Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 341 Birthday Gifts

Chapter 341 Birthday Gifts
Seeing that the table is full of his favorite pastries, Bai Ruo's mood is indescribably beautiful.

"Little sister, look at how kind your mother is to you! There are so many delicious foods! Many of them are cooked for you by your mother herself." Bai Yunyang said in a slightly sour tone.

"Is the second brother jealous? Are you envious?" Bai Ruo also forgot where she heard this word, but she remembered it firmly in her heart. When she heard Bai Yunyang speak at this moment, she asked directly .

"Hahaha!" Bai Li couldn't help laughing.

Yun Nuan also laughed.Princess Ruyu and Ming Lan also laughed softly.

Bai Yunyang was originally teasing the younger sister, but Bai Ruo didn't expect to say such a thing.Immediately, his face flushed red! "Why am I envious!" Bai Yunyang smiled and patted Bai Ruo's head.My little sister would actually answer herself like this.

"This is a gift from my second elder brother and second sister-in-law! Do you like it?" Bai Yunyang took out a wooden box from behind, opened it, and inside was a set of jade carvings of different zodiac signs.They are all made of Hetian Baiyu.

"Very beautiful! Thank you second brother and second sister-in-law!" Bai Ruo thanked with a smile.

"Ruo'er, this is a gift from sister-in-law!" Princess Ruyu also took a wooden box from the maid.Inside were a pair of small bracelets, a jade pendant, and half a box of beads.They are all in excellent condition,

"Thank you sister-in-law!" Bai Ruo also liked the gift from sister-in-law very much.

On the other hand, Bai Li prepared two maids who knew martial arts for Bai Ruo.In the past, the daughter was at home and basically stayed at home. Although some ministers guessed what the empress was thinking, but because the daughter seldom went out and was not so conspicuous, now the emperor and empress are so obvious at the palace banquet, naturally many people will There is an account.People who have conflicts will definitely resort to tricks. It turned out that they spoiled their daughter too naively, and they must teach her to beware of these conspiracies in the future.There are two maids who know martial arts, so it will be more secure in terms of safety.

"Slaves Xiaohong and Xiaolu have met Miss!" Xiaohong and Xiaolu stepped forward to salute Bai Ruo.The two of them were selected from the hidden guards of the Bai family.

"This is the martial girl that father prepared for you. She will protect you in the future!" Bai Li said to Bai Ruo with a smile.

"A maid who knows martial arts?" Bai Ruo opened her eyes wide when she heard Bai Li's words.Both my father and my second brother are good at martial arts, and I am very envious when I see it. I once wanted to learn martial arts, but my father said it was too hard to let me learn.Now there are two maids who know martial arts, so can I learn it secretly in the future?
"As long as you like it!" Bai Li looked at his little daughter's happy face, knowing that he had given the right gift, and he became even happier.

"Master, madam! Madam Su in the palace has brought you a birthday gift for Miss!" Madam Bai strode in to report.

"Su Nanny sent a congratulatory gift?" Yun Nuan didn't expect that Empress Su would actually send Su Nanny to give a congratulatory gift.This sixth birthday is not a big birthday, it seems that Empress Su and the others really miss their daughter very much!

"Please come in!"

"I've seen Lord Shoufu, Madam, Princess Ruyu, County Lord Baozhu, Lord Minister, and Second Madam!" Mother Su smiled and saluted everyone as soon as she came in!
"Su Nanny is free! Why are you here today!" Yun Nuan smiled and stepped forward to help Su Nanny.

"The Empress is very fond of County Lord Baozhu, knowing that today is the birthday of County Lord Baozhu, so she sent her servants to bring her birthday presents!" Mother Su replied with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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