Chapter 940
Li Chengqian went to his barracks.

At this moment, Su Lie and others came up to meet him.

First, Su Lie said: "His Royal Highness, it was so thrilling just now, we saw the other party's archer was about to kill you!"

Just now, everyone broke into a cold sweat because of Li Chengqian. Fortunately, he is fine, otherwise it would make everyone depressed.It will also make everyone regret it.

"Yes, Your Royal Highness, you are too radical. If you make any mistakes, it will not be a good thing for our army!"

Wang Xuance also said.

However, Cheng Chumo and others expressed different opinions.

They believed in Li Chengqian and believed that he would handle this kind of thing well, so Cheng Chumo said:

"It's not the first time for you to follow His Highness the Crown Prince. Don't you know that there is a reason for him to do so? His Highness the Crown Prince has a clever calculation. If the calculation is done, Shang Nang will not dare to kill anyone, so he went alone."

Na Du Gou also followed up and said: "Yes, yes, in ancient times, Zhuge Liang sang the empty city plan, and now His Royal Highness is facing thousands of soldiers in Tubo with his own strength. What kind of courage is this!"

As for Fang Yizhi and Yuchi Baolin were about to say something, they were interrupted by Li Chengqian.

"Okay, that's enough, I know you guys will flatter me."

As soon as his words came out, Fang Yizhi, who hadn't spoken at all, breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, he didn't say anything, otherwise, he would be scolded.

Cheng Chumo muttered, "That's the way it is, what we're talking about is the truth!"

As for Su Lie, I still asked.

"His Royal Highness did this for a purpose, right?"

"In fact, this king has already figured it out. These Tubo people are naturally proud. They will not attack a defenseless person. This king just grasped this point and felt that they should have a chance, a chance to survive, so he went to persuade them. They. But they didn't listen to persuasion, so I have to apologize!"

As soon as Li Chengqian's words came out, murderous intentions suddenly appeared.Then don't blame yourself.

Then he said to the crowd: "Come on, get your cannons ready, we are going to attack the city!"


5 people shouted at the same time, and pushed out a hundred cannons.

It was finally time to attack the city, and everyone was very happy.

Li Chengqian, on the other hand, was looking at Shang Nang above the tower with a telescope.

At this time they also began to prepare for the battle.

But the weapons they hold are nothing but cold weapons of the first generation, which simply cannot match the hot weapons hundreds of years in advance.

It can be said that they are scumbags in front of Li Chengqian's cannons and guns.

From the binoculars, Li Chengqian could still see Shang Nang's expression, which was just self-satisfaction.

I'm afraid this guy won't be happy for too long!
Li Chengqian gave them a chance, but they didn't cherish it, so feel embarrassed, and when Hezhou is taken down, they will use Shang Nang to question the crime.

It must be very interesting for Shang Nang to see the Tang cavalry like this.

Then, Su Lie stepped forward and said: "His Royal Highness, all the cannons are ready!"

And Wang Xuance also said: "The musketeers are also ready! I only obey your orders!"

As for Cheng Chumo and others, they stood below, waiting for Li Chengqian's order!

"Very good! You listen to my king's orders!"

Li Chengqian looked into the distance, finally he was going to fight!


He first said:
"Chumo, lead 3000 people to guard the north gate, and don't let any Tubo people leave the city!"


Then arranged to say:

"Yi Zhi, you lead the three of you to guard the south gate, just like Chu Mo, don't let the Tubo people leave the city to prevent them from escaping!"


And finally said:

"As for Du Gou and Bao Lin, go to the east gate!"


When he arranged things, he was very methodical, and he knew exactly what to do and how to fight!

"In this way, none of them can escape alone. All Tibetans will pay the price!"

Li Chengqian explained again,
Everyone suddenly realized.

"Remember, don't hurt the lives of the people!"

Li Chengqian confessed again.

After all, the people are the foundation of the people, and they are also the composition of his points. This Hezhou city has at least 10 people, nearly a million points, plus the points for killing the enemy. This time, he must get more points. .

From what everyone heard, Li Chengqian did it for the people, so naturally he didn't dare to disobey anything.

They said "Yes!" in unison.

The people are their roots, and these soldiers also come from the people!
Afterwards, Cheng Chumo and the others dispersed with [-] Tang cavalry.

They have muskets in their hands, as long as anyone dares to come out, they will definitely be beaten!

Li Chengqian, on the other hand, wanted to take [-] Tang cavalry to attack the East Gate.

Time passed minute by minute.

After about 10 minutes or so.

Then three people came to report.

At this time, Cheng Chumo and others all arrived.

That means an attack can be launched.

But at this time, Shang Nang on the tower was still indifferent.

Looking at Shang Nang, Li Chengqian must have looked down on him, thinking that he only brought 5 people, which was unshakable for the 10 people guarding the city.

That is the traditional way of fighting, the way of fighting with ancient cold weapons.

What else can they do besides head-to-head confrontation?
The Tibetans thought that they would definitely win this time.

But this time, Shang Nang might have miscalculated.

"Everyone get ready, give the enemy a head-on blow! Let them see how powerful my Tang cavalry is! Let them know that the consequences of underestimating us will be unimaginable! Let them know that those who dare to invade our territory will do no good. End! Tonight, we will drink and eat meat, and we will go into the city to rest! Do you have confidence?"

Li Chengqian made several parallel comparisons, which made many soldiers' blood boil.

Everyone has the same purpose in mind, that is to kill the enemy and drive the enemy out of Hezhou!
Even kill them!
"Have confidence!"

More than 4 people said in unison.

It's so deafening, it's admirable. The Tubo people in the distance also heard this sound. Regardless of whether they can break through the city, the momentum of these soldiers is still admirable.

"Okay, it's very good to have confidence! This king also believes that you can do it! Su Lie!"

"Subordinates are here!"

"Advance the cannon one mile! Destroy the gates guarded by the enemy!"

Although the gate of Hezhou City was built by the people of Tang Dynasty, if Shang Nang used it, it would have become the enemy's fortress and a stumbling block preventing them from advancing.


After that, Su Lie waved his hand, and under his command, a hundred cannons advanced towards the bottom of the city wall.

And Shang Nang looked at everything in the future, thinking a little bit.

Cannons are only influential in a small area, and most people still don't have the slightest understanding of this thing.

Therefore, when the cannon advanced one mile, Shang Nang still felt nothing.What's so scary about being so far away?

(End of this chapter)

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