Congratulations to His Royal Highness, I wish His Royal Highness a triumphant return!"

All the ministers waited in unison.

And Li Shimin said: "Gao Ming, I will wait for your return in Chang'an!"

"Gao Ming, you can come back earlier!"

Empress Changsun also said.

And Li Chengqian nodded, reassuring them.

Then, he hugged Li Xiang again, and said goodbye to the two wives.

"let's go!"

After finishing, Li Chengqian took the lead to go, and he got on the train directly.As for the other soldiers, they got on the train in order.

According to their arrangement, two days were spent on the road.

Arrive at Dafeichuan as soon as possible to prevent Songtsen Gampo from leaving there.

Once he is not there, it is equivalent to looking for him in Pibo City, which is a farther distance.

Too far away will make the whole conquest process very slow.

This must be avoided.

Finally, amidst the sound of the train whistle, Li Chengqian led fifty thousand Tang cavalry to Dafeichuan.

And all the people in Chang'an waved their hands at the departing train.

Empress Changsun walked to Zheng Liwan's side and hugged Li Xiang.

"Don't worry, Gao Ming will be fine. And Jue'er, you have to take good care of yourself, the labor period is coming soon."

"Yes! Queen Mother, we know!"


(End of this chapter)

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