Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 241 Don't You Let Me Go In To See Her In Person?

Chapter 241 Don't You Let Me Go In To See Her In Person?

"Niang Niang," Xiao Yi didn't know how to answer Tian Fei. "His Royal Highness ordered that the concubine concubine should not be allowed out of the palace gate, and no one should be seen!"

"What's going on?" Tianfei immediately became angry when she saw the two immortals trembling non-stop, wanting to speak but not daring to speak. "I am the mother concubine of His Royal Highness, I can't even meet a concubine?"

"Immortal Concubine, forgive me!" Xiaoyi and Xiaoru immediately knelt down and kowtowed.

"You two, tell me the matter first." Tianfei didn't force her into the inner hall either.

Xiaoyi said the matter tremblingly.

The concubine Tian almost didn't come up in one breath. "Is she an ordinary fairy? Disfigured? Seriously injured? Are you happy to be favored by Han'er?" Her Han'er is the prince of the heavenly clan, the most honorable fairy in the world, a little concubine, Still can't see him?

"Go and drag her out!" The concubine Tian decided to teach this blind concubine a good lesson.

"Your Majesty, this..." Xiao Yi and Xiao Ru did not expect the Empress Tian Fei to give such an order. "His Royal Highness orders..."

"If there is anything I am protecting, how dare Han'er treat me as a concubine?"

Xiaoyi and Xiaoru still didn't dare to move, lying on the ground in fear.

"What? Do you still want me to go in and see her in person?" Tian Fei said with a cold snort. "If you don't go, then let Rou'er go!" Tian Fei looked at the female officer Rou'er beside her and said.

"Xiaoxian dare not! Xiaoxian will go immediately!" Xiaoyi dragged Xiaoru to the inner hall.

"Xiaoyi, what should I do?" Xiaoru said anxiously.Now the concubine concubine is still lying on the bed, her clothes are not neat.

"Let's go and change her clothes first, and then help her out to greet the concubine Tian." Xiaoyi thought for a while and decided.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Xiaoru immediately went to get a white dress and came over.

"Niang Niang," Xiao Yi stepped forward and called Bai Ruo.

Bai Ruo has been immersed in her own thoughts, very sad.Hearing Xiaoyi calling her, he was very upset at first, so he looked straight at Xiaoyi.eyes full of hostility,

"Get out!" she yelled silently.

"Empress, don't be angry. Xiaoru and I will change your clothes for you. Empress Tianfei is in the hall now, she wants to see you!" Xiaoyi hurriedly explained.

"Empress Tianfei?" After hearing this, Bai Ruo became agitated and sat up abruptly.The pain in her chest was unbearable, but she was very excited in her heart. The Empress Tianfei came, so she could be relieved.

"Your Majesty, you change into your clothes first. We will help you to see the Concubine Tian." Xiaoyi didn't understand why Bai Ruo looked at herself and Xiaoru with so much hostility just now, but was so angry when she heard the name of Concubine Tian. Excited.But if she can go to see the Concubine Tian obediently, she can explain herself easily.

Enduring the pain, Bai Ruo changed the clothes with the help of Xiao Ru and Xiao Yi.The two supported Bai Ruo and walked out.

The moment Concubine Tian saw Bai Ruo, she couldn't believe it.This person with such a big red scar on his face is his son's concubine?

When Bai Ruo saw Concubine Tian, ​​she immediately gestured excitedly.

"You fairy is so rude, you don't kneel down to pay your respects when you see the concubine Tian!" Xian'e Rou'er beside the concubine yelled at Bai Ruo loudly.

"Empress Tianfei, I'm Bai Ruo..." Bai Ruo gestured, trying to speak, but found that she couldn't even open her mouth.Everything I wanted to say turned into murmurs.

 Remember to pay attention to my new military marriage book starting in May: "Rebirth of Military Marriage: A Lover Who Can't Steal Time" is a very sweet article, a regret in this life, use words to turn this regret into a perfect ending.

(End of this chapter)

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