Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 264 1 Must make Princess Bai Ruo pay the price

Chapter 264 Make Princess Bai Ruo Pay The Price

"I'm no longer what I used to be, tell me, how can I get back to what I was before?" Yue Linglong yelled loudly at Xiaoyi.

"Fairy Linglong, you don't have to be too sad. His Royal Highness is the future emperor. You can't restore your appearance. That's because you are just a fairy now, and you don't have those top-quality fairy grasses. Natural recovery will be much slower. But you If you go back to the Heavenly Court, His Royal Highness will definitely try his best to restore your appearance. As long as your appearance is restored, everything will be easy. What's more, you have been hiding and your mana has only recovered [-]%. When will it be possible? What about being promoted to the rank of God?" Xiaorou persuaded Yue Linglong.

Yue Linglong actually wanted to see Di Mohan a long time ago, but she was afraid that if her appearance was damaged, Di Mohan would despise her.After hearing these words from Xiaorou, she felt that if she didn't go out again, everything might change by then.If you can't restore your appearance in this life, even if you are promoted to a god, what's the use?
"I also heard the news that after you disappeared, His Royal Highness took in a concubine, who is said to be a concubine who is also beautiful." Seeing that Yue Linglong couldn't make up her mind, Xiaorou directly threw out the most lethal concubine. a trick.

"What? This is impossible! Senior brother can't treat me like this!" Yue Linglong couldn't believe it when she heard it.How could the senior brother accept a concubine when his life and death were unknown.It is absolutely impossible for him to treat himself like this.

"I also heard what the master said. It has spread all over the world. It should not be false news. After all, you have been missing for more than eight months. His Royal Highness is the future emperor of heaven, and it is normal to accept a concubine."

"I don't believe it," Yue Linglong was shocked when she heard the news, senior brother could refuse to marry Yaochi for her, how could he accept a concubine? "I want to go out, I'm going to ask my senior brother, I don't believe it's true." Yue Linglong eagerly wanted to see Di Mohan, so she asked him what was going on.

"In that case, let's go." Xiaorou smiled when she heard that Yue Linglong wanted to leave here.She was adopted by the owner and has been growing here, rarely going out.Now the master sent her to follow Fairy Linglong. "The Lord sent me to Fairy Linglong, and told me to serve you well in the future."

"Your master gave you to me?" Yue Linglong was very happy when she heard Xiaoyi say this.This little dress has served me for several months, and it still suits my heart. Although Qingqing is also very good, her temper is too aggressive.It is easy to offend people.Now Qingqing is still in Beihua Palace, after she goes out, she must send a letter to let her come to Heaven.

"Yes! Fairy Linglong, you will be my master from now on." Xiaoyi saluted Yue Linglong respectfully.

"Get up!" Yue Linglong said with a smile. "If it weren't for you, I really might not be able to get through these few months. You can just call me Miss from now on. In my heart, you are the same as my sister. There is no need to be polite between us," Yue Linglong gently supported her. pick up the coat,

"Thank you miss! Xiaoyi will definitely be obedient in the future."

"Well, let's go!" Yue Linglong touched her face, making up her mind to leave this place, to face her senior brother, face all this!And Princess Bairuo, she must make Princess Bairuo pay the price.

(End of this chapter)

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