Chapter 239

Seeing that the man's clothes were getting less and less, Bai Ruo desperately hugged the thin quilt, trembling, crawling and rolling down, trying to get out of here.

This is Bai Ruo's desperate struggle. Even if she knows that this place is bounded by a barrier, she can't get out, but seeing the fierce look on the man's face, she can't help but want to stay away from him, even if it's just for a moment. Even if it is futile in the end.

Di Mohan watched Bai Ruo struggle and did not stop him.

"If you don't want to be on the couch, you can do it on the ground."

The cold words made Bai Ruo feel cold all over, she turned her head to look at him in disbelief, and her movements of kicking her legs to get away from him became more urgent.The soft couch, which was obviously not too big, became far away when Bai Ruo wanted to avoid where Di Mohan was.

The pain in her chest forced her to bite her lower lip, struggling to avoid it.The surging blood was swallowed by her, and only the last light remained in her mind. She wanted to leave...

The man threw off the underwear on his body, and just when Bai Ruo was about to roll and collapse, he stretched out his hand to grab one of her feet. With a little force on his wrist, Bai Ruo turned over and was pulled back.

"Hmph..." Regarding Bai Ruo's pretentious dying struggle, Di Mo let out a cold voice, not feeling soft-hearted, but even more disgusted.

The thin quilt in Bai Ruo's arms was torn off impatiently by Di Mohan, and it fell down, lightly covering the messy clothes on the ground.

Seeing the thin quilt go away from him, Bai Ruo felt a pain in his chest, fresh blood flowed from his mouth again, and his handsome face magnified in front of his eyes.

Bai Ruo broke free from the palms of the man's grip on his hands, and with the sound of "pa", Di Mohan tilted his head, feeling the stinging pain on his face, and only later realized that he had been hit by Bai Ruo. If a slap in the face.

Di Mohan's face became even more angry, his hands directly suppressed Bai Ruo's hands, and his body sank. . . .

Bai Ruo stopped all the struggling, closed her eyes, and tears flowed down her cheeks.Mouth full of blood.She hates it, if she can go out, she will repay today's shame.

After a while, Di Mohan stopped, put on his clothes, looked at Bai Ruo with disdain and said. "As you wish, from today on you will be my real woman. From now on, you can be your concubine in Zixiao Palace." Throwing these words, Emperor Mohan said Step out.

When Xiao Ru and Xiao Yi came in, Bai Ruo was lying on the bed, looking at the bed curtain with tears on his face.

"Ma'am, would you like to get up and take a shower? Xiaoxian has prepared dinner, you can use some first?" Xiaoru and Xiaoyi asked in low voices while cleaning up the mess in the room.

"Get out!" Bai Ruo roared loudly.But nothing was heard.

Oh, he is such a strict person.How could he forget to give himself a ban on speaking?Now she can't get out of this door, and her injuries are getting worse today. She doesn't know how long it will take to heal the injuries on her body.The wounds on the body are easy to heal, but what about the wounds on the heart?The wound in her heart cannot be healed in this life. . .

Xiaoru and Xiaojian Bairuo had a grim expression on their faces, and they were also a little scared in their hearts.Quickly tidied up the hall and walked out.

"Xiao Yi, what do you think is wrong with the empress and His Royal Highness? The empress seems to have been injured again." Xiao Ru just raised her head inadvertently, and saw that there was blood on the corner of Bai Ruo's mouth, and her clothes were all torn. It's all sad.

(End of this chapter)

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