God-level prince of the Tang Dynasty

Chapter 961 Reinforcements are coming

Chapter 961 Reinforcements are coming
Lun Cole couldn't figure out why this happened in the city.

"who is it?"

"It's the people in the city, and someone seems to be directing it!"

"What? Someone commanded, that person is really courageous, could it be that boy?"

On Cole asked.

"Not one person, but a group of people!"

"A group of people?"

Lun Cole fell into deep thought.

How could it be a group of people?
Suddenly he thought of what happened before, and shouted directly: "Oops, the people we were going to hunt down must be that group of people, come here, call [-] soldiers, and definitely kill the person who takes the lead in causing trouble!"

"But we still have to send troops outside the city! There are still Tang cavalry outside the city!"

Someone said so.

If this is the case, it is internal and external troubles.

"Those cavalrymen? Don't be afraid, I have found a way. Look what's under here!"

Lun Cole said with some pride.

Following the direction Lun Keer pointed, many Tubo soldiers looked over.

It turns out that the soldiers in Tubo were erected piece after piece of sandbags, and their function is undoubtedly like a city wall.

And the distance between him and the cavalry of the Tang Dynasty became very close. In this case, the cannon effect of the cavalry of the Tang Dynasty became less effective.

And their chances of winning are better.

In addition, their siege weapons came in handy. Although they are not as advanced as cannons, as long as they can kill the enemy, they are good.

This is the way they thought of fighting in exchange for their lives.

So everyone gave a thumbs up and said, "High! It's really high!"

On Cole is also receiving people's praise.

"Alright, hurry up and get ready. You must catch the person who caused the trouble and kill him! Otherwise, when Zanpu comes tomorrow, everyone will have a hard time when the blame is laid."


At this time, someone went to prepare.

For Li Chengqian, that was not a good thing.

So, it won't take a while.

The whole city suddenly became boiling.

But the Tibetans still underestimate the power of the people. When people resist, no matter how many troops you have, it won't help.

It is also confirmed a sentence.

Water can carry a boat or overturn it. The people are the water and they are the boat.

If the hearts of the people are not in harmony, they will usher in perdition!
Regarding these, Cole really doesn't have much time to care about them.

All his energy was on Cheng Chumo and the Tang cavalry he was carrying.

That is a terrifying existence. If the outside wins out, it will be very easy to solve the inside.

At this time, Cheng Chumo also ordered the Tang cavalry to evacuate, and they didn't dare to stay here any longer.

With the number of nine thousand, it is not an easy task to capture the city of 20 elite soldiers.

The main reason is that Cheng Chumo is too immature, and it is impossible to meet the old fox Lun Keer again, and it also damaged a lot of Tang cavalry.

Now, when Li Chengqian comes out, he must punish Cheng Chumo well.

Originally, he came out to make meritorious deeds, but this is a good thing, since the meritorious service is gone, he will be punished.

"Hahaha, Datang's army is nothing more than that! Even if you have advanced weapons, so what? We will still let you know how powerful we are!"

Lun Cole was laughing wildly. This might be the more planned war he had fought in his life.

"Pass down the order. When fighting, don't hurt their artifacts, and seize the weapons in their hands. Don't break them! Of course I'm useful!"


On Cole, it seems that it is not enough.

"Come here, send a pigeon to Zanpu, tell him today's record, make him happy, it will definitely inspire people, maybe we will go all the way east, take down all the cities of Datang, and engulfing Datang is just around the corner!"

Lun Ke Er was a little crazy, and he was so complacent after winning some, and Li Chengqian was very upset when he knew it.

As for Cole's order, a soldier came up and said, "For some reason, all the pigeons in our city are dead!"

Such a thing happened at this time.


As soon as Lun Cole heard it, he knew who did it.

"Damn it, it must be that group of people who did it! You catch them quickly, and I will definitely tear them to pieces!"

He didn't take the matter of releasing the news to heart, because he thought he could handle the Tang army, but he was wrong.

Li Chengqian listened to some words about Cole, and knew that this guy was very good at some things.

Whether it is commanding thousands of troops or analyzing the situation, it is absolutely superior and so powerful.

In other words, he is an opponent, stronger than the previous prime minister.

But for Li Chengqian, it's still not enough.

It won't be long before Cole will lose.

"Report! The Tang army suddenly retreated and wanted to withdraw from the battle circle!"

At this time, someone came to report.

Lun Cole said, "Chase! We must catch up with them and kill them all!"

At this time, someone persuaded: "They retreated suddenly, I am afraid there is a fraud!"

As for Cole, he didn't care.

"They retreat step by step, and they can't beat our sergeants at all. In the past, we exchanged ten for one. Now we basically exchange one for one. How many people can they have enough for us to exchange? Go straight to catch up and let them know how powerful our Tubo warriors are. .”

On Cole is now full of confidence.

No one will listen to what others say.

Also because of his quick work, this is a very dangerous behavior.


"Don't be fooled, you lead your troops there quickly, if you take down the enemy's magical soldiers, I will reward you a lot!"

On Cole said so.

How could the generals below dare not listen, they agreed, mounted their horses, and headed in the direction Cheng Chumo retreated.

But suddenly the army in front stopped.

This made Lun Keer in the rear feel strange, and immediately asked the people next to him what happened.

But no one knew what was going on until someone went to find out.

But at this time, a spy immediately reported back.

"Report! A large number of Great Tang cavalry were found fifteen miles ahead!"

"What? How many people?"

"It is estimated that there are more than [-] people!"

When the spies said that, Lun Cole was a little dazed.

Why did 3 people come? Could it be that they were prepared in advance.

At the same time, he didn't expect that this time they might wipe out their entire army.

"What, more than [-] people?"

Together with the Datang cavalry just now, there are nearly [-]
Then he sneered again.

"Hmph, what are more than [-] people! They dare to come, but I still dare to kill them! Let them see how powerful we are."

Then ordered again directly.

"Another [-] troops will be added to the front line. We will definitely defeat them this time and let them see how powerful our Tubo army is!"

Lun Keer still underestimated the power of nearly 4 people. It is not something that can be done by adding [-] troops.

In addition, the newcomer was an even more powerful general, and he had also been taught by Li Chengqian. This time, Cole would definitely lose.

(End of this chapter)

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