Tian Fei Bai Ruo

Chapter 396 and the wedding ceremony 2

Chapter 396 and the wedding ceremony 2
Bai Ruo is a symbolic righteousness for Xu Wei.Xu Wei got up, and the guests congratulated Xu Wei.

"Congratulations to Miss Xu and Yan Licheng!"

Mrs. Xu took Xu Wei and everyone together to thank them.

After the banquet, the wives left with their daughters!

Yun Nuan talked to Mrs. Xu for a while longer.Bai Yunlang and Xu Wei's wedding date was set on the eighth day of the first lunar month.It was a good day for Qin Tianjian, and Emperor Tianqi bestowed a marriage on it.

"Old lady, after a few years, we will be in-laws!" Yun Nuan said to Mrs. Xu with a smile.

"Yes! When the time comes, Wei'er will have to take care of you a lot. She is very soft-tempered. If there is anything wrong, you can teach me a lesson!" Mrs. Xu said, looking at Xu Wei kindly.

"The old lady is serious, I will treat everyone equally. I will definitely treat her well!" Yun Nuan also looked at Xu Wei with satisfaction.

Everyone laughed!Princess Ruyu and Ming Lan also expressed their kindness to Xu Wei.The Xu family is 1 satisfied with Xu Wei's marriage to the White House.With such a harmonious family, there is only the Bai family in the entire capital.

After returning from the Xu Mansion, the reputation of the Lord Baozhu is much better than before.Although it is still said that the body is a little weak, it is no longer the kind of saying that the life is not long.And behave in a decent manner.No cover up.Many wives feel that she is indeed a lady of a rich family, and she has the demeanor of a famous family.Everyone was planning to invite the Lord Baozhu to come when they held a banquet at home.

After returning to the White Mansion, Yun Nuan discussed with everyone.

"Ruyu, this time when your third younger brother married a daughter-in-law, your mother will leave everything to you to take care of. Your younger brother and sister Minglan will help and your mother will take care of it. You should also study hard. In a few years, Donger When they grow up, it's time for you to adopt a daughter-in-law."

"What mother said is very true! I listen to mother!" Princess Ruyu has managed the entire White Mansion very well in the past few years.

Yun Nuan looked at Bai Ruo again, "I will find a time in the next year, and my mother will also hold a flower viewing banquet for you. When the time comes, call the little sisters who are close to you. No matter what, you always have a few handkerchiefs. handed over."

Bai Ruo nodded. "I listen to the mother!"

"Well! Then it's decided like this! Starting tomorrow, we will arrange things for the New Year, and we have been preparing for Yun Lang's marriage for two years. We will take care of everything again. The yard has also been repaired. No mistakes can be made! "

"Mother, don't worry! The daughters-in-law will definitely do their best!" Princess Ruyu and Minglan said immediately.

Yun Nuan nodded in satisfaction.

Madam Su, who was sent by Empress Su to watch the ceremony, reported to Empress Su the words and deeds of the young ladies at the Jiji ceremony.

"In this way, the princess of Baozhu County really has the demeanor of everyone?" Queen Su listened to Madam Su's words.

"That's true. It seems that the rumors are indeed not credible. This time, many wives are talking about it. They were misled by the rumors before. Now seeing the performance of Baozhu County Lord, it is indeed completely different from the rumors." Madam Su Mammy said with a smile.

Empress Su nodded. "Since this is the case, in the future, we will find more opportunities for Han'er and the Lord Baozhu to get in touch with each other more. There are only three years left! We must make things happen. Otherwise, if Concubine Liu Gui gets the first chance, our chances of winning will definitely be much lower. "

"Your Majesty is right!"

East Palace
Crown Prince Mo Han listened to the report from the dark guard.Not long ago, he let the hidden guards begin to understand Miss Chen's every move.The princess of Baozhu county was attached after the queen mother talked with him.I don't know why, but when he heard his mother's analysis that the Lord Baozhu was unwilling to marry him, he was very angry.

(End of this chapter)

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