Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 209 Promoted to Immortal

Chapter 209 Promoted to Immortal
Bai Ruo didn't fail to notice Di Mohan's change from Yulang Mountain.It's just that she is still very lost in her heart.What she thinks is the feeling like her two sisters.One pair for life people!There is no room for sand in her eyes!Her status would not allow her to accommodate a third person, and Di Mohan already had a lover, because Yue Linglong slapped him in the face in public, disregarding the tens of thousands of years of alliance between Yao Chi and Tianting, and disregarding the past 10 years of his mother's empress. Give heaven help.

He easily said about the divorce, but now he has another face like what do you want from me?It seems that in his eyes, he is a willful person. Have all the outstanding men from all over the world died?She Bairuo can only match him?Bai Ruo closed her eyes, not wanting to pay attention to Di Mohan's gaze.

"Boom!" "Boom!" The two thunders hit Qingfeng Shangxian and Feng Yizhe respectively.

This time, both of them had scars of varying degrees on their bodies. "Ah!" "Ah!" Both Qingfeng Shangxian and Feng Yizhe couldn't help shouting out.It hurts!

The place with the scar felt like thousands of ants biting, the pain was so painful that one couldn't help shivering.Qingfeng Shangxian and Feng Yizhe continued to stimulate their mana and stabilize their enchantment.Using power to repair the damage.

A few more hours passed, and the other six heavenly tribulations were over.The two of them were already as black as coke, with scars all over their bodies. For a moment, both of them felt that life would be better than death.But immediately dismissed the idea.Use all your strength to maintain your consciousness and persist!Hold on!As long as he perseveres through the last catastrophe, he will become a god from all over the world, and his lifespan will be extended by tens of thousands of years. As long as he keeps working hard, he may be promoted to God in tens of thousands of years!Both of them comforted themselves, thinking of all the good things to comfort themselves, but the pain was still so painful, the two of them exerted all their strength, persevered, and looked forward to the arrival of the last catastrophe.

"Boom!Although none were injured, many immortals were still taken aback.

"what happened?"

"Why are there so many scattered mines suddenly?"

"My barrier almost broke!"

"Scared me to death! I was hit by scattered thunder just a little bit ago!"

The dark clouds in the sky have completely turned into black clouds, and the entire sky is pitch-black.

"The last catastrophe is coming!" Qingfeng Shangxian said to Feng Yizhe. "The wind is easy to break! Both of us must persevere! Once this thunder is over! We will be reborn from Nirvana!"

"Yeah! Qingfeng! I will persist no matter what! I won't give up!" Feng Yizhe was talking, but his face was full of pain. He obviously wanted to laugh, but turned into a distorted state.Qingfeng Shangxian is not much better.

Bai Ruo and Di Mohan joined forces to draw the seal at this time, not for anything else but to save their lives.Because the guardians can't bear too many catastrophes on their behalf, and lead part of the catastrophes to Bai Ruo and Di Mohan.Keep both of them safe.

"Senior Brother Qingfeng, Senior Brother Six! You two don't have to worry, go all out!" Bai Ruo passed a secret voice to the two of you.

At the same time, Di Mohan also passed a secret message to the two of them, asking them to hold on to the last thunder.

(End of this chapter)

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