Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 257 Congratulations to the Return of the Two God Sovereigns

Chapter 257 Congratulations to the Return of the Two Divine Sovereigns
"En." After hearing this, Di Mohan didn't say much, turned around and went to the main hall to rest.

Xiaorou turned her head to look at Xiaoyi, "Are you trying to say that I'm making my own decisions?"

"No, Xiaoyi dare not!" Xiaoyi quickly replied. "It's just that the concubine concubine really has something to do with the crown prince..."

"What's the matter? If there is something, why doesn't she continue to call us to invite His Highness the Crown Prince?" Xiaorou said disdainfully.

"You..." Xiaoyi didn't expect Xiaorou to dare to speak like this.But I am a second-class fairy, and I dare not contradict a female official like Xiao Rou.

"Your Majesty sent me here just to supervise you and serve your Concubine Concubine well. As for other things, you don't have to worry too much about it." Xiaorou seems to regard herself as the master of the inner palace of Zixiao Palace.

Xiaoyi walks away silently, but in her heart she disagrees with Xiaorou's actions.But now she didn't dare to say anything more, if Xiao Rou reported to the Concubine Tian, ​​both herself and Xiao Ru would be replaced, and the situation of the Concubine Concubine would be even more difficult.

Qingfeng and Feng Yizhe looked at each other and smiled. "This time your time to cross the tribulation is actually about the same as mine!" Feng Yi Zhe said with a smile.

"Although 50 years is a long time in the world, but to the sky, it passes in a flash." Qingfeng looked at Feng Yizhe with more determination and maturity in his eyes.Temperament is not as escaped as before.

"I don't know if these Tianshi sisters have refined any good pills?" Feng Yizhe walked quickly to the gate of Yaochi Palace.

"See Lord Qingfeng and Lord Fengyizhe! Congratulations to the two gods on their return from calamities!"

"See Lord Qingfeng and Lord Fengyizhe! Congratulations to the two gods on their return from calamities!"

"See Lord Qingfeng and Lord Fengyizhe! Congratulations to the two gods on their return from calamities!"

The guards at the gate of the palace congratulated Qingfeng and Feng Yizhe one after another.Congratulations to them for their return.After being promoted to a god, it is called consummation after the calamity is over.Of course, there will be many catastrophes in the future.Only this time it's the most important.

Qingfeng and Feng Yizhe nodded and thanked everyone with a smile all over their faces.

Bei Mingyue received the news and ran from Yaoruo Palace to the gate of the palace.Seeing Qingfeng and Feng Yizhe shouted excitedly. "Uncle Qingfeng, Uncle Six, you are finally back!"

"Master and niece are very enthusiastic today!" Feng Yizhe said while looking at Bei Mingyue with a smile. "Is it too boring to stay in Yaoruo Palace for so many days?"

When Bei Mingyue heard what Feng Yizhe said, she laughed.Uncle Liu was indeed right. In the past few dozen days, she felt bored by herself.They are not allowed to leave the palace.

"Where's your master?" Feng Yizhe asked Bei Mingyue.

"Master and the prince of the Tianzu went to the extremely cold place to practice together, and they haven't come back now. There is no news! I want to go out of the palace to look for it, but my mana is low... I haven't been able to contact Master these days." Bei Mingyue said sadly.She really wanted to find Master Bai Ruo. She sent many messages with the Jade Messenger Card, but there was no reply.

"Can't get in touch?" Feng Yizhe frowned, "Let me try to get in touch!" Feng Yizhe opened the message jade tablet and began to send messages to Bai Ruo.After waiting for a while, there was no reply.

"Could it be that you are still in the extremely cold place and can't receive our news?" Feng Yizhe didn't give up, and tried several times.Waited for a long time, still no reply.

"Don't worry, we just came back, let's rest for a few days first, and then set off to find our junior sister." Seeing that the wind was easy to break, Qingfeng was a little anxious, and quickly persuaded him.

 I saw that many pro commented that it was too cruel and wanted to abandon the article.I'm also helpless, it's a sadistic essay, it's impossible to write a sweet pet essay, who made me feel bad recently.It adds a bit of cruelty.Just get used to it, abuse is healthier.Everyone comment a lot!Chapters and book circles, looking forward to your comments!Add more today!

(End of this chapter)

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