Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 259 Don't forget the original intention, work hard to move forward

Chapter 259 Don't forget the original intention, work hard to move forward

"Master is right!"

"Master Uncle said very well!" Qingfeng and Feng Yizhe nodded repeatedly.It is true that both of them had a great understanding after going through the catastrophe this time.

"I hope you two will not forget your original aspirations and work hard to move forward! Be an upright and kind god." Emperor Qinghua urged the two of them earnestly.

"Master's teachings, disciples have always kept in mind!"

"My uncle's teaching, my nephew has always kept it in my heart!"

After listening to Emperor Qinghua's teaching, Feng Yizhe couldn't help but said first. "Master, I heard that my junior sister went to practice together with the prince of the Heavenly Clan. When will she come back? Bei Mingyue said that she has been unable to contact her junior sister. My apprentice also tried to contact her just now, but it didn't work."

"I already knew about your junior sister. She is still in training. If you want to help her, you can go to the East."

"East? Master, just give me a direction. The East is so big, how do we know where Junior Sister is?" Feng Yizhe was very depressed.

"The heavenly secret must not be leaked. If you want to find it, go there, if you don't want to, you can make alchemy in Yaochi. Or go back to Miaoyan Palace!" Emperor Qinghua said seriously.

When Feng Yizhe saw that Master's face became serious, he immediately gave up. "I'll go find it! We'll set off tomorrow to find Junior Sister and help Junior Sister!" Feng Yizhe said with a smile. "Although the heavenly secrets must not be leaked, can you give me some hints, Master?"

"Huh?" Emperor Qinghua looked at Feng Yizhe with sharp eyes.

"Tu'er got it wrong!" Feng Yizhe pulled Qingfeng and ran outside.That speed surpassed anything he had ever done before.

"Feng Yizhe, what are you doing? Is Master Uncle so scary?" Qingfeng didn't understand why Feng Yizhe ran so fast.In his opinion, Uncle Shi has always been a very kind person.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Feng Yizhe coughed forcefully a few times. "My master is usually very kind, but that's for the younger sisters and the others. We brothers, we are not treated so well." Feng Yizhe thought of those miserable days when he was taught a lesson, and now he couldn't help but tremble.

Seeing Feng Yizhe's appearance, Qingfeng became curious. "Are you talking about how Master Shishu usually treats you?"

"What are you talking about?" Feng Yi gave Qing Feng a glare. "Should we set off now to find our junior sister in the East, or should we rest for a few days before we set off?"

"Go to the elixir shop to pack some fairy herbs and elixirs, and take them with you. Let's go today."

"it is good."

The two went back to the pill pharmacy, where they were packing up the grass jelly and elixir.

Bei Mingyue came in and saw them packing up their things, as if they were about to go out.Immediately stood in front of the two of them. "Two uncles, are you going out to find Master?"

"You are not good at learning, so you should stay in Yaochi and study hard." Feng Yizhe said with an air of an elder.

"The two uncles are gods now, and they must be better than Haitang and Sister Furong who taught me. I can learn more by following you. What's more, you two are so careless, can you find my master? "Bei Mingyue didn't listen to Feng Yizhe, and raised her head to refute Feng Yizhe's words.

"You're quite young, so you can talk quite well." Feng Yizhe didn't expect Bei Mingyue to say so much when he only said a few words. "It's okay to go out with us, you have to be obedient. Otherwise, you will be packed and sent back immediately."

"Thank you Uncle Six. I will be obedient." Bei Mingyue laughed happily when she heard Feng Yizhe agreed.

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(End of this chapter)

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