Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 310 I Will Raise Your Children Well

Chapter 310 I Will Raise Your Children Well
Yue Linglong thought for a long time, and finally decided to go to the inner hall to meet Bai Ruo for a while.Anyway, Princess Bai Ruo is now imprisoned, unable to speak, and her face is disfigured.Mana is also very weak.It's good to stimulate her by yourself.To vent the hatred in my heart.

Yue Linglong touched her face, it was as smooth as before, but if the spell fails, then she will return to that ugly appearance.Yue Linglong walked into the inner hall nervously.

"Xiaorou has seen Fairy Linglong!"

"Xiao Ru has seen Fairy Linglong!"

"A small comment on Fairy Linglong!"

"Well, let me come and see the concubine concubine." Yue Linglong said with a smile.

"Fairy Linglong please!" Xiaorou dared not refuse Yue Linglong.He smiled and invited her in.

"I want to have a private conversation with the concubine concubine. The three of you just stay outside the hall." Yue Linglong said with a smile, but her tone was undeniable.

"This..." Xiaorou hesitated.

"What? Our young lady will be a side concubine in the future, don't you feel at ease even talking to concubine concubine?" Qingqing immediately questioned loudly.

"Xiaorou dare not! Fairy Linglong please come inside." Xiaorou hesitated for a while, still afraid of Yue Linglong, and decided to let Yue Linglong in.

Xiaoru and Xiaoyi are very worried.Just about to speak, Xiao Rou stopped them. "Fairy Linglong just said a few words to the side concubine, do you want to be punished?"

Xiaoru and Xiaoyi had no choice but to stand at the gate of the hall.

Qingqing and Yue Linglong entered the inner hall, Xiaoyi stood guard at the entrance of the inner hall.

When Yue Linglong entered the inner hall, Bai Ruo could sense her breath.Seeing Yue Linglong, Bai Ruo's eyes immediately looked at her like a knife's edge.

Yue Linglong was a little scared, but thinking of Bai Ruo's identity now, she couldn't help but smile.

"Am I calling you Concubine Concubine? Or Princess Bairuo? That palm of yours knocked me down, causing me to suffer for eight months. Do you know the pain of the burn? Those days and nights How did I spend the night?"

Yue Linglong said to Bai Ruo bitterly, "It's all you! But looking at you now, I feel much more comfortable. I think I can show you this. Make you give up!"

Yue Linglong revealed the scene in the phantom mirror.

Bai Ruo watched the conversation between Di Mohan and Yue Linglong.Seeing Di Mohan admitting everything, and hearing Yue Linglong asking Di Mohan. "Brother, did you really plan to hand over the child to me to raise?"


If the words before, Bai Ruo was just angry, but after seeing the words after, Bai Ruo.Immediately furious.He actually wants to give the child to Yue Linglong to raise?Why?What qualifications does he have to give her child to Yue Linglong to raise?
"Princess Bai Ruo, you are a majestic woman of the Yaochi, but you have come to this state. Thinking of the suffering you made me suffer, and looking at you now, I really feel relieved!" Yue Linglong said proudly. "Don't worry, I will raise your child well, and I will definitely let him live happily when the time comes."

"Boom!" Bai Ruo slapped Yue Linglong directly.

What Yue Linglong said just now was to anger Princess Bai Ruo, and she deliberately asked Bai Ruo to attack her.She deliberately didn't dodge, and was knocked down to the ground by Bai Ruo's palm.

"Concubine concubine, my lady came to see you kindly, how could you hurt my lady?" Qingqing shouted loudly.

Xiaoyi had already sent a little maid to know His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

 The next few chapters are about jumping to Zhuxiantai. . . . . . .Please send your recommendation tickets up!comment!

(End of this chapter)

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