Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 104 Why Are People Born Unequal?

Chapter 104 Why Are People Born Unequal?

Yue Linglong was very surprised and envied Princess Bairuo even more in her heart.This kind of heaven and earth treasure can also be obtained easily.Princess Bai Ruo's starting point for alchemy is much higher than other people's.Not to mention other fairy grasses and materials.Why are people born unequal?The same is true for immortals?I have worked hard for tens of thousands of years until now, and I am about to be promoted to a god, and she was born a goddess, and she can get whatever she wants.There is too much difference between herself and Princess Bairuo.

"I don't know who it was refined for." Yue Linglong answered. "I heard that Princess Bai Ruo can also refine alchemy, but I don't know if her alchemy is good or not." Yue Linglong felt that although Princess Bai Ruo has so many advantages, the most important thing in alchemy is talent.Even if there are a lot of materials and talent is not enough, the elixir refined will not be top grade.Not bad at best.

"En." Mo Liran didn't continue to ask.Looking up at the last few catastrophes.

Haitang and Furong saw the abnormality of the sky from the very beginning.

"Furong, the concubine's pill has been refined successfully. The princess will wake up soon." Haitang said excitedly.

"Yes! The princess will wake up soon!" Furong also looked excitedly at the sky over the main hall.

Because the Queen Mother and Emperor Qinghua set up an enchantment, the two of them cannot leave Yaoruo Palace.He could only stay in the air and look towards the direction of the main hall.

The sky was completely dark.On the contrary, there are dazzling white enchantments one after another in the main hall of Yaochi.There are also many barriers outside Yaochi Palace.

"Boom! Boom!" Another bolt of lightning struck down.

The queen mother took out the staff and continued to strengthen the barrier.

"How many more?" Qingfeng Shangxian poked Feng Yizhe with his hand and asked.

"There are only two ways." Feng Yizhe kept counting.

A personal guard next to Mo Liran suddenly reported through thousands of miles of sound transmission that there was something abnormal in Yaoruo Palace, a palace in Yaochi Palace.There are two barriers protecting it.It seems to be the palace of Princess Bairuo.

"Why is there a secondary enchantment? Is there something ulterior in it?" Mo Liran was thinking about why.

"Go and attack and see what's going on!" Mo Liran ordered his subordinates.


So a group of people flew to Yaoruo Palace sneakily.

"Junior Sister, have you heard of Princess Bai Ruo?" Mo Liran asked with a smile.

When Yue Linglong heard what Mo Liran said, her expression changed.I don't know what Moliran means.The fact that the prince of the Tian clan refused to marry in public at the flat peach banquet because of his sweetheart and Princess Bairuo had already spread all over the world.She couldn't believe that Mo Liran hadn't heard of it.

"Junior Sister, don't misunderstand." Mo Liran looked at Yue Linglong's ugly face, and immediately opened his mouth to explain. "I'm just curious about Princess Bairuo."

"Princess Bai Ruo is quite beautiful. I heard that she is the number one beauty in the world!" After hearing Mo Liran's explanation, Yue Linglong's expression returned to normal.Although she felt that she was no worse than Princess Bairuo.But all the gods said so.

"In my opinion, Junior Sister is the number one beauty in the world!" Mo Liran said with a smile.

"Senior brother, I'm honored!" After hearing this, Yue Linglong lowered her head in embarrassment, but she agreed with Mo Liran's words in her heart.

"Young Master Li is right. Miss, you are much prettier than Princess Bai Ruo. If she wasn't the Queen Mother's daughter, no one would be so fond of her." Qing Qing praised Yue Linglong.

(End of this chapter)

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