Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 224 Do You Have Feelings For Me?

Chapter 224 Do You Have Feelings For Me?
In the past two months, he has known that she is a straightforward person who doesn't like vanity and hates cheating the most.And he concealed his identity from the beginning.If she knew that she was the prince of the heavenly clan, she might leave her immediately.

"I don't sympathize with you, your eyes will definitely be cured. I will find a way to cure your eyes when I get out of the abyss." Jiu Bao'er thought that his eyes would definitely be cured.She checked his eyes many times, but she couldn't find out what the problem was, so there was nothing she could do.But the queen mother and master will definitely have a way.

"Then tell me, do you have feelings for me?" Di Mohan decided to pursue the victory.Although Jiu Bao'er has a straightforward temper, but her heart is very fragile, if something goes wrong, she will immediately withdraw.

Jiu Bao'er didn't understand why Di Mohan had to ask for an answer.She herself didn't know what she was thinking.It feels like a mess in my head.

"Shall we talk after we get out of here first?" Jiu Bao'er decided to wait until he got out of the abyss before revealing his identity.She likes him. Over the past few days, although he feels indifferent to her, his heart is true to her.For a person like him, once he says he will marry him, it must be confirmed and will never change.As for my own identity, there are too many things involved.

"Okay!" Seeing that Jiu Bao'er has been unwilling to face it head-on, Di Mohan felt very sad.This is the first time he fell in love with someone.And it is determined to marry a person.He even made up his mind that no matter what Jiu Baoer's status was, he would fight for it in front of Tianjun and cancel the marriage contract that Tianjun made for him.He must give her a grand wedding.Let everyone know that she, Jiu Baoer, is Di Mohan's beloved.She is the princess of the Heavenly Clan.

"What's the matter with your eyes? I've tried many ways but I can't get rid of the poison." Jiu Baoer asked Di Mohan.

"I was poisoned by the demons. Although many of them were expelled, there are still many left in it. It will be fine when my mana is fully recovered." Di Mohan replied.

"That's good!" Jiu Baoer breathed a sigh of relief.

"How long will it take for us to get out of the abyss?" Jiu Bao'er asked Di Mohan.Originally, she knew the way out, but along the way, she was hunted down by demons and chased by fairy beasts.I don't know where I ran to.She herself was also a little confused and didn't know the way.I used to go out with Feng Yizhe.

"According to your description, this should be the Wangxing Valley of the Abyss. We will fly for another two days. We should reach the exit of the Abyss." Di Mohan listened to Jiu Baoer's description of the terrain and mountains, and concluded in conclusion.

"That's great! When I get out of the abyss, I'll take you back first, and then I'll go back to the teacher's gate." Jiu Bao'er decided to send the Buddha to the west.He is blind in both eyes. Although his mana has recovered by [-]%, it is still very inconvenient to move.When you get out of here, send him back. By the way, find out which sect he belongs to.

"Okay! Thank you, Bao'er!" Di Mohan thanked him with a smile after hearing this.He planned to tell her his identity when he got out of the abyss, and then take her directly back to the heaven.

Make it clear with your parents.He must marry Jiu Bao'er as his wife.

(End of this chapter)

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