Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 1402 We will protect you!

Chapter 1402 We will protect you!

Bei Mingyue and Di Qingyi also disliked the smell of man-eating ants.

"Qingyi, don't you think it smells bad?" Bei Mingyue sniffed around.

"You said it smells bad? Could it be that man-eating ant from today?" Di Qingyi thought back.They seem to have killed several together today.Di Qingyi took out his own Tsing Yi sword.

He leaned forward and smelled it.

"Ouch!" Di Qingyi quickly swung the sword away.Pour out the spiritual water from the magic weapon of space, and wash the sword vigorously.

"It really smells bad!"

Seeing Di Qingyi like that, Bei Mingyue burst out laughing. "Let me see mine...vomit..." Bei Mingyue couldn't help throwing up when she smelled the sour smell.He also quickly poured out the spiritual water, and scrubbed his Beiming sword fiercely.

"Why is this man-eating ant so stinky! It's so stinky! I can't wait to throw away my sword!" Bei Mingyue said in disgust.

Bai Ruo walked over with a smile.

"Man-eating ants live in this swamp forest, and feed on wild animals, various animals, and mosquitoes in the swamp forest. They also drink the water in the swamp forest. There are also a lot of mosquitoes in dark and humid places! They often eat It's something rotten, and after a long time, it will naturally smell bad."

"So that's how it is! Master, you know a lot!" Bei Mingyue was admiring Bai Ruo's answer.

"You two also consumed a lot of mana today. Hurry up and recover! There might be a fierce battle tonight!" Bai Ruo told Bei Mingyue and Di Qingyi.

"There will be fierce battles at night?" Bei Mingyue was shocked when she heard Bai Ruo's words.

"It's possible, there is no place to stay and rest here. In the swamp forest, man-eating ants and the like live in groups, and they must reproduce very quickly. Our side is so bright. As long as they see the light, they must We'll come over! But everyone hasn't fully recovered yet, and we can't leave right away..." Bai Ruo talked about her worries.

"Then what should we do? If there are more of them... we will all be injured?" Bei Mingyue became worried.

"It's okay! There are so many of us. We will protect you!" Bai Ruo looked at Bei Mingyue's cute appearance, and couldn't help but patted Bei Mingyue's head to comfort her.

"Mm! Master, Tsing Yi and I will practice now!" Bei Mingyue nodded immediately.She originally thought that she and Di Qingyi didn't consume any mana.There is no need to practice to restore much vitality.But when she heard what Master said, she really became afraid.If you encounter big waves of man-eating ants again.Then they must be in danger.If you can't help everyone deal with man-eating ants, at least you can't hold back!

The two immediately sat down and began to meditate.

Bai Ruo walked back to Bai Fu's side.

"What did you say to your two little apprentices?" Bai Fu asked Bai Ruo with a smile.

"Let them practice hard!"

"I always feel that this swamp forest is too quiet. Maybe there will be more man-eating ants. How is it possible that there are only a few monsters in such a big place." Bai Fu killed a lot of man-eating ants today.She washed her sword many times before returning it to the space magic weapon.

"Second Sister's guess is right. There must be a lot of man-eating ants here. It's just that they each have their own territory. Maybe it's not necessarily that they have gone out!" Bai Ruo agreed with Bai Fu.

"This man-eating ant is really disgusting. It's hard to kill, and the smell is so bad."

(End of this chapter)

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