Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 326 You are presumptuous!How dare you do this to me!

Chapter 326 You are presumptuous!How dare you do this to me!

"How could there be me in the book of life and death? I am an immortal, and I will soon be the prince's side concubine!" Yue Linglong said loudly.What the hell is going on here?Why isn't her soul in heaven?Where did her fairy body go?How could he come to the underworld?

"The time is coming! Fairy Linglong, please don't embarrass us!" Hei Wuchang looked at Yue Linglong's crazy appearance, and his expression was very bad.They have seen too many immortals and immortals, which one would not honestly go to Naihe Bridge to drink Mengpo soup.Why is she so grumpy even though she is an immortal.He also said that he will be the side concubine of the crown prince soon, and His Royal Highness the crown prince quietly went down to the world to experience calamity.What are you, an ordinary Shangxian?
So Hei Wuchang impatiently tied up Yue Linglong's immortal soul with an immortal rope, and walked towards the underworld with him.

"You are presumptuous! How dare you treat me like this!" Yue Linglong was tightly bound by the fairy rope, and was pushed forward by Black and White Wuchang hands.I felt greatly wronged in my heart.No one has dared to treat her like this before, let alone a few little fairies in the lower realm.

Yue Linglong was pushed away for a while, but she didn't dare to shout anymore.I had no choice but to walk obediently ahead.

Could it be that the senior brother is still awake after being injured?So I was angered by Tianjun?Push yourself into the mortal world?Yes, it must be like this, otherwise how could my soul suddenly come to the underworld?Thinking of this, Yue Linglong couldn't help hating her even more, because she didn't have such a good family background as Princess Bairuo.Otherwise, who would dare to treat themselves like this?

When she arrived in the underworld, Yue Linglong became a little scared when she saw those frying pans and the criminal law. She recalled those months in the extremely cold place.She touched her face.Discovery is smooth.I couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Seeing countless people walking forward in line, Yue Linglong couldn't help feeling a little sad.Where will she go?Ordinary people?Or a royal relative?What will happen?
After queuing for a long time, Yue Linglong followed the crowd step by step.Black and White Wuchang has been standing not far away and staring at her.It seems that she is like a prisoner.She looked very angry, but there was nothing she could do.She thought to herself, after she survived the catastrophe, she recovered her memory.We must clean up these two people in the future.Otherwise, it would be hard for her to get rid of the hatred in her heart.

Finally, it was almost the end, Yue Linglong saw an old woman with gray hair at the end of the line, and she kept mumbling. "Drinking Mengpo soup, you can get rid of the old dreams, and break the cause and effect."

Everyone drank the bowl of Mengpo soup.However, some people wanted to escape secretly, but they jumped off the Wangchuan River at their feet and disappeared without a trace.Some people didn't want to drink Mengpo soup, but they were forced to drink it.

"Here!" Po Meng handed Yue Linglong a bowl of Po Meng soup.Yue Linglong looked at the dusty bowl and felt extremely disgusted.There was also a look of disgust on his face.

"The time has come! Drink it quickly! Don't hinder the reincarnation of the people behind!" Po Meng was very displeased to see Yue Linglong like this.This is a bowl transformed by spells, and it's not something that can be reused.

Yue Linglong was yelled at by Po Meng, with a very ugly face, she drank it fiercely.

"Hurry up and go forward! Enter the road of reincarnation! The people behind come to drink Meng Po soup!" If Meng Po didn't see her as a Shangxian, her tone would definitely be worse.For so many years, no god has ever disliked his bad taste.But such a Shangxian despises him like this.

 The weather is good, add another chapter!
(End of this chapter)

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