Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 222 Kissed directly

Chapter 222 Kissed directly
After putting on his clothes, Di Mohan shouted to Jiu Baoer outside. "Jiu Baoer, I've finished washing!"

Jiu Baoer heard the voice and walked in.Looking up at Di Mohan, he was stunned.

The man in front of him was wearing a purple robe.Sword eyebrows, thin and lightly pursed lips, a handsome face with Chinese characters, cold and arrogant but somewhat domineering, exuding a strength that disdains the world.It's a pity that I can't see his eyes.Now his eyes are closed, but looking at him like this, his eyes must not be bad.What a pity.Hope he recovers.

Jiu Baoer recovered and put away the sink.Seeing the dirty clothes on the ground, Jiu Baoer froze for a moment. "Where did you get the clothes?"

"Although my mana has not recovered, the space magic weapon can still be opened. This clothes is placed in the space magic weapon." Di Mohan explained.

"Oh." Hearing that he could open the magic weapon of space, Jiu Bao'er's heart immediately settled down a lot.It seems that his immortal body was not completely injured.Should recover.Jiu Bao'er comforted herself.

Because Di Mohan was seriously injured, Jiu Baoer and Di Mohan stayed in the cave for nearly two months.It wasn't until Di Mohan recovered [-]-[-]% of his mana that Jiu Baoer took him out of the cave.

After leaving the cave, I didn't see anyone from the Demon Race anymore.However, the fairy beast still encountered many waves.Di Mohan had the strength to protect himself, and Jiubao'er had the confidence to fight the fairy beast.Along the way, I harvested a lot of immortal beast inner alchemy.

"Actually, this abyss is not bad, there are a lot of fairy grass, and the quality is also good. The quality of the inner alchemy of the fairy beast is also very good." Jiu Bao'er looked at his gains along the way with delight.

"You like the inner alchemy of fairy grass and fairy beasts. When I get better, I will give you whatever I find in the future!" Di Mohan said immediately when he heard Jiu Baoer say this.

"Okay! I like this. I can refine many, many pills then." Jiu Bao'er turned and looked at Di Mohan. "Also, you drank so much of my fairy wine. You don't pay me more fairy grass. I'm sorry." The fairy wine refined by Jiu Bao'er is also very helpful for restoring the body of the gods. Di Mohan's body If it weren't for Jiu Bao'er's elixir and celestial wine that had been nourishing.It is impossible to restore [-]% of mana in two months.

"Okay! I owe you too much! It's not clear yet! How about a promise with your body!" After finishing speaking, Di Mohan rushed over to hug Jiu Bao'er, and kissed him directly.

Di Mohan's right palm suddenly supported the back of her head, and his left hand tightly hugged her waist.The two thin lips pressed down forcefully.Kissing her sweet lips, the tip of his nose is filled with the fragrance of her body mixed with fairy wine, he only feels that he, who has always been calm and self-controlled, may lose control at any time.

"Uh! Uh!" Jiu Bao'er felt a sudden heat on her lips, and Di Mohan's scorching breath rushed towards her face.It took a while to wake up after being kissed by Di Mohan.Push him away hard. "You rascal, I was kind enough to save you, but you actually offended me!" Jiu Bao'er yelled at Di Mohan angrily.

"Jiu Baoer, I like you! When I get better! I will definitely marry you!" Di Mohan said loudly.

"I don't want to marry you!" Jiu Bao'er stomped her feet angrily.Although her face was flushed with anger, she felt sweetness in her heart.At this time, she didn't know that this was the feeling of heartbeat.

(End of this chapter)

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