Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 217 Entering the 7th Realm Valley

Chapter 217 Entering the Valley of Seven Realms

Di Mohan was a little surprised when he heard Bai Ruo's words. It turned out that she was also worried about herself.Thinking that Bai Ruo's mana is not low, it won't be a burden to go in.He nodded and agreed.

The two stepped into the Seven Realms Valley together.

Yue Linglong gritted her teeth and looked at the backs of the two.If my mana is stronger, or if I break through earlier and become a god, then I can go in and accompany my brother to fight against the enemy today, instead of standing outside and waiting.

The Seven Realms Valley is a little different from the outside, like a cave.Everything in the cave is silver, and there are many colorful dream bubbles floating in the air.It looks very beautiful, if there is no danger, Bai Ruo really wants to appreciate it.

"Isn't it beautiful?" Di Mohan's voice sounded.

"Beauty is beautiful, but there are also many dangers." After Bai Ruo finished speaking, she carefully looked around.

A black shadow suddenly jumped out and directly fought with Di Mohan.

On Bai Ruo's side, there was also a black shadow rushing over.Bai Ruo immediately mobilized his mana to fight him.

"Prince of the Celestial Clan, farewell 3000 years ago, his mana has increased a lot." The person who fought against Di Mohan couldn't see his face clearly, he was surrounded by a cloud of black energy, and his words were extremely hoarse .

"Mo Liran, you escaped by chance 3000 years ago, and now you are here again. You are threatening the lives of so many immortal families. Today we will end the matter." Di Mo said coldly.

"It must be done. His Royal Highness is very happy now. Princess Yaochi and his sweetheart are all by his side. This time, I will make your heart ache." Mo Liran said with a big smile.

The one fighting Bai Ruo was a man with some edges and corners on his head, and his whole body was pitch black.The magic power is not too weak, every shot is a big cloud of black energy, Bai Ruo is fighting him with the Kunlun sword.

A big black ball appeared in the palm of Mo Liran's palm, with black ink lingering on it, and he hit Di Mohan straightly.

Di Mohan also concentrated his mana, and a white ball of spiritual power appeared in his palm. With a wave of his hand, he greeted Mo Liran's black ball.

"Boom!" A huge explosion sounded.A large crater several meters deep appeared on the ground where the two balls collided.And the dream bubbles around them were blasted to pieces by the powerful mana.

Bai Ruo felt that he couldn't procrastinate any longer, so he directly used the place of origin, condensed his magic power on the Kunlun sword, and directly attacked the man in black opposite him.

"Boom!" Although the man in black is powerful, how could he compare to Bai Ruo's mana.He was severely wounded by a sword and spit out a mouthful of black blood.

Bai Ruo wanted to take advantage of the victory to pursue, but the man in black turned into a cloud of black mist and ran away.

But on Di Mohan's side, he and Mo Liran fought inseparably.It wasn't that Emperor Mohan didn't want to go all out to clean up Mo Liran, but that the Seventh Realm Valley was only so big. If the mana damage was too large and the Seventh Realm Valley was directly destroyed at that time, those immortals would definitely be injured by their own mana.

"I can't see that Princess Bairuo's mana is pretty good. What a pity! If she recovers a few percent of her mana again, she will be promoted to God." Mo Liran chuckled.

"Stop talking nonsense!" Di Mohan continued to attack.He directly set up an enchantment where the two of them were, and planned to go all out when the fight broke out, so that the Seven Realms Valley would not be destroyed by then.

"Good idea! Do you think I will be fooled?" Mo Liran laughed and flew out of the barrier.

(End of this chapter)

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