Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 283 Are you willing to raise a child?

Chapter 283 Are you willing to raise a child?
Di Mohan healed Bai Ruo's injuries for four full hours before he repaired her injuries from using her original power today.

Immortal Physician Simu made a elixir for nourishing the fetus and boiled it into a concoction, and walked in with it.

Xiaoyi stepped forward to take the decoction, intending to feed it to the imperial concubine.

When he came to him, Di Mohan reached out to take the soup.

Xiaoyi was stunned for a moment.

Seeing this, Yue Linglong became even more jealous.Open your mouth and say. "Senior brother, why don't I come. You haven't done this before..." Yue Linglong stretched out her hand to take the soup.

Di Mohan avoided Yue Linglong's hand. "No! I can do it!"

After speaking, Di Mohan sat down and put the soup on the bedside cabinet.Holding Bai Ruo in his arms with one hand.The other hand gently lifted the veil on Bai Ruo's face.

"Why is her face like this?" Yue Linglong couldn't help exclaiming when she saw that Concubine Shu's face also had burn scars.

Di Mohan didn't explain either, and just fed it one small spoonful after another.Until all the decoction was fed into Bai Ruo's mouth.Just put her down.

Yue Linglong guessed in her heart the origin of this concubine.Could it be that her senior brother met her in an extremely cold place?Otherwise, why did the brother accept her just after she disappeared?

"Senior brother, which sect does this concubine belong to?" Yue Linglong pretended to be curious and asked. "The scars on her face are similar to mine? Could it be that you rescued someone in an extremely cold place?"

Di Mohan thought many times before that after meeting Yue Linglong, he told her that he had tortured Bai Ruo for many months because of her.I will make Bai Ruo suffer the same pain you have suffered.But now, Di Mohan found that he couldn't say anything.Although it was indeed Bai Ruo who brought Linglong down.But Bai Ruo has also suffered for so long.

On the way back, Di Mohan struggled for a long time, thinking about what to do in this situation.Now that Bai Ruo has a big belly, let her go after giving birth?I don't know why, but when I think of her leaving me, I feel very uncomfortable.But she is the female monarch of Yaochi, so it is impossible for him to keep her forever.

Is it really like what I thought before?When she gave birth to a child, erase her memory of these times.The child stays in heaven?Then who will raise this child?I am busy with government affairs, and I cannot take my children with me at any time.Leave it to Linglong?She probably wouldn't want to either.What's more, children without mothers are too pitiful.

Seeing that Di Mohan didn't reply to her words, Yue Linglong wanted to ask again, but saw his calm face.I dare not ask again.

"Linglong, are you willing to raise a child?" Di Mohan asked.

"Raise a child?" Yue Linglong didn't understand what Di Mohan meant, and repeated what he said.

"Well, the child in the concubine's belly will be raised by you after birth. Do you want to?"

"I raise?" Yue Linglong didn't expect her senior brother to ask such a question.She was a little confused for a while.She hasn't become a side concubine yet, so she wants to raise this concubine's child? "Senior brother, is the concubine concubine in poor health?" Yue Linglong didn't understand why concubine concubine's child was raised by her?
"She doesn't want to stay here. After giving birth, she will return to her original place." Di Mohan glanced at Bai Ruo. "Forget it, let's send it to my concubine to raise it."

Yue Linglong heard what Di Mohan said.He spoke immediately. "Senior brother, I am willing. This is your child. I am willing to raise it. I just felt that it is not appropriate for me to raise this child with the concubine concubine around."

 Recommend a friend-Author: Zhang Muhan, "Supreme Phoenix Girl: Demon King of Pluto, Strong Kiss!" "

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  With natural supernatural power, it can be said that she can turn her hands into clouds and hands into rain, and she only needs to move her fingers to control everything in the world.

  The rare ancient formations and ten-thousand-year beasts are just props for her to upgrade, okay?

  It was just because Mao let her meet such a stalking, shameless and skinless man.

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(End of this chapter)

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