Chapter 936

On the way, Su Lie asked: "His Royal Highness, are you being too radical?"

Facing the appearance of the enemy, Li Chengqian behaved aggressively.

In the eyes of Su Lie and others, this is a radical approach.

After all, you can fight as you say, without any discussion.

"Radical? No, no, no, this king will catch him by surprise! And with the strength of our army, it only takes half a day to win a city. Why, do you have a better way?"

Li Chengqian asked back.

"No, no, this subordinate is just curious, not doubting His Royal Highness's decision!"

Su Lie said so.

He didn't question Li Chengqian, he was just curious.

"I didn't mean to blame you. It's good that you know how to ask questions. But logically speaking, they have hit our door, and we have no reason to keep them happy for too long! Moreover, this time, the king must They must pay a huge price! No matter who they come, they will all be dead in front of this king! Anyone who dares to offend my Tang Dynasty will have only one ending!"

Li Chengqian said so.

From his eyes, everyone can see a lot of murderous intent.

Now that he has made a murderous attempt, I am afraid that these Tubo people will be finished.

"His Royal Highness has never been on the battlefield before, but he is a blockbuster. This is a height that no one can reach!"

Wang Xuance said.

Although Li Chengqian has experienced many wars, it was only the Turkic one.

It is very admirable to have such a strong military strength in the first war.

Afterwards, Cheng Chumo also said: "That's right, with the power of His Royal Highness, the Tubo people will definitely surrender directly!"

"Yes yes yes! That's it!"

Du Gou also joined the discussion.

Of course, Fang Yizhi and Yuchi Baolin are also indispensable.

We chatted.

He kept patting Li Chengqian's ass.

Li Chengqian smiled.

These flattery words sound very refreshing.

"Although I know you guys are flattering me, this king is still very happy to hear that."

Everyone smiled awkwardly.

This should not be regarded as flattering.

Because they are telling the truth.

As for what Li Chengqian thought, they had no way to influence him.

"Okay, let's go quickly, there is still a long way to go!"

For the next dozen or so hours, they have to persevere.

All the way to the location of Hezhou.

Li Chengqian originally thought that he could go directly to Hezhou, rest for one night, and then fight Songtsen Gampo. Now the Tubo people have advanced this process.

Let him go directly to Hezhou to fight the Tubo people.

He didn't expect it to be so fast.

The Tubo people may be a little anxious to do this. Once the Chinese New Year is over, they will invade the Tang Dynasty. It is almost fatal. Li Chengqian has also heard a saying that the Tubo people are suffering from famine and need food, so they are so anxious.

However, no matter what the reason was, if they dared to do this, they must bear Li Chengqian's anger.

A group of people waited from noon to the afternoon, only took a short rest, and then continued on their way.

They didn't stop even at night, but moved forward faster. They didn't encounter any danger along the way, if they encountered some wolves or something, but faced with more existence than them, these animals could only Avoid, don't dare to face up!

Until the next morning.

Everyone is a little tired.

Su Lie came to report: "His Royal Highness, some of the horses have exhausted their strength and can no longer walk. We think we can take a rest."

This is his judgment based on the actual situation!
Li Chengqian did not respond directly, but looked into the distance and then at the map.

He is considering feasibility!
He thought to himself:
The physical strength of the [-] Great Tang Cavalry is definitely good, but the physical strength of these war horses is not very good. After all, they have been on the road, and they have a heavy load. They have not rested for more than ten hours, and their physical strength has become exhausted.

At this time, there are still two hours away from Hezhou.

Wang Xuance also said: "Yes, if we force our way, I'm afraid our horses won't be able to rest. It may damage the outcome of the battle. To be on the safe side, we should rest!"

He was right.

But Li Chengqian still didn't say much.

"On our right is the Weishui River. There are still two hours away from Hezhou. It is not far, and it is not close. The current position is really embarrassing. It is right in the middle."

he murmured.

What to do now.

As powerful as him, he directly made a decision.

"Order to go down, rest for two hours, and cook! Set off at noon!"

As soon as his words came out, everyone cheered. Everyone was tired, so it was best to rest for two hours.

Everyone started to get busy. They took out the prepared instant noodles, compressed biscuits, etc., boiled water, and prepared to eat.

And someone set up a tent by the river.

Li Chengqian was resting inside.

In fact, he is not tired. If he is allowed to work hard for a year, he can do it. It is nothing to rush for a few days.

So he walked to the river.

At this moment, Su Lie, Wang Xuance and others also followed him to the river.

Suddenly, he saw fish jumping in the Wei River.

Look again, it turned out to be a large group of fish. In the ancient Weihe River, few people caught this fish. First, they could not catch too much. Second, the tools were limited. The tools that people can fish are very simple, unlike the dragnets in modern society. , With one net going down, tons of fish will be caught directly.

Because few people catch this fish, they grow very fast and are extremely fat.

"Perhaps we can catch some fish from Hanoi! By the way, we can improve the food for the sergeants!"

Li Chengqian looked at Weishui again and said.

This aroused Su Lie's curiosity.

"His Royal Highness, even if we see a lot of fish in Hanoi, we have no way to start! Except for muskets and big knives, everyone has nothing else to catch these fish!"

Wang Xuance also said: "Yeah, we can only look at the fish in Hanoi and worry, but we can't eat them!"

They also know that if there is fish to eat, it will be equivalent to one more meal for their own food, and it can also supplement the soldiers' nutrition.

These soldiers are very edible and strong.

But Cheng Chumo and others didn't care.

"His Royal Highness has given us so many surprises, this time, he dares to say that, there must be his reason! We believe he can do it!"

The four of Cheng Chumo and Li Chengqian had been with Li Chengqian for a long time, and they knew what was in Li Chengqian's stomach.

That's a lot of good stuff, and if he can name it, he can get it.

This is a mystical belief in him.

Li Chengqian just smiled.

"What Chu Mo said is not wrong, that's it!"

Li Chengqian said so, which also attracted some soldiers to wait and see.

(End of this chapter)

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