Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 229 It's a pity that your sweetheart recognizes the wrong person

Chapter 229 It's a pity that your sweetheart recognizes the wrong person
Bai Ruo has been paying attention to the dangers around her all the time, she never imagined that Yue Linglong would have such an idea.

After a while, Bai Ruo and Yue Linglong met people from the Mozu.

"Haha, it seems that we have a lot of good fortune today, and we met two beautiful fairies!" The demon said with a big laugh.

"The young master asked us to search for the whereabouts of the gods, and sure enough we found two now."

"These two fairies are really beautiful!"

"I just don't know how it tastes!"

"Hahaha!" The demons laughed.

Bai Ruo raised his sword and fought them.Seeing this, Yue Linglong also found two weaker people to fight.If Bai Ruo was a god, it would be easy to deal with these demons, but Yue Linglong was besieged by several people.It was okay at the beginning, but the more they fought, the more flustered they became.The more flustered the more flaws.Soon Yue Linglong was injured.

"Fairy Linglong is good at practicing alchemy, but her magic power is far behind!"

"That's not, but as the sweetheart of the prince of the Tianzu, what's the use of having good mana, as long as someone protects him!"

"Yes, yes, yes! But there is no protection for her now!"

Seeing this, Bai Ruo had no choice but to fly over to help.With Bai Ruo's help, Yue Linglong calmed down to deal with the demons.

"Withdraw!" Seeing that the demons couldn't be beaten, they immediately turned into black smoke and flew away.

"Thank you Princess for saving my life!" Yue Linglong thanked Bai Ruo with a grateful face.

"Thank you, I'm sorry, you should be more vigilant. Don't hold back like this anymore. Otherwise, I won't bother you anymore." Bai Ruo coldly dropped these words and continued to fly forward.

"Yes!" Yue Linglong nodded in agreement.There was an expression of resentment on his face.She must find a chance to make Princess Bai Ruo never come out here again.

Everything in front of him suddenly changed again.The scene changed to the time when Emperor Mohan and Bai Ruo met in the land of the abyss.

Yue Linglong was dumbfounded when she saw it. "What's going on here?" Why did senior brother and Princess Bai Ruo appear on the screen.Moreover, the senior brother still had his eyes closed, and fell to the ground covered in blood and wounded.

Bai Ruo was also stunned. In the past 3000 years, some pictures would flash in her mind, but the pictures were very blurred and she couldn't see her face clearly.

"Princess Bai Ruo, does this picture look good?" Suddenly a voice came from mid-air.The screen stopped immediately.

"Don't be sneaky, come out if you have the ability!" Bai Ruo said to where the voice came from.

"Come out, of course I will!" Mo Liran, who was dressed in black, flew out with a smile. "We are old friends. We said goodbye 3000 years ago. It is a great honor to meet the princess today!"

"I saw you 3000 years ago?" Bai Ruo frowned and looked at Mo Liran.

"Of course, if it wasn't for you, the princess, how could I have been injured 3000 years ago?" Mo Liran laughed loudly. "It's a pity that your sweetheart recognizes the wrong person, what a pity!" Mo Liran said with regret. "But today you will be together again."

"I don't understand what you're talking about!" Bai Ruo didn't understand what Mo Liran was saying.Intuition that what he said is related to the picture he just saw.

"It's better if you don't understand! Fairy Linglong behind you can understand!" Mo Liran said with a smile. "Fairy Linglong, don't you feel guilty for having enjoyed the love of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince for the past 3000 years?"

When Yue Linglong heard what Mo Liran said, she dodged her eyes. "I do not know what you're talking about."

(End of this chapter)

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