Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 280 You can't live, you can't die.

Chapter 280 You can't live, you can't die.

"Fairy Linglong heard that you are not in good health, so she specially sent you elixir and grass jelly to make you healthy!"

In this way, Yue Linglong is all right?Back to heaven well?
So what is the suffering I have suffered in the past few months?
Bai Ruo felt an excruciating pain in her chest.My eyes also began to blur.Now Yue Linglong returned to the heaven well, but she was seriously injured for several months, and was bullied by him to conceive a child, she couldn't live, she couldn't die.

Di Mohan, I wish I could kill you with my own hands.To repay the suffering I have suffered these past few months.

Obviously you have found someone, why do you still lock me up.

Bai Ruo was extremely angry and spit out a big mouthful of blood.

"Ah! What's going on here?" Xiaorou originally thought that the concubine concubine might be jealous when she heard Fairy Linglong gave her the elixir, but she never expected that concubine concubine's reaction would be so great.Fortunately, that Qingqing was not allowed in.Otherwise, the situation might be even more dangerous.

"Xiao Ru, hurry up and invite Immortal Physician Simu to come over!" Xiao Yi supported Bai Ruo, and told Xiao Ru to quickly invite someone. "Your Majesty, don't get excited. Eat this elixir, and be careful of the little Highness in your stomach."

Xiao Rou also panicked. "I'm going to invite His Royal Highness the Crown Prince!" After she finished speaking, she ignored the concubine in the inner hall and flew directly to the palace where Emperor Mohan handled government affairs.

Bai Ruohua sat on the ground, the scenes of the past few months kept flashing in her mind.Not a trace of sweetness, all pain.It was Di Mohan who caused all of this.She, Yue Linglong, attacked her unexpectedly, but she was unintentionally laid down by herself. It was her Yue Linglong who wanted to harm her with bad intentions, and she did it on her own.

Bai Ruo felt her heart ached, and she wanted to vent, but she couldn't.It turned out that she was the only one who was injured, and all of this was false. . .

Di Mohan was discussing things with the immortals in the hall when he suddenly felt a pain in his chest.

Di Mohan clutched his chest, why did it suddenly hurt?Could it be?Di Mohan's eyes flashed, and he strode out of the hall.

"His Royal Highness! It's bad! Something happened to the concubine concubine!" Xiao Rou was panting as she ran.Seeing Di Mohan immediately shouted.

"What's going on?" When Di Mohan heard that something happened to Bai Ruo, his heart suddenly felt uncomfortable.

"Fairy Linglong's maid sent some elixir, and when the concubine concubine heard about it, she suddenly vomited blood," Xiaorou didn't dare to arrange things randomly at this time.He answered honestly.

When Di Mohan heard that Bai Ruo vomited blood, he became even more anxious.Flying directly to Zixiao Palace at extreme speed.

"Your Majesty, let Simu Immortal Doctor check it out. We are very worried about your appearance." Xiao Ru and Xiaoyi are persuading Bai Ruo to let Simu Immortal Doctor examine you.

"Yes, ma'am, even if you feel unhappy in your heart, your highness is innocent. You have vomited blood, what if you hurt your highness?"

Bai Ruo struggled to refuse Immortal Doctor Simu's approach.

"What are you making trouble about again?" Di Mohan strode over, grabbed Bai Ruo's hand, and asked Bai Ruo in a cold voice.

When Bai Ruo heard Di Mohan's voice, a mocking smile appeared on his face.Up to now, he still looks like he owes him, and still feels that he is self-willed.

Bai Ruo ruthlessly shook off Di Mohan's hand. His eyes were full of hatred. "Get out! Don't let me see you! You liar!"

"Senior brother, I heard something happened to the concubine concubine?" Yue Linglong's anxious voice sounded, and she walked in quickly.

 Recommend a friend-Mo Qingyu "Cultivation of Immortals Entertainment Circle" Introduction: Serious cultivation of immortals, cross it out!nonexistent!We are serious entertainment circles!Cultivation?nonexistent!Our cultivation of immortals is like a joke.Do you know about the cultivation base of soaking feet?Do you know about hair loss?

(End of this chapter)

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